File: DEP-11
Version: '0.12'
Origin: ubuntu-bionic-security-universe
MediaBaseUrl: http://appstream.ubuntu.com/media/bionic-security
Priority: 20
Time: 20190921T062349
Type: desktop-application
ID: sweethome3d.desktop
Package: sweethome3d
  C: Sweet Home 3D
  C: Interior design Java application for quickly choosing and placing furniture on a house 2D plan drawn by the end-user
    with a 3D preview
  de: Innenraumplaner zum Auswählen und Platzieren von Möbeln auf einem 2D-Hausplan mit 3D-Vorschau
  de: >-
    <p>Sweet Home 3D ist eine Java-Anwendung zur schnellen Auswahl und Platzierung von Mobilar in einer 2D-Hausansicht, die
    vom Benutzer erstellt wurde, mit 3D-Ansichtsfunktion.</p>
  sl: >-
    <p>Sweet Home 3D is an interior design Java application for quickly choosing and placing furniture on a house 2D plan
    drawn by the end-user, with a 3D preview.</p>
  uk: >-
    <p>Sweet Home 3D — Java-застосунок дизайну інтер’єру кінцевим користувачем з швидким вибором та розміщенням меблів у 2D-плані
    будинку з можливістю 3D- перегляду.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Sweet Home 3D is an interior design Java application for quickly choosing and placing furniture on a house 2D plan
    drawn by the end-user, with a 3D preview.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Sweet Home 3D is an interior design Java application for quickly choosing and placing furniture on a house 2D plan
    drawn by the end-user, with a 3D preview.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>Sweet Home 3D — это программа для дизайна интерьера, позволяющая выбирать элементы мебели и помещать их на план дома,
    нарисованный пользователем, с возможностью просмотра результата в 3D.</p>
  tr: >-
    <p>Sweet Home 3D is an interior design Java application for quickly choosing and placing furniture on a house 2D plan
    drawn by the end-user, with a 3D preview.</p>
  es: >-
    <p>Sweet Home 3D is an interior design Java application for quickly choosing and placing furniture on a house 2D plan
    drawn by the end-user, with a 3D preview.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Sweet Home 3D est une application de design intérieur en Java qui permet de choisir et de placer rapidement des meubles
    sur un plan de maison en 2D dessiné par l&apos;utilisateur, et d&apos;afficher une vue en 3D du plan.</p>
  gl: >-
    <p>Sweet Home 3D é un aplicativo de deseño de interiores escrita en Java para escoller e colocar mobiliario rapidamente
    sobre o plano dunha casa en 2D e con vista previa en 3D.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>Sweet Home 3D is an interior design Java application for quickly choosing and placing furniture on a house 2D plan
    drawn by the end-user, with a 3D preview.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>Sweet Home 3D is an interior design Java application for quickly choosing and placing furniture on a house 2D plan
    drawn by the end-user, with a 3D preview.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Sweet Home 3D è un&apos;applicazione Java per disegno di interni per permettere all&apos;utente finale di scegliere
    e collocare velocemente mobili in una planimetria 2D di una casa, con un&apos;anteprima 3D.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Sweet Home 3D er et indretningsprogram for hurtig valg og placering af møbler i et hus på 2D-niveau tegnet af slutbrugeren
    med en 3D- forhåndsvisning.</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>Sweet Home 3D is an interior design Java application for quickly choosing and placing furniture on a house 2D plan
    drawn by the end-user, with a 3D preview.</p>
- Graphics
- 2DGraphics
- 3DGraphics
  - interior
  - design
  - 2D
  - 3D
  - home
  - house
  - furniture
  - java
  - name: sweethome3d_sweethome3d.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: sweethome3d_sweethome3d.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - sweethome3d.desktop
  - application/sweethome3d
Type: desktop-application
ID: geogebra.desktop
Package: geogebra
  C: GeoGebra
  de: Erstellen Sie interaktive Konstruktionen und Applets.
  pt_BR: Crie construções matemáticas interativas e applets.
  C: Create interactive mathematical constructions and applets.
  el: Δημιουργήστε αλληπειδραστικές μαθηματικές κατασκευές και applet.
  cs: Vytvořte interaktivní konstrukce a aplety.
  hi: संवादात्मक गणितीय निर्माण और एप्लेट बनाएँ
  fr: Créer des constructions mathématiques et des appliquettes.
  hu: Interaktív matematikai szerkesztések és appletek létrehozása.
  it: Creazione di costruzioni matematiche e applet interattive.
  de: >-
    <p>GeoGebra is a dynamic geometry program. You can do constructions with points, vectors, segments, lines, conic sections
    as well as functions and change them dynamically afterwards. On the other hand, equations and coordinates can be entered

    <p>Unterstützt werden viele geometrische Konstruktionen, sowie zahlreiche rechengestützte Methoden (Ableitungen, oskulierender
    Kreis, ...).</p>

    <p>GeoGebra-Dateien lassen sich in viele verschiedene Formate exportieren oder als interaktive Applets in Webseiten einbinden.</p>
  zh_CN: >-
    <p>GeoGebra is a dynamic geometry program. You can do constructions with points, vectors, segments, lines, conic sections
    as well as functions and change them dynamically afterwards. On the other hand, equations and coordinates can be entered

    <p>Support for many geometric constructions is provided, as well as support for many calculus-based tools (derivatives,
    osculating circle, ...).</p>

    <p>GeoGebra 的文件可以以多种格式导出,也可以作为交互式的小工具放到网页中。</p>
  sk: >-
    <p>GeoGebra is a dynamic geometry program. You can do constructions with points, vectors, segments, lines, conic sections
    as well as functions and change them dynamically afterwards. On the other hand, equations and coordinates can be entered

    <p>Support for many geometric constructions is provided, as well as support for many calculus-based tools (derivatives,
    osculating circle, ...).</p>

    <p>Súbory GeoGebra možno exportovať do mnohých formátov alebo ako interaktívne aplety webových stránok.</p>
  pt_BR: >-
    <p>GeoGebra is a dynamic geometry program. You can do constructions with points, vectors, segments, lines, conic sections
    as well as functions and change them dynamically afterwards. On the other hand, equations and coordinates can be entered

    <p>Support for many geometric constructions is provided, as well as support for many calculus-based tools (derivatives,
    osculating circle, ...).</p>

    <p>Ficheiros do GeoGebra podem ser exportados em muitos formatos diferentes, ou como applets interactivos para páginas
    de rede.</p>
  pt: >-
    <p>GeoGebra is a dynamic geometry program. You can do constructions with points, vectors, segments, lines, conic sections
    as well as functions and change them dynamically afterwards. On the other hand, equations and coordinates can be entered

    <p>Support for many geometric constructions is provided, as well as support for many calculus-based tools (derivatives,
    osculating circle, ...).</p>

    <p>Ficheiros do GeoGebra podem ser exportados em muitos formatos diferentes, ou como applets interactivos para páginas
    de rede.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>GeoGebra is a dynamic geometry program. You can do constructions with points, vectors, segments, lines, conic sections
    as well as functions and change them dynamically afterwards. On the other hand, equations and coordinates can be entered

    <p>Support for many geometric constructions is provided, as well as support for many calculus-based tools (derivatives,
    osculating circle, ...).</p>

    <p>GeoGebra files can be exported in many different formats, or as interactive applets for web pages.</p>
  uk: >-
    <p>GeoGebra є програмою динамічної геометрії. Ви можете робити побудови з точками, векторами, лініями, конічними перетинами,
    а також функціями й згодом змінювати їх динамічно. З іншого боку, рівняння та координати можуть бути введені безпосередньо.</p>

    <p>Забезпечена підтримка багатьох геометричних побудов, а також підтримка багатьох інструментів, заснованих на обчисленнях
    (похідні, дотичне коло, …).</p>

    <p>Файли GeoGebra можуть бути експортовані в безліч інших форматів або представлені у вигляді інтерактивних аплетів веб-сторінок.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>GeoGebra is a dynamic geometry program. You can do constructions with points, vectors, segments, lines, conic sections
    as well as functions and change them dynamically afterwards. On the other hand, equations and coordinates can be entered

    <p>Support for many geometric constructions is provided, as well as support for many calculus-based tools (derivatives,
    osculating circle, ...).</p>

    <p>GeoGebra files can be exported in many different formats, or as interactive applets for web pages.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>GeoGebra — это система динамической геометрии. Вы можете делать построения с точками, векторами, линиями, коническими
    сечениями, а также функциями и впоследствии изменять их динамически. С другой стороны, уравнения и координаты могут быть
    введены напрямую.</p>

    <p>Обеспечена поддержка многих геометрических построений, а также поддержка многих элементарных инструментов, основанных
    на дифференциальном и интегральном исчислении (производные, соприкасающаяся окружность, ...).</p>

    <p>Файлы GeoGebra могут быть экспортированы во множество других форматов или представлены в виде интерактивных веб-страниц.</p>
  gl: >-
    <p>O GeoGebra é un programa de xeometría dinámica Pódense crear construcións con puntos, vectores, segmentos, liñas e
    seccións cónicas, así como funcións e modificalas dinamicamente máis tarde. Por outra banda, pódense introducir directamente
    ecuacións e coordenadas.</p>

    <p>Inclúense capacidades para moitas construcións xeométricas, así como para moitas ferramentas baseadas no cálculo (derivadas,
    círculo osculador,...).</p>

    <p>Os ficheiros do GeoGebra pódense exportar a moitos formatos diferentes ou como miniaplicativos interactivos para páxinas
  tr: >-
    <p>GeoGebra dinamik bir geometri programıdır. Noktalar, vektörler, parçalar, çizgiler, konik bölgeler ile birlikte fonksiyonlarla
    inşa yapabilir ve ardından dinamik olarak değiştirebilirsiniz. Aynı zamanda eşitlik ve koordinatlar doğrudan girilebilir.</p>

    <p>Çoğu kalkülüs tabanlı araçların (türevler, temas çemberi, ...) yanında sağlanan birçok geometrik yapılar için destek.</p>

    <p>GeoGebra dosyaları çoğu farklı biçimde veya web sayfaları için etkileşimli uygulamalar olarak aktarılabilir.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>GeoGebra is a dynamic geometry program. You can do constructions with points, vectors, segments, lines, conic sections
    as well as functions and change them dynamically afterwards. On the other hand, equations and coordinates can be entered

    <p>Support for many geometric constructions is provided, as well as support for many calculus-based tools (derivatives,
    osculating circle, ...).</p>

    <p>GeoGebra files can be exported in many different formats, or as interactive applets for web pages.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>GeoGebra est un logiciel de géométrie dynamique. Vous pouvez faire des constructions avec des points, des vecteurs,
    des segments, des droites, des coniques ainsi que les fonctions et les modifier dynamiquement par la suite. D&apos;autre
    part, les équations et les coordonnées peuvent être entrées directement.</p>

    <p>De nombreuses constructions géométriques sont prises en charge, ainsi que de nombreux outils basés sur le calcul différentiel
    (dérivées, cercle osculateur, …).</p>

    <p>Les fichiers GeoGebra peuvent être exportés dans différents formats, ou sous forme d&apos;applets interactifs pour
    les pages web.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>GeoGebra is a dynamic geometry program. You can do constructions with points, vectors, segments, lines, conic sections
    as well as functions and change them dynamically afterwards. On the other hand, equations and coordinates can be entered

    <p>Support for many geometric constructions is provided, as well as support for many calculus-based tools (derivatives,
    osculating circle, ...).</p>

    <p>GeoGebra files can be exported in many different formats, or as interactive applets for web pages.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>GeoGebra è un programma geometrico dinamico. È possibile creare costruzioni con punti, vettori, segmenti, linee, sezioni
    coniche come anche funzioni e successivamente modificarle dinamicamente. D&apos;altra parte le equazioni e le coordinate
    possono essere inserite direttamente.</p>

    <p>È fornita la gestione di molte costruzioni geometriche, come anche la gestione per molti strumenti basati sull&apos;analisi
    matematica (derivate, cerchio osculatore, ...).</p>

    <p>I file di GeoGebra possono essere esportati in molti formati differenti o come applet interattive per pagine web.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>GeoGebra er et dynamisk geometriprogram. Du kan udføre konstruktioner med punkter, vektorer, segmenter, linjer, koniske
    afsnit samt funktioner og ændre dem dynamisk efterfølgende. På den anden side kan ligninger og koordinater indtastes direkte.</p>

    <p>Understøttelse for mange geometriske konstruktioner tilbydes samt understøttelse for mange værktøjer baseret på infinitesimalregning
    (deriviater, oskulerende cirkel, ...).</p>

    <p>GeoGebra-filer kan eksporteres til mange forskellige formater, eller som interaktive programstumper for internetsider.</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>GeoGebra is a dynamic geometry program. You can do constructions with points, vectors, segments, lines, conic sections
    as well as functions and change them dynamically afterwards. On the other hand, equations and coordinates can be entered

    <p>Support for many geometric constructions is provided, as well as support for many calculus-based tools (derivatives,
    osculating circle, ...).</p>

    <p>GeoGebra files can be exported in many different formats, or as interactive applets for web pages.</p>
- Education
- Math
  - name: geogebra_geogebra.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: geogebra_geogebra.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - application/vnd.geogebra.file
  - application/vnd.geogebra.tool
Type: desktop-application
ID: wesnoth-1.12.desktop
Package: wesnoth-1.12-core
  de: Battle for Wesnoth (1.12)
  lt: Mūšis dėl Vesnoto (1.12)
  sk: Bitka o Wesnoth (1.12)
  dk: Kampen om Wesnoth (1.12)
  fi: Taistelu Wesnothista (1.12)
  C: Battle for Wesnoth (1.12)
  vi: Trận chiến vì Wesnoth (1.12)
  he: הקרב על ווסנות' (1.12)
  cs: Bitva o Wesnoth (1.12)
  gl: A batalla polo Noroeste (1.12)
  pt: A Batalha por Wesnoth (1.12)
  sr: Бој за Веснот (1.12)
  es: La batalla por Wesnoth (1.12)
  fr: La Bataille pour Wesnoth (1.12)
  eu: Wesnotheko Guda (1.12)
  ru: Битва за Веснот (1.12)
  tr: Wesnoth Savaşı (1.12)
  sr@ijekavianlatin: Boj za Vesnot (1.12)
  hu: Harc Wesnothért (1.12)
  ca: Batalla per Wesnoth (1.12)
  af: Die Stryd vir Wesnoth (1.12)
  sr@ijekavian: Бој за Веснот (1.12)
  it: Battle for Wesnoth (1.12)
  sr@latin: Boj za Vesnot (1.12)
  de: Rundenbasiertes Strategiespiel im Fantasyszenario
  lt: Fantastinis ėjimais pagrįstas strateginis žaidimas
  sk: Ťahová strategická hra z prostredia fantasy
  dk: Et fantasy træk-baseret strategi-spil
  fi: Vuoropohjainen fantasiastrategiapeli
  C: A fantasy turn-based strategy game
  vi: Một trò chơi chiến lược dựa trên lượt đi theo phong cách thần thoại
  he: משחק אסטרטגיה ופנטסיה מבוסס מהלכים
  cs: Tahová strategická hra ve fantastickém prostředí
  gl: Xogo de estratexia por quendas ambientado nun mundo fantástico.
  pt: Um jogo de fantasia estratégico em turnos
  sr: Фантазијска стратешка игра на потезе
  es: Un juego de estrategia basado en turnos con un tema de fantasía
  fr: Un jeu de stratégie au tour par tour dans un univers fantastique
  eu: Giro fantastikoan eta txandetan oinarritutako estrategia jokoa
  ru: Фантастическая пошаговая стратегия
  tr: Fantastik, sırayla oynanan bir strateji oyunu
  hu: Fantasy stílusú, körökre osztott, stratégiai játék
  ca: Un joc fantàstic d'estrategia per torns
  af: '''n Fantasie beurt-basis strategie-spel'
  sr@latin: Fantazijska strateška igra na poteze
  it: Un gioco strategico a turni con ambientazione fantasy
  pl: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>Walka o kontrolę nad wioskami przy użyciu różnych jednostek, posiadających wady i zalety w zależności od typu terenu
    i przeciwko różnego typu atakom. Jednostki mogą zbierać doświadczenie i zyskiwać poziomy oraz są przenoszone między kolejnymi
    scenariuszami w kampanii.</p>
  de: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>Kämpfen Sie um die Kontrolle von Dörfern, indem Sie eine Vielzahl von Einheiten benutzen, die Vor- und Nachteile in
    verschiedenen Geländearten und gegen verschiedene Angriffsarten besitzen. Einheiten erlangen Erfahrung, gelangen auf höhere
    Stufen und werden in einer Kampagne von einem Szenario ins nächste übernommen.</p>
  pt_BR: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>Batalhe pelo controle de aldeias, usando várias unidades que têm vantagens e desvantagens em diferentes tipos de terrenos
    e contra diferentes tipos de ataques. Unidades ganham experiência e avançam de nível e são levadas de um cenário a um
    seguinte em uma campanha.</p>
  sk: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>Bitka o ovládnutie dedín pomocou rozličných jednotiek, ktoré majú výhody a nevýhody v rozličných typoch terénov a voči
    rozličným typom útokov. Jednotky získavajú skúsenosti a postupujú o úrovne a prenášajú sa v rámci kampane medzi mapami.</p>
  pt: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>Lute pelo controle das aldeias, utilizando uma variedade de unidades que têm vantagens e desvantagens em diferentes
    tipos de terrenos e contra diferentes tipos de ataques. As unidades ganham experiência e avançam níveis, e são transportadas
    de um cenário para o próximo numa campanha.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>Battle for control of villages, using variety of units which have advantages and disadvantages in different types of
    terrains and against different types of attacks.  Units gain experience and advance levels, and are carried over from
    one scenario to the next in a campaign.</p>
  uk: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>Битва за поселення, використовуючи різноманітні бойові одиниці, які мають свої переваги та недоліки у різних місцевостях
    і при різних типах атак. Одиниці набирають певний досвід та підвищують свій рівень, й можуть переходити із одного сценарію
    до наступного протягом кампанії.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>Battle for control of villages, using variety of units which have advantages and disadvantages in different types of
    terrains and against different types of attacks.  Units gain experience and advance levels, and are carried over from
    one scenario to the next in a campaign.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>Сражайтесь за контроль над поселениями с помощью различных военных подразделений, каждое из которых имеет свои плюсы
    и минусы на разных типах ландшафта и против различных типов атак. Подразделения набирают опыт и получают новые уровни,
    их можно использовать в последующих кампаниях.</p>
  gl: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>Batalla polo control de vilas empregado diversas unidades que teñen vantaxes e desvantaxes en diferentes tipos de terreos
    e contra diferentes tipos de ataques. As unidades gañan en experiencia e avanzan de nivel e pódense levar desde un escenario
    ao seguinte nunha campaña.</p>
  tr: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>Farklı saldırılara ve farklı yeryüzü türlerine karşı avantaj ve dezavantajları olan çok sayıda birimi kullanarak köylerin
    fethi için savaşın. Birimler git gide deneyim kazanır ve bölümlere atlayarak, sonraki görevde tekrar kullanılabilirler.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>Battle for control of villages, using variety of units which have advantages and disadvantages in different types of
    terrains and against different types of attacks.  Units gain experience and advance levels, and are carried over from
    one scenario to the next in a campaign.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>Wesnoth propose un affrontement pour le contrôle de villages en utilisant diverses unités qui ont des avantages ou
    désavantages suivant le type de terrain ou contre différents types d&apos;attaques. Les unités peuvent gagner de l&apos;expérience
    et progresser en niveau et peuvent être rappelées depuis le scénario précédent dans les campagnes.</p>
  fi: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>Taistele kylien herruudesta käyttäen erilaisia yksiköitä, joilla on heikkoutensa ja vahvuutensa erilaisissa maastoissa
    ja erilaisia hyökkäyksiä vastaan. Joukot saavat kokemusta ja saavuttavat edistymistasoja. Joukkosi jatkavat skenaariosta
    toiseen kampanjan edetessä.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>Battle for control of villages, using variety of units which have advantages and disadvantages in different types of
    terrains and against different types of attacks.  Units gain experience and advance levels, and are carried over from
    one scenario to the next in a campaign.</p>
  ja: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>村々の支配権を巡り、さまざまな種類の地形や攻撃方法に対して利点や弱点を持つ 多種多様な部隊を使って戦闘を繰り広げます。部隊は経験値を得てレベルを上昇で き、ある作戦中のあるシナリオから次のシナリオに経験値やレベルを持ち越せます。</p>
  it: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>Battaglia per il controllo di villaggi che usa una gamma di unità con vantaggi e svantaggi in tipi di terreno differenti
    e contro diversi tipi di attacchi. Le unità acquisiscono esperienza e avanzano di livello; in una campagna vengono mantenute
    da uno scenario al successivo.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>Kæmp om kontrol over landsbyer med brug af et væld af enheder, der har fordele og ulemper i forskellige typer terræn
    og mod forskellige typer angreb. Enheder samler erfaring og stiger i grader, der overføres fra et scenarie til det næste
    i en kampagne.</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>Battle for control of villages, using variety of units which have advantages and disadvantages in different types of
    terrains and against different types of attacks.  Units gain experience and advance levels, and are carried over from
    one scenario to the next in a campaign.</p>
- Game
- StrategyGame
  - name: wesnoth-1.12-core_wesnoth-1.12-icon.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  stock: wesnoth-1.12-icon
Type: desktop-application
ID: wesnoth-1.12_editor.desktop
Package: wesnoth-1.12-core
  de: Battle for Wesnoth Karteneditor (1.12)
  lt: Mūšio dėl Vesnoto žemėlapių redaktorius (1.12)
  fi: Taistelu Wesnothista Kenttäeditori (1.12)
  C: Battle for Wesnoth Map Editor (1.12)
  vi: Chỉnh sửa bản đồ Trận chiến vì Wesnoth (1.12)
  pt: Editor de mapas de Wesnoth (1.12)
  cs: Editor map Bitvy o Wesnoth (1.12)
  gl: Editor de mapas do Noroeste (1.12)
  sr@ijekavianlatin: Uređivač mapa Boja za Vesnot (1.12)
  sr: Уређивач мапа Боја за Веснот (1.12)
  es: Editor de mapas de Wesnoth (1.12)
  fr: Éditeur de cartes Wesnoth (1.12)
  tr: Wesnoth Savaşı Harita Düzenleyici (1.12)
  hu: Harc Wesnothért pályaszerkesztő (1.12)
  it: Editor delle mappe per Battle for Wesnoth (1.12)
  sr@latin: Uređivač mapa Boja za Vesnot (1.12)
  sr@ijekavian: Уређивач мапа Боја за Веснот (1.12)
  de: Ein Karteneditor für Battle for Wesnoth
  lt: Žemėlapių redaktorius Mūšio dėl Vesnoto žemėlapiams
  fi: Kenttäeditori Wesnothin kenttiä varten
  C: A map editor for Battle for Wesnoth maps
  vi: Một chương trình chỉnh sửa bản đồ cho Trận chiến vì Wesnoth
  pt: Um editor para criar mapas para o jogo de Wesnoth
  cs: Editor map pro Bitvu o Wesnoth
  gl: Editor de mapas de “A batalla polo Noroeste”.
  tr: Wesnoth savaşı haritaları için harita düzenleyici
  sr: Уређивач за мапе намењене Боју за Веснот
  es: 'Un editor de mapas para: La batalla por Wesnoth'
  fr: Un éditeur de cartes pour La Bataille pour Wesnoth
  hu: A Harc Wesnothért játék pályaszerkesztője
  it: Un tool per creare e modificare mappe di Battle for Wesnoth
  sr@latin: Uređivač za mape namenjene Boju za Vesnot
  pl: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>Walka o kontrolę nad wioskami przy użyciu różnych jednostek, posiadających wady i zalety w zależności od typu terenu
    i przeciwko różnego typu atakom. Jednostki mogą zbierać doświadczenie i zyskiwać poziomy oraz są przenoszone między kolejnymi
    scenariuszami w kampanii.</p>
  de: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>Kämpfen Sie um die Kontrolle von Dörfern, indem Sie eine Vielzahl von Einheiten benutzen, die Vor- und Nachteile in
    verschiedenen Geländearten und gegen verschiedene Angriffsarten besitzen. Einheiten erlangen Erfahrung, gelangen auf höhere
    Stufen und werden in einer Kampagne von einem Szenario ins nächste übernommen.</p>
  pt_BR: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>Batalhe pelo controle de aldeias, usando várias unidades que têm vantagens e desvantagens em diferentes tipos de terrenos
    e contra diferentes tipos de ataques. Unidades ganham experiência e avançam de nível e são levadas de um cenário a um
    seguinte em uma campanha.</p>
  sk: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>Bitka o ovládnutie dedín pomocou rozličných jednotiek, ktoré majú výhody a nevýhody v rozličných typoch terénov a voči
    rozličným typom útokov. Jednotky získavajú skúsenosti a postupujú o úrovne a prenášajú sa v rámci kampane medzi mapami.</p>
  pt: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>Lute pelo controle das aldeias, utilizando uma variedade de unidades que têm vantagens e desvantagens em diferentes
    tipos de terrenos e contra diferentes tipos de ataques. As unidades ganham experiência e avançam níveis, e são transportadas
    de um cenário para o próximo numa campanha.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>Battle for control of villages, using variety of units which have advantages and disadvantages in different types of
    terrains and against different types of attacks.  Units gain experience and advance levels, and are carried over from
    one scenario to the next in a campaign.</p>
  uk: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>Битва за поселення, використовуючи різноманітні бойові одиниці, які мають свої переваги та недоліки у різних місцевостях
    і при різних типах атак. Одиниці набирають певний досвід та підвищують свій рівень, й можуть переходити із одного сценарію
    до наступного протягом кампанії.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>Battle for control of villages, using variety of units which have advantages and disadvantages in different types of
    terrains and against different types of attacks.  Units gain experience and advance levels, and are carried over from
    one scenario to the next in a campaign.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>Сражайтесь за контроль над поселениями с помощью различных военных подразделений, каждое из которых имеет свои плюсы
    и минусы на разных типах ландшафта и против различных типов атак. Подразделения набирают опыт и получают новые уровни,
    их можно использовать в последующих кампаниях.</p>
  gl: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>Batalla polo control de vilas empregado diversas unidades que teñen vantaxes e desvantaxes en diferentes tipos de terreos
    e contra diferentes tipos de ataques. As unidades gañan en experiencia e avanzan de nivel e pódense levar desde un escenario
    ao seguinte nunha campaña.</p>
  tr: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>Farklı saldırılara ve farklı yeryüzü türlerine karşı avantaj ve dezavantajları olan çok sayıda birimi kullanarak köylerin
    fethi için savaşın. Birimler git gide deneyim kazanır ve bölümlere atlayarak, sonraki görevde tekrar kullanılabilirler.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>Battle for control of villages, using variety of units which have advantages and disadvantages in different types of
    terrains and against different types of attacks.  Units gain experience and advance levels, and are carried over from
    one scenario to the next in a campaign.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>Wesnoth propose un affrontement pour le contrôle de villages en utilisant diverses unités qui ont des avantages ou
    désavantages suivant le type de terrain ou contre différents types d&apos;attaques. Les unités peuvent gagner de l&apos;expérience
    et progresser en niveau et peuvent être rappelées depuis le scénario précédent dans les campagnes.</p>
  fi: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>Taistele kylien herruudesta käyttäen erilaisia yksiköitä, joilla on heikkoutensa ja vahvuutensa erilaisissa maastoissa
    ja erilaisia hyökkäyksiä vastaan. Joukot saavat kokemusta ja saavuttavat edistymistasoja. Joukkosi jatkavat skenaariosta
    toiseen kampanjan edetessä.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>Battle for control of villages, using variety of units which have advantages and disadvantages in different types of
    terrains and against different types of attacks.  Units gain experience and advance levels, and are carried over from
    one scenario to the next in a campaign.</p>
  ja: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>村々の支配権を巡り、さまざまな種類の地形や攻撃方法に対して利点や弱点を持つ 多種多様な部隊を使って戦闘を繰り広げます。部隊は経験値を得てレベルを上昇で き、ある作戦中のあるシナリオから次のシナリオに経験値やレベルを持ち越せます。</p>
  it: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>Battaglia per il controllo di villaggi che usa una gamma di unità con vantaggi e svantaggi in tipi di terreno differenti
    e contro diversi tipi di attacchi. Le unità acquisiscono esperienza e avanzano di livello; in una campagna vengono mantenute
    da uno scenario al successivo.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>Kæmp om kontrol over landsbyer med brug af et væld af enheder, der har fordele og ulemper i forskellige typer terræn
    og mod forskellige typer angreb. Enheder samler erfaring og stiger i grader, der overføres fra et scenarie til det næste
    i en kampagne.</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games.  If you want to play
    campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please
    be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them.</p>

    <p>Battle for control of villages, using variety of units which have advantages and disadvantages in different types of
    terrains and against different types of attacks.  Units gain experience and advance levels, and are carried over from
    one scenario to the next in a campaign.</p>
- Game
- StrategyGame
  - name: wesnoth-1.12-core_wesnoth-1.12_editor-icon.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  stock: wesnoth-1.12_editor-icon
Type: desktop-application
ID: libreoffice-base.desktop
Package: libreoffice-base
  C: LibreOffice Base
  C: Database manager part of the LibreOffice productivity suite
  C: >-
    <p>Base is a powerful database manager, part of the LibreOffice productivity suite.

    It allows you to store, manage and maintain different collections of data.

    Base makes it easy to keep track of your finances, customers, invoices, or even

    just the contacts in your address book!</p>

    <p>For users that are new to databases, Base offers helpful wizards to create tables,

    queries, forms and reports.

    It&apos;s a solution for people requiring an easy-to-understand, simple-to-use system.</p>

    <p>For power users and enterprise requirements, it provides native-support drivers

    for some of the most-widely employed multi-user database engines:

    PostgreSQL, MySQL and MS Access.

    In addition, the built-in support for JDBC- and ODBC-standard drivers allows you

    to connect to virtually any other existing database engine as well.</p>
  C: The Document Foundation
ProjectLicense: MPL-2.0
- Office
- Database
  - Data
  - SQL
  homepage: http://www.libreoffice.org/discover/base/
  bugtracker: https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/
  faq: https://hub.libreoffice.org/faq
  donation: https://donate.libreoffice.org/
  translate: https://hub.libreoffice.org/translate
  help: http://www.libreoffice.org/get-help/documentation/
  - name: libreoffice-base_libreoffice-base.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: libreoffice-base_libreoffice-base.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: libreoffice-base_libreoffice-base.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: libreoffice-base
  - url: l/li/libreoffice-base.desktop/C990BD8E0E33DFE578E8CFC92047CDD7/icons/128x128/libreoffice-base_libreoffice-base.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - libreoffice-base.desktop
  - application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.database
  - application/vnd.sun.xml.base
- default: true
  caption: {}
  - url: l/li/libreoffice-base.desktop/C990BD8E0E33DFE578E8CFC92047CDD7/screenshots/image-1_224x168.png
    width: 224
    height: 168
    url: l/li/libreoffice-base.desktop/C990BD8E0E33DFE578E8CFC92047CDD7/screenshots/image-1_orig.png
    width: 400
    height: 300
- caption: {}
  - url: l/li/libreoffice-base.desktop/C990BD8E0E33DFE578E8CFC92047CDD7/screenshots/image-2_224x168.png
    width: 224
    height: 168
    url: l/li/libreoffice-base.desktop/C990BD8E0E33DFE578E8CFC92047CDD7/screenshots/image-2_orig.png
    width: 400
    height: 300
Type: desktop-application
ID: wireshark-gtk.desktop
Package: wireshark-gtk
  C: Wireshark (GTK+)
  vi: Wireshark (GTK+)
  ja: ネットワークトラフィックアナライザー
  sk: Analyzátor sieťovej premávky
  sl: Preučevalnik omrežnega prometa
  C: Network traffic analyzer
  sq: Analizues i trafikut të rrjetit
  fr: Analyseur de trafic réseau
  nb: Nettverkstrafikk-analysator
  sv: Nätverkstrafikanalysator
  af: Netwerkverkeer analiseerder
  hu: Hálózatiforgalom-elemző
  uk: Аналізатор мережевого трафіку
  nl: Netwerkverkeer analyseren
  lt: Tinklo duomenų srauto analizatorius
  pl: Analizator ruchu sieciowego
  el: Ανάλυση κίνησης δικτύου
  ast: Analizador de tráficu de rede
  cs: Analyzátor síťového přenosu
  pt: Analisador de tráfego da rede
  ro: Analizator trafic de rețea
  es: Analizador de tráfico de red
  gl: Analizador do tráfico de rede
  et: Võrguliikluse analüüsija
  vi: Trình phân tích giao thông mạng
  ru: Анализ сетевого трафика
  tr: Ağ trafiği çözümleyicisi
  oc: Analisador de tramas de ret
  da: Netværkstrafikanalyse
  it: Analizzatore del traffico di rete
  bg: Анализатор на мрежовия трафик
  de: Netzwerkverkehr-Analyseprogramm
  pt_BR: Analisador de tráfego de rede
  ko: 네트워크 트래픽 분석기
  bn: নেটওয়ার্ক ট্রাফিক বিশ্লেষক
  ms: Penganalisa trafik rangkaian
  ky: Тармактык трафикти анализдөө
  fi: Verkkoliikenne analysaattori
  bs: Analizator mrežnoga prometa
  pl: >-
    <p>Wireshark jest narzędziem typu sniffer, służącym do przechwytywania i analizowania pakietów sieciowych. Wireshark potrafi
    dekodować zbyt wiele protokołów, aby je tutaj wymieniać.</p>

    <p>This package provides the GTK+ version of Wireshark.</p>
  de: >-
    <p>Wireshark ist ein Netzwerk-»Sniffer« - ein Werkzeug, das Pakete auf der Leitung erfasst und analysiert. Wireshark kann
    so viele Protokolle dekodieren, dass sie hier nicht aufgelistet werden können.</p>

    <p>This package provides the GTK+ version of Wireshark.</p>
  zh_CN: >-
    <p>Wireshark 是一个网络嗅探器 - 一个用于抓取和分析网络数据包的工具。 Wireshark 可以解码的协议数量巨大,不胜枚举。</p>

    <p>This package provides the GTK+ version of Wireshark.</p>
  sk: >-
    <p>Wireshark je analyzátor premávky na sieti alebo „sniffer“ pre unixové systémy. Wireshark dokáže dekódovať množstvo
    protokolov (príliš mnoho aby sa dal uviesť zoznam).</p>

    <p>This package provides the GTK+ version of Wireshark.</p>
  sl: >-
    <p>Wireshark je program za &quot;vohunjenje&quot; na omrežju - orodje, ki ujame in preuči pakete, ki se prenašajo po žici.
    Wireshark lahko odkodira preveč kot jih je tu mogoče našteti.</p>

    <p>This package provides the GTK+ version of Wireshark.</p>
  pt_BR: >-
    <p>Wireshark é um &quot;sniffer&quot; de rede - uma ferramenta que captura e analisa pacotes nos fios. O Wireshark pode
    descodificar demasiados protocolos para listar aqui.</p>

    <p>This package provides the GTK+ version of Wireshark.</p>
  pt: >-
    <p>Wireshark é um &quot;sniffer&quot; de rede - uma ferramenta que captura e analisa pacotes nos fios. O Wireshark pode
    descodificar demasiados protocolos para listar aqui.</p>

    <p>This package provides the GTK+ version of Wireshark.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Wireshark is a network &quot;sniffer&quot; - a tool that captures and analyzes packets off the wire. Wireshark can
    decode too many protocols to list here.</p>

    <p>This package provides the GTK+ version of Wireshark.</p>
  uk: >-
    <p>Wireshark — аналізатор мережевого трафіку, т.зв. „сніфер“, — це утиліта для захоплення пакетів, які проходять мережевим
    каналом. Wireshark підтримує формати декількох протоколів (дуже великий перелік).</p>

    <p>This package provides the GTK+ version of Wireshark.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Wireshark is a network &quot;sniffer&quot; - a tool that captures and analyzes packets off the wire. Wireshark can
    decode too many protocols to list here.</p>

    <p>This package provides the GTK+ version of Wireshark.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>Wireshark — это анализатор сетевого трафика («снифер») для захвата пакетов, которые передаются по сетевому каналу.
    Wireshark поддерживает так много протоколов, что их невозможно перечислить в данном описании.</p>

    <p>This package provides the GTK+ version of Wireshark.</p>
  ja: >-
    <p>Wireshark は、回線上を流れるパケットをキャプチャし、解析するツールであ るネットワーク「スニファ」です。 Wireshark はここで一覧を示すことがで きない程多くのプロトコルを解析することができます。</p>

    <p>This package provides the GTK+ version of Wireshark.</p>
  es: >-
    <p>Wireshark is a network &quot;sniffer&quot; - a tool that captures and analyzes packets off the wire. Wireshark can
    decode too many protocols to list here.</p>

    <p>This package provides the GTK+ version of Wireshark.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Wireshark est un analyseur de trafic réseau ou «⋅sniffer⋅», utilisé pour capturer et examiner les paquets transitant
    sur un réseau. Wireshark décode de nombreux protocoles (trop nombreux pour être listés).</p>

    <p>This package provides the GTK+ version of Wireshark.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>Wireshark is a network &quot;sniffer&quot; - a tool that captures and analyzes packets off the wire. Wireshark can
    decode too many protocols to list here.</p>

    <p>This package provides the GTK+ version of Wireshark.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>Wireshark is a network &quot;sniffer&quot; - a tool that captures and analyzes packets off the wire. Wireshark can
    decode too many protocols to list here.</p>

    <p>This package provides the GTK+ version of Wireshark.</p>
  hu: >-
    <p>A Wireshark egy hálózatfigyelő eszköz, amely elkapja és elemzi a hálózati csomagokat. A Wireshark rengeteg protokollt

    <p>This package provides the GTK+ version of Wireshark.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Wireshark è uno &quot;sniffer&quot; della rete, uno strumento che cattura e analizza pacchetti dal cavo. Wireshark
    può decodificare troppi protocolli per elencarli qui.</p>

    <p>This package provides the GTK+ version of Wireshark.</p>
  nl: >-
    <p>Wireshark is een netwerk-&quot;sniffer&quot; - een hulpmiddel dat pakketten van de draad kan opvangen en analyseren.
    Wireshark kan te veel protocols decoderen om hier op te noemen.</p>

    <p>This package provides the GTK+ version of Wireshark.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Wireshark er en »netværkssniffer« - et værktøj som fanger og analyserer pakker fra nettet. Wireshark kan afkode en
    masse protokoller; for mange til at nævne her.</p>

    <p>This package provides the GTK+ version of Wireshark.</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>Wireshark is a network &quot;sniffer&quot; - a tool that captures and analyzes packets off the wire. Wireshark can
    decode too many protocols to list here.</p>

    <p>This package provides the GTK+ version of Wireshark.</p>
- Network
- Monitor
  - name: wireshark-gtk_wireshark.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: wireshark-gtk_wireshark.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: wireshark
  - application/x-tektronix-rf5
  - application/x-iptrace
  - application/x-etherpeek
  - application/x-lanalyzer
  - application/x-radcom
  - application/x-netinstobserver
  - application/x-5view
  - application/x-nettl
  - application/x-snoop
  - application/vnd.tcpdump.pcap
  - application/x-pcapng
  - application/x-visualnetworks
Type: desktop-application
ID: wpa_gui.desktop
Package: wpagui
  C: wpa_gui
  C: Graphical user interface for wpa_supplicant
  de: >-
    <p>wpagui stellt eine Qt-Oberfläche (GUI) bereit, um sich mit einem konfigurierten Netzwerk zu verbinden. Es stellt außerdem
    eine Methode bereit, Resultate von 802.11-SSID-Scans zu durchsuchen, ein Ereignisverlaufsprotokoll von wpa_supplicant
    erstellter Nachrichten und eine Methode zum Hinzufügen oder Bearbeiten von wpa_supplicant-Netzwerken.</p>
  pt_BR: >-
    <p>wpagui fornece uma interface em Qt para escolher em qual rede configurada se conectar. Também fornece um método para
    navegar em resultados da verificação de 802.11 SSID, um log de eventos de mensagens geradas pelo wpa_supplicant e um método
    para adicionar ou editar redes wpa_supplicant.</p>
  sl: >-
    <p>wpagui provides a Qt interface for choosing which configured network to connect to. It also provides a method for browsing
    802.11 SSID scan results, an event history log of messages generated by wpa_supplicant, and a method to add or edit wpa_supplicant
  C: >-
    <p>wpagui provides a Qt interface for choosing which configured network to connect to. It also provides a method for browsing
    802.11 SSID scan results, an event history log of messages generated by wpa_supplicant, and a method to add or edit wpa_supplicant
  en: >-
    <p>wpagui provides a Qt interface for choosing which configured network to connect to. It also provides a method for browsing
    802.11 SSID scan results, an event history log of messages generated by wpa_supplicant, and a method to add or edit wpa_supplicant
  ru: >-
    <p>wpagui provides a Qt interface for choosing which configured network to connect to. It also provides a method for browsing
    802.11 SSID scan results, an event history log of messages generated by wpa_supplicant, and a method to add or edit wpa_supplicant
  tr: >-
    <p>wpagui provides a Qt interface for choosing which configured network to connect to. It also provides a method for browsing
    802.11 SSID scan results, an event history log of messages generated by wpa_supplicant, and a method to add or edit wpa_supplicant
  es: >-
    <p>wpagui provides a Qt interface for choosing which configured network to connect to. It also provides a method for browsing
    802.11 SSID scan results, an event history log of messages generated by wpa_supplicant, and a method to add or edit wpa_supplicant
  fr: >-
    <p>Wpagui fournit une interface graphique Qt qui permet de choisir le réseau configuré auquel se connecter. Il fournit
    aussi une méthode de navigation dans les résultats de recherche de SSID Wi-Fi 802.11, un historique événementiel des messages
    générés par wpa_supplicant et une méthode d&apos;ajout ou de modification des réseaux wpa_supplicant.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>wpagui provides a Qt interface for choosing which configured network to connect to. It also provides a method for browsing
    802.11 SSID scan results, an event history log of messages generated by wpa_supplicant, and a method to add or edit wpa_supplicant
  en_GB: >-
    <p>wpagui provides a Qt interface for choosing which configured network to connect to. It also provides a method for browsing
    802.11 SSID scan results, an event history log of messages generated by wpa_supplicant, and a method to add or edit wpa_supplicant
  gl: >-
    <p>wpagui provides a Qt interface for choosing which configured network to connect to. It also provides a method for browsing
    802.11 SSID scan results, an event history log of messages generated by wpa_supplicant, and a method to add or edit wpa_supplicant
  it: >-
    <p>wpagui fornisce un&apos;interfaccia Qt per scegliere a quale rete configurata connettersi. Fornisce anche un metodo
    per esplorare i risultati della ricerca di SSID 802.11, un registro storico degli eventi con i messaggi generati da wpa_supplicant
    e un metodo per aggiungere o modificare reti wpa_supplicant.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Wpagui tilbyder en Qt-grænseflade for valg af hvilket konfigureret netværk, der skal forbindes til. Programmet tilbydes
    også en metode til at gennemse 802.11 SSID-skanningsresultater, en log med hændelseshistorik for beskeder oprettet af
    wpa_supplicant, og en metode til at tilføje eller redigere wpa_supplicant-netværk.</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>wpagui provides a Qt interface for choosing which configured network to connect to. It also provides a method for browsing
    802.11 SSID scan results, an event history log of messages generated by wpa_supplicant, and a method to add or edit wpa_supplicant
- Network
  - name: wpagui_wpa_gui.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: wpagui_wpa_gui.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: wpagui_wpa_gui.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: w/wp/wpa_gui.desktop/DCB0F50684B73D30584FF9A20AB65DCB/icons/128x128/wpagui_wpa_gui.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - wpa_gui.desktop
Type: desktop-application
ID: jftp.desktop
Package: jftp
  C: Java GUI client for FTP, SMB, SFTP and NFS
  de: >-
    <p>JFtp ist ein grafischer, in Java geschriebener Client für Netzwerk- und Dateiübertragungen. Er unterstützt FTP über
    seine eigene FTP-Schnittstelle und verschiedene andere Protokolle wie SMB, SFTP, NFS, HTTP und Datei-E/A über Programmierschnittstellen
    Dritter. Er enthält viele fortgeschrittene Eigenschaften wie rekursiven Verzeichnis-Up/Download, Durchsuchen von FTP-
    Servern während Dateien übertragen werden, FTP-Wiederaufnahme und -Warteschlangen, Durchsuchen des LAN nach Windows-Freigaben
    und mehr. Zu jeder Zeit können mehrere Verbindungen bestehen, die wie bei Mozilla in Reitern angezeigt werden.</p>
  sl: >-
    <p>JFtp je grafični Java odjemalec omrežja in prenosa datotek. Podpira FTP z uporabo lastnega API FTP in različnih drugih
    protokolov kot so SMB, SFTP, NFS, HTTP in V/I datotek z uporabo API-jev tretjih oseb. Vključuje veliko naprednih zmožnosti
    kot so rekurziven prejem/pošiljanje, brskanje po strežnikih FTP med prenašanjem datotek, nadaljevanje in čakalna vrsta
    prenosov FTP, brskanje po LANu za souporabe Windows in več. Hkrati lahko odprete več povezav v okolju brskanja z zavihku
    v slogu Mozilla.</p>
  ja: >-
    <p>JFtp はグラフィカルな Java ネットワークおよびファイル転送クライアント です。独自の FTP API を用いて FTP およびサードパーティ製 API を用いて SMB、SFTP、NFS、HTTP、そしてファイル I/O
    のような様々な 他のプロトコルをサポートします。再帰的なディレクトリのアップロード/ ダウンロード、ファイル転送中の FTP サーバの閲覧、FTP のレジュームや キュー、Windows 共有向けの LAN のブラウズなどの先進的な機能が含まれます。 
    Mozilla ライクなタブブラウズ環境により、同時に複数の接続を開けます。</p>
  uk: >-
    <p>Jftp — це графічний клієнт передачі даних мережею. Підтримка FTP реалізована за допомогою внутрішнього інтерфейсу,
    а підтримку протоколів SMB, SFTP, NFS, HTTP та роботу з файлами — за допомогою зовнішніх інтерфейсів. Він має багато гарних
    можливостей, наприклад, рекурсивне відправлення/завантаження, роботу з FTP-сервером під час передачі файлів, продовження
    та створення черг завантажень з FTP, перегляд локальної мережі в пошуках спільних тек Windows, тощо. Може створювати по
    декілька з&apos;єднань одразу за допомогою подібного до Mozilla інтерфейсу з вкладками.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>JFtp is a graphical Java network and file transfer client. It supports FTP using its own FTP API and various other
    protocols like SMB, SFTP, NFS, HTTP, and file I/O using third party APIs. It includes many advanced features such as recursive
    directory up/download, browsing FTP servers while transferring files, FTP resuming and queueing, browsing the LAN for
    Windows shares, and more. Multiple connections can open at a time in a Mozilla-style tabbed browsing environment.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>JFtp is a graphical Java network and file transfer client. It supports FTP using its own FTP API and various other
    protocols like SMB, SFTP, NFS, HTTP, and file I/O using third party APIs. It includes many advanced features such as recursive
    directory up/download, browsing FTP servers while transferring files, FTP resuming and queueing, browsing the LAN for
    Windows shares, and more. Multiple connections can open at a time in a Mozilla-style tabbed browsing environment.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>JFtp is a graphical Java network and file transfer client. It supports FTP using its own FTP API and various other
    protocols like SMB, SFTP, NFS, HTTP, and file I/O using third party APIs. It includes many advanced features such as recursive
    directory up/download, browsing FTP servers while transferring files, FTP resuming and queueing, browsing the LAN for
    Windows shares, and more. Multiple connections can open at a time in a Mozilla-style tabbed browsing environment.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>JFTP — это графический клиент, написанный на Java, для передачи файлов по сети. Он поддерживает протокол FTP через
    собственный программный интерфейс FTP, а также другие протоколы, например, SMB, SFTP, NFS, HTTP и файловый ввод/вывод
    через сторонние программные интерфейсы. Включает в себя такие функции как пересылка вложенных каталогов, обзор FTP серверов
    во время передачи файлов, возобновление загрузки и очереди передачи, просмотр доступных в локальной сети ресурсов Windows
    и прочее. Возможна одновременная работа с несколькими соединениями (вкладки в стиле Mozilla).</p>
  gl: >-
    <p>JFtp is a graphical Java network and file transfer client. It supports FTP using its own FTP API and various other
    protocols like SMB, SFTP, NFS, HTTP, and file I/O using third party APIs. It includes many advanced features such as recursive
    directory up/download, browsing FTP servers while transferring files, FTP resuming and queueing, browsing the LAN for
    Windows shares, and more. Multiple connections can open at a time in a Mozilla-style tabbed browsing environment.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>JFtp is a graphical Java network and file transfer client. It supports FTP using its own FTP API and various other
    protocols like SMB, SFTP, NFS, HTTP, and file I/O using third party APIs. It includes many advanced features such as recursive
    directory up/download, browsing FTP servers while transferring files, FTP resuming and queueing, browsing the LAN for
    Windows shares, and more. Multiple connections can open at a time in a Mozilla-style tabbed browsing environment.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>JFtp is a graphical Java network and file transfer client. It supports FTP using its own FTP API and various other
    protocols like SMB, SFTP, NFS, HTTP, and file I/O using third party APIs. It includes many advanced features such as recursive
    directory up/download, browsing FTP servers while transferring files, FTP resuming and queueing, browsing the LAN for
    Windows shares, and more. Multiple connections can open at a time in a Mozilla-style tabbed browsing environment.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>JFtp è un client grafico Java per la rete e il trasferimento file. Gestisce FTP usando la propria API FTP e diversi
    protocolli come SMB, SFTP, NFS, HTTP e I/O di file usando API di terze parti. Include molte funzionalità avanzate come
    lo s/caricamento ricorsivo di directory, navigazione di server FTP mentre i file vengono trasferiti, ripresa e accodamento
    di FTP, navigazione della LAN di condivisioni Windows e altro. Si possono aprire contemporaneamente più connessioni in
    un ambiente di navigazione a schede stile Mozilla.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>JFtp er en grafisk Javanetværks- og filoverførselsklient. Den understøtter FTP med brug af sin egen FTP API og forskellige
    andre protokoller såsom SMB, SFTP, NFS, HTTP og fil I/O via tredjeparts API&apos;er. Den inkluderer mange avancerede funktioner
    såsom rekursiv mappeoverførsel/mappehentning, gennemse FTP-servere under overførsel af filer, FTP-genoptagelse og kø,
    gennemse LAN&apos;et for Windowsdelinger med mere. Flere forbindelser kan være åbne ad gangen i et Mozillalignende fanebladsmiljø.</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>JFtp is a graphical Java network and file transfer client. It supports FTP using its own FTP API and various other
    protocols like SMB, SFTP, NFS, HTTP, and file I/O using third party APIs. It includes many advanced features such as recursive
    directory up/download, browsing FTP servers while transferring files, FTP resuming and queueing, browsing the LAN for
    Windows shares, and more. Multiple connections can open at a time in a Mozilla-style tabbed browsing environment.</p>
- Java
- Network
- FileTransfer
  - ftp
  - smb
  - sftp
  - nfs
  - file
  - transfer
  - browser
  - network
  - name: jftp_jftp.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - jftp.desktop
Type: desktop-application
ID: ufraw.desktop
Package: ufraw
  C: UFRaw
  C: Import and edit raw images from digital cameras
  C: >-
    <p>The Unidentified Flying Raw (UFRaw) is an application that decodes raw
          images from digital cameras and allows you to manipulate them, changing
          parameters such as the exposure and white balance of the image.
          UFRaw uses code from the DCRaw raw image decoder, and supports over 600
          camera models, including many Sony, Nikon, Canon and Fuji cameras.</p>
- Graphics
- Photography
  homepage: http://ufraw.sourceforge.net
  - name: ufraw_ufraw.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - ufraw.desktop
  - application/x-ufraw
  - image/x-dcraw
- default: true
  - url: u/uf/ufraw.desktop/9303D19B1E745E0C05EAFB2B21F53C48/screenshots/image-1_752x625.png
    width: 752
    height: 625
  - url: u/uf/ufraw.desktop/9303D19B1E745E0C05EAFB2B21F53C48/screenshots/image-1_624x519.png
    width: 624
    height: 519
  - url: u/uf/ufraw.desktop/9303D19B1E745E0C05EAFB2B21F53C48/screenshots/image-1_224x186.png
    width: 224
    height: 186
    url: u/uf/ufraw.desktop/9303D19B1E745E0C05EAFB2B21F53C48/screenshots/image-1_orig.png
    width: 958
    height: 797
Type: addon
ID: network-manager-vpnc
Package: network-manager-vpnc-gnome
- nm-connection-editor.desktop
- gnome-control-center.desktop
  de: VPNC-Client für veraltete Cisco-Systeme
  lt: Pasenęs Cisco VPNC klientas
  pl: Przestarzały klient Cisco VPNC
  pt_BR: Cliente legado para Cisco VPNC
  C: Legacy Cisco VPNC client
  id: Klien legacy Cisco VPNC
  cs: Původní klient Cisco VPNC
  sr: Стари Цисков ВПНЦ клијент
  es: Cliente VPNC heredado de Cisco
  sv: Legacy Cisco VPNC-klient
  hu: Örökölt Cisco VPNC kliens
  ca: Client antic Cisco VPNC
  it: Vecchio client VPNC Cisco
  sr@latin: Stari Ciskov VPNC klijent
  de: Client für Cisco-IPsec virtuelle private Netze
  lt: Cisco IPsec virtualių privačių tinklų klientas
  pl: Klient dla wirtualnych sieci prywatnych IPsec firmy Cisco
  pt_BR: Cliente para redes privadas virtuais IPsec da Cisco
  C: Client for Cisco IPsec virtual private networks
  id: Klien untuk virtual private network IPsec Cisco
  cs: Klient pro virtuální soukromé sítě Cisco IPSec
  sr: Клијент за Цискову ИПсец виртуелну приватну мрежу
  es: Cliente para redes privadas virtuales IPsec de Cisco
  sv: Klient för Cisco IPsec virtuella privata nätverk
  hu: Kliens a Cisco IPsec virtuális magánhálózatokhoz
  ca: Client per a xarxes privades virtuals Cisco IPsec
  it: Client per reti private virtuali IPsec Cisco
  sr@latin: Klijent za Ciskovu IPsec virtuelnu privatnu mrežu
  pl: >-
    <p>Obsługa konfigurowania wirtualnych sieci prywatnych opartych na VPNC.</p>

    <p>Zgodne z koncentratorami VPN firmy Cisco skonfigurowanymi do używania IPsec.</p>
  lt: >-
    <p>VPNC pagrindo virtualių privačių tinklų konfigūracijos palaikymas.</p>

    <p>Suderinamas su Cisco VPN koncentratoriais, sukonfigūruotas IPsec naudojimui.</p>
  de: >-
    <p>Unterstützung für die Konfiguration virtueller privater Netzverbindungen, die auf VPNC basieren.</p>

    <p>Kompatibel mit Cisco-VPN-Konzentratoren, die für den Einsatz von IPsec konfiguriert sind.</p>
  pt_BR: >-
    <p>Suporte a configuração de redes privadas virtuais baseadas em VPNC.</p>

    <p>Compatível com concentradores VPN da Cisco configurados para usar IPsec.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Support for configuring virtual private networks based on VPNC.</p>

    <p>Compatible with Cisco VPN concentrators configured to use IPsec.</p>
  id: >-
    <p>Dukungan untuk menata virtual private network berbasis VPNC.</p>

    <p>Kompatibel dengan konsentrator VPN Cisco yang ditata memakai IPsec.</p>
  cs: >-
    <p>Podpora nastavení sítí VPN založených na VPNC.</p>

    <p>Kompatibilní s koncentrátory Cisco VPN nastavenými pro použití IPsec.</p>
  sr: >-
    <p>Подршка за подешавање виртуелних приватних мрежа заснованих на ВПНЦ-у.</p>

    <p>Сагласно са Цисковим ВПН концентраторима подешеним за коришћење ИПсец-а</p>
  es: >-
    <p>Soporte para configurar redes privadas virtuales basadas en VPNC.</p>

    <p>Compatible con concentradores VPN de Cisco configurados para usar IPsec.</p>
  sv: >-
    <p>Stöd för att konfigurera virtuella privata nätverk baserade på VPNC.</p>

    <p>Kompatibel med Cisco VPN-koncentratorer konfigurerade att använda IPsec.</p>
  hu: >-
    <p>A VPNC alapú virtuális magánhálózatok beállításának támogatása.</p>

    <p>Kompatibilis az IPsec használatára beállított Cisco VPN koncentrátorokkal</p>
  ca: >-
    <p>Suport per configurar xarxes privades virtuals basades en VPNC.</p>

    <p>Compatible amb concentradors Cisco VPN configurats per usar IPsec.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Supporta la configurazione di connessioni private virtuali basate su VPNC.</p>

    <p>Compatibile con i concentratori VPN Cisco configurati per utilizzare IPsec.</p>
  sr@latin: >-
    <p>Podrška za podešavanje virtuelnih privatnih mreža zasnovanih na VPNC-u.</p>

    <p>Saglasno sa Ciskovim VPN koncentratorima podešenim za korišćenje IPsec-a</p>
  de: Die Entwickler von NetworkManager
  lt: NetworkManager kūrėjai
  pl: Programiści projektu NetworkManager
  pt_BR: Os desenvolvedores NetworkManager
  C: The NetworkManager Developers
  id: Para Pengembang NetworkManager
  cs: Vývojáři aplikace NetworkManager
  sr: Програмери Управника мреже
  es: Los desarrolladores de NetworkManager
  sv: Utvecklarna av Nätverkshanteraren
  hu: A Hálózatkezelő fejlesztői
  ca: Els desenvolupadors del NetworkManager
  it: Gli sviluppatori di NetworkManager
  sr@latin: Programeri Upravnika mreže
ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0+
  - network
  - manager
  - NetworkManager
  - connection
  - VPN
  - VPNC
  - IPsec
  - Cisco
  homepage: https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/NetworkManager/VPN
  bugtracker: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=NetworkManager
- default: true
  - url: n/ne/network-manager-vpnc/9400BA472607F0C1D56A2270ED39FAFD/screenshots/image-1_752x537.png
    width: 752
    height: 537
  - url: n/ne/network-manager-vpnc/9400BA472607F0C1D56A2270ED39FAFD/screenshots/image-1_624x446.png
    width: 624
    height: 446
  - url: n/ne/network-manager-vpnc/9400BA472607F0C1D56A2270ED39FAFD/screenshots/image-1_224x160.png
    width: 224
    height: 160
    url: n/ne/network-manager-vpnc/9400BA472607F0C1D56A2270ED39FAFD/screenshots/image-1_orig.png
    width: 800
    height: 572
- caption:
    C: The advanced options dialog
  - url: n/ne/network-manager-vpnc/9400BA472607F0C1D56A2270ED39FAFD/screenshots/image-2_752x514.png
    width: 752
    height: 514
  - url: n/ne/network-manager-vpnc/9400BA472607F0C1D56A2270ED39FAFD/screenshots/image-2_624x426.png
    width: 624
    height: 426
  - url: n/ne/network-manager-vpnc/9400BA472607F0C1D56A2270ED39FAFD/screenshots/image-2_224x153.png
    width: 224
    height: 153
    url: n/ne/network-manager-vpnc/9400BA472607F0C1D56A2270ED39FAFD/screenshots/image-2_orig.png
    width: 800
    height: 547
Type: desktop-application
ID: chromium-browser.desktop
Package: chromium-browser
  he: דפדפן האינטרנט כרומיום
  ca@valencia: Navegador web Chromium
  ja: Chromium ウェブ・ブラウザ
  sl: Chromium spletni brskalnik
  ug: Chromium توركۆرگۈ
  zh_CN: Chromium 网页浏览器
  C: Chromium Web Browser
  fr: Navigateur Web Chromium
  nb: Chromium nettleser
  hr: Chromium web preglednik
  ca: Navegador web Chromium
  sv: Webbläsaren Chromium
  hu: Chromium webböngésző
  hy: Chromium ոստայն զննարկիչ
  nl: Chromium webbrowser
  zh_TW: Chromium 網頁瀏覽器
  ia: Navigator del web Chromium
  ast: Restolador web Chromium
  id: Peramban Web Chromium
  eo: Kromiumo retfoliumilo
  ka: ვებ ბრაუზერი Chromium
  gl: Navegador web Chromium
  ro: Navigator Internet Chromium
  es: Navegador web Chromium
  et: Chromiumi veebibrauser
  eu: Chromium web-nabigatzailea
  vi: Trình duyệt Web Chromium
  ru: Веб-браузер Chromium
  zh_HK: Chromium 網頁瀏覽器
  da: Chromium netbrowser
  ko: Chromium 웹 브라우저
  it: Browser web Chromium
  de: Chromium-Webbrowser
  pt_BR: Navegador de Internet Chromium
  bg: Уеб четец Chromium
  bn: ক্রোমিয়াম ওয়েব ব্রাউজার
  kw: Peurel wias Chromium
  ms: Pelayar Web Chromium
  en_AU: Chromium Web Browser
  fi: Chromium-selain
  bs: Chromium web preglednik
  lv: Piekļūt internetam
  pt: Aceder à Internet
  tr: İnternet'e erişin
  ia: Accede a le Interrete
  ast: Accesu a Internet
  id: Akses Internet
  pt_BR: Acessar a internet
  el: Πρόσβαση στο Διαδίκτυο
  ca@valencia: Accediu a Internet
  ar: الدخول إلى الإنترنت
  eo: Akiri interreton
  es: Acceda a Internet
  et: Pääs Internetti
  eu: Sartu Internetera
  ml: ഇന്റര്‍‌നെറ്റ് ആക്‌സസ് ചെയ്യുക
  it: Accesso a Internet
  ug: ئىنتېرنېت زىيارىتى
  mr: इंटरनेटमध्ये प्रवेश करा
  ms: Mengakses Internet
  uk: Доступ до Інтернету
  fil: I-access ang Internet
  bg: Достъп до интернет
  zh_CN: 访问互联网
  ja: インターネットにアクセス
  bn: ইন্টারনেটে প্রবেশ করুন
  fi: Käytä internetiä
  nb: Bruk internett
  bs: Pristup internetu
  fr: Accéder à Internet
  nl: Verbinding maken met internet
  en_AU: Access the Internet
  ca: Accediu a Internet
  ro: Accesați Internetul
  vi: Truy cập Internet
  ru: Доступ в Интернет
  ka: ინტერნეტში შესვლა
  zh_HK: 連線到網際網路
  gl: Acceda a Internet
  cs: Přístup k internetu
  kn: ಇಂಟರ್ನೆಟ್ ಅನ್ನು ಪ್ರವೇಶಿಸಿ
  ko: 인터넷에 연결합니다
  gu: ઇંટરનેટ ઍક્સેસ કરો
  C: Access the Internet
  sl: Dostop do interneta
  or: ଇଣ୍ଟର୍ନେଟ୍ ପ୍ରବେଶ କରନ୍ତୁ
  sk: Prístup do siete Internet
  da: Få adgang til internettet
  kw: Hedhes an Kesrosweyth
  sr: Приступите Интернету
  de: Internetzugriff
  zh_TW: 連線到網際網路
  sv: Surfa på Internet
  he: גישה לאינטרנט
  hi: इंटरनेट तक पहुंच स्थापित करें
  en_GB: Access the Internet
  ta: இணையத்தை அணுகுதல்
  hr: Pristupite Internetu
  te: ఇంటర్నెట్‌ను ఆక్సెస్ చెయ్యండి
  hu: Az internet elérése
  pl: Skorzystaj z internetu
  th: เข้าถึงอินเทอร์เน็ต
  hy: Մուտք համացանց
  lt: Interneto prieiga
  C: >-
    <p>An open-source browser project that aims to build a safer, faster, and more stable way for all Internet users to experience
    the web.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>An open-source browser project that aims to build a safer, faster, and more stable way for all Internet users to experience
    the web.</p>
- Network
- WebBrowser
  - name: chromium-browser_chromium-browser.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: chromium-browser_chromium-browser.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - application/xhtml_xml
  - x-scheme-handler/http
  - text/html
  - text/xml
  - x-scheme-handler/https
Type: desktop-application
ID: sigil.desktop
Package: sigil
  C: Sigil
  C: ePUB file editor
  pl: >-
    <p>Sigil is a free, open source, multi-platform ebook editor. It is designed to edit books in ePub format.</p>


    <p> * Full UTF-16 support;  * Full EPUB 2 spec support;  * Multiple Views: Book View, Code View and Preview View;  * WYSIWYG
    editing in Book View;  * Complete control over directly editing EPUB syntax in Code View;  * Table of Contents generator
    with multi-level heading support;  * Metadata editor with full support for all possible metadata entries (more    than
    200) with full descriptions for each;  * User interface translated into many languages;  * Spell checking with default
    and user configurable dictionaries;  * Full Regular Expression (PCRE) support for Find &amp; Replace;  * Supports import
    of EPUB and HTML files, images, and style sheets;  * Files can be validated for EPUB compliance with the FlightCrew validator; 
    * HTML Tidy: all imported files have their formatting corrected, and your    editing can be optionally cleaned.</p>
  de: >-
    <p>Sigil is a free, open source, multi-platform ebook editor. It is designed to edit books in ePub format.</p>


    <p> * Full UTF-16 support;  * Full EPUB 2 spec support;  * Multiple Views: Book View, Code View and Preview View;  * WYSIWYG
    editing in Book View;  * Complete control over directly editing EPUB syntax in Code View;  * Table of Contents generator
    with multi-level heading support;  * Metadata editor with full support for all possible metadata entries (more    than
    200) with full descriptions for each;  * User interface translated into many languages;  * Spell checking with default
    and user configurable dictionaries;  * Full Regular Expression (PCRE) support for Find &amp; Replace;  * Supports import
    of EPUB and HTML files, images, and style sheets;  * Files can be validated for EPUB compliance with the FlightCrew validator; 
    * HTML Tidy: all imported files have their formatting corrected, and your    editing can be optionally cleaned.</p>
  pt_BR: >-
    <p>Sigil is a free, open source, multi-platform ebook editor. It is designed to edit books in ePub format.</p>


    <p> * Full UTF-16 support;  * Full EPUB 2 spec support;  * Multiple Views: Book View, Code View and Preview View;  * WYSIWYG
    editing in Book View;  * Complete control over directly editing EPUB syntax in Code View;  * Table of Contents generator
    with multi-level heading support;  * Metadata editor with full support for all possible metadata entries (more    than
    200) with full descriptions for each;  * User interface translated into many languages;  * Spell checking with default
    and user configurable dictionaries;  * Full Regular Expression (PCRE) support for Find &amp; Replace;  * Supports import
    of EPUB and HTML files, images, and style sheets;  * Files can be validated for EPUB compliance with the FlightCrew validator; 
    * HTML Tidy: all imported files have their formatting corrected, and your    editing can be optionally cleaned.</p>
  sk: >-
    <p>Sigil is a free, open source, multi-platform ebook editor. It is designed to edit books in ePub format.</p>


    <p> * Full UTF-16 support;  * Full EPUB 2 spec support;  * Multiple Views: Book View, Code View and Preview View;  * WYSIWYG
    editing in Book View;  * Complete control over directly editing EPUB syntax in Code View;  * Table of Contents generator
    with multi-level heading support;  * Metadata editor with full support for all possible metadata entries (more    than
    200) with full descriptions for each;  * User interface translated into many languages;  * Spell checking with default
    and user configurable dictionaries;  * Full Regular Expression (PCRE) support for Find &amp; Replace;  * Supports import
    of EPUB and HTML files, images, and style sheets;  * Files can be validated for EPUB compliance with the FlightCrew validator; 
    * HTML Tidy: all imported files have their formatting corrected, and your    editing can be optionally cleaned.</p>
  sl: >-
    <p>Sigil is a free, open source, multi-platform ebook editor. It is designed to edit books in ePub format.</p>


    <p> * Full UTF-16 support;  * Full EPUB 2 spec support;  * Multiple Views: Book View, Code View and Preview View;  * WYSIWYG
    editing in Book View;  * Complete control over directly editing EPUB syntax in Code View;  * Table of Contents generator
    with multi-level heading support;  * Metadata editor with full support for all possible metadata entries (more    than
    200) with full descriptions for each;  * User interface translated into many languages;  * Spell checking with default
    and user configurable dictionaries;  * Full Regular Expression (PCRE) support for Find &amp; Replace;  * Supports import
    of EPUB and HTML files, images, and style sheets;  * Files can be validated for EPUB compliance with the FlightCrew validator; 
    * HTML Tidy: all imported files have their formatting corrected, and your    editing can be optionally cleaned.</p>
  ja: >-
    <p>Sigil is a free, open source, multi-platform ebook editor. It is designed to edit books in ePub format.</p>


    <p> * Full UTF-16 support;  * Full EPUB 2 spec support;  * Multiple Views: Book View, Code View and Preview View;  * WYSIWYG
    editing in Book View;  * Complete control over directly editing EPUB syntax in Code View;  * Table of Contents generator
    with multi-level heading support;  * Metadata editor with full support for all possible metadata entries (more    than
    200) with full descriptions for each;  * User interface translated into many languages;  * Spell checking with default
    and user configurable dictionaries;  * Full Regular Expression (PCRE) support for Find &amp; Replace;  * Supports import
    of EPUB and HTML files, images, and style sheets;  * Files can be validated for EPUB compliance with the FlightCrew validator; 
    * HTML Tidy: all imported files have their formatting corrected, and your    editing can be optionally cleaned.</p>
  uk: >-
    <p>Sigil is a free, open source, multi-platform ebook editor. It is designed to edit books in ePub format.</p>


    <p> * Full UTF-16 support;  * Full EPUB 2 spec support;  * Multiple Views: Book View, Code View and Preview View;  * WYSIWYG
    editing in Book View;  * Complete control over directly editing EPUB syntax in Code View;  * Table of Contents generator
    with multi-level heading support;  * Metadata editor with full support for all possible metadata entries (more    than
    200) with full descriptions for each;  * User interface translated into many languages;  * Spell checking with default
    and user configurable dictionaries;  * Full Regular Expression (PCRE) support for Find &amp; Replace;  * Supports import
    of EPUB and HTML files, images, and style sheets;  * Files can be validated for EPUB compliance with the FlightCrew validator; 
    * HTML Tidy: all imported files have their formatting corrected, and your    editing can be optionally cleaned.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Sigil is a free, open source, multi-platform ebook editor. It is designed to edit books in ePub format.</p>


    <p> * Full UTF-16 support;  * Full EPUB 2 spec support;  * Multiple Views: Book View, Code View and Preview View;  * WYSIWYG
    editing in Book View;  * Complete control over directly editing EPUB syntax in Code View;  * Table of Contents generator
    with multi-level heading support;  * Metadata editor with full support for all possible metadata entries (more    than
    200) with full descriptions for each;  * User interface translated into many languages;  * Spell checking with default
    and user configurable dictionaries;  * Full Regular Expression (PCRE) support for Find &amp; Replace;  * Supports import
    of EPUB and HTML files, images, and style sheets;  * Files can be validated for EPUB compliance with the FlightCrew validator; 
    * HTML Tidy: all imported files have their formatting corrected, and your    editing can be optionally cleaned.</p>
  fi: >-
    <p>Sigil is a free, open source, multi-platform ebook editor. It is designed to edit books in ePub format.</p>


    <p> * Full UTF-16 support;  * Full EPUB 2 spec support;  * Multiple Views: Book View, Code View and Preview View;  * WYSIWYG
    editing in Book View;  * Complete control over directly editing EPUB syntax in Code View;  * Table of Contents generator
    with multi-level heading support;  * Metadata editor with full support for all possible metadata entries (more    than
    200) with full descriptions for each;  * User interface translated into many languages;  * Spell checking with default
    and user configurable dictionaries;  * Full Regular Expression (PCRE) support for Find &amp; Replace;  * Supports import
    of EPUB and HTML files, images, and style sheets;  * Files can be validated for EPUB compliance with the FlightCrew validator; 
    * HTML Tidy: all imported files have their formatting corrected, and your    editing can be optionally cleaned.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Sigil is a free, open source, multi-platform ebook editor. It is designed to edit books in ePub format.</p>


    <p> * Full UTF-16 support;  * Full EPUB 2 spec support;  * Multiple Views: Book View, Code View and Preview View;  * WYSIWYG
    editing in Book View;  * Complete control over directly editing EPUB syntax in Code View;  * Table of Contents generator
    with multi-level heading support;  * Metadata editor with full support for all possible metadata entries (more    than
    200) with full descriptions for each;  * User interface translated into many languages;  * Spell checking with default
    and user configurable dictionaries;  * Full Regular Expression (PCRE) support for Find &amp; Replace;  * Supports import
    of EPUB and HTML files, images, and style sheets;  * Files can be validated for EPUB compliance with the FlightCrew validator; 
    * HTML Tidy: all imported files have their formatting corrected, and your    editing can be optionally cleaned.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>Sigil is a free, open source, multi-platform ebook editor. It is designed to edit books in ePub format.</p>


    <p> * Full UTF-16 support;  * Full EPUB 2 spec support;  * Multiple Views: Book View, Code View and Preview View;  * WYSIWYG
    editing in Book View;  * Complete control over directly editing EPUB syntax in Code View;  * Table of Contents generator
    with multi-level heading support;  * Metadata editor with full support for all possible metadata entries (more    than
    200) with full descriptions for each;  * User interface translated into many languages;  * Spell checking with default
    and user configurable dictionaries;  * Full Regular Expression (PCRE) support for Find &amp; Replace;  * Supports import
    of EPUB and HTML files, images, and style sheets;  * Files can be validated for EPUB compliance with the FlightCrew validator; 
    * HTML Tidy: all imported files have their formatting corrected, and your    editing can be optionally cleaned.</p>
  tr: >-
    <p>Sigil is a free, open source, multi-platform ebook editor. It is designed to edit books in ePub format.</p>


    <p> * Full UTF-16 support;  * Full EPUB 2 spec support;  * Multiple Views: Book View, Code View and Preview View;  * WYSIWYG
    editing in Book View;  * Complete control over directly editing EPUB syntax in Code View;  * Table of Contents generator
    with multi-level heading support;  * Metadata editor with full support for all possible metadata entries (more    than
    200) with full descriptions for each;  * User interface translated into many languages;  * Spell checking with default
    and user configurable dictionaries;  * Full Regular Expression (PCRE) support for Find &amp; Replace;  * Supports import
    of EPUB and HTML files, images, and style sheets;  * Files can be validated for EPUB compliance with the FlightCrew validator; 
    * HTML Tidy: all imported files have their formatting corrected, and your    editing can be optionally cleaned.</p>
  es: >-
    <p>Sigil is a free, open source, multi-platform ebook editor. It is designed to edit books in ePub format.</p>


    <p> * Full UTF-16 support;  * Full EPUB 2 spec support;  * Multiple Views: Book View, Code View and Preview View;  * WYSIWYG
    editing in Book View;  * Complete control over directly editing EPUB syntax in Code View;  * Table of Contents generator
    with multi-level heading support;  * Metadata editor with full support for all possible metadata entries (more    than
    200) with full descriptions for each;  * User interface translated into many languages;  * Spell checking with default
    and user configurable dictionaries;  * Full Regular Expression (PCRE) support for Find &amp; Replace;  * Supports import
    of EPUB and HTML files, images, and style sheets;  * Files can be validated for EPUB compliance with the FlightCrew validator; 
    * HTML Tidy: all imported files have their formatting corrected, and your    editing can be optionally cleaned.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Sigil is a free, open source, multi-platform ebook editor. It is designed to edit books in ePub format.</p>

    <p>Fonctionnalités :</p>

    <p> * Full UTF-16 support;  * Full EPUB 2 spec support;  * Multiple Views: Book View, Code View and Preview View;  * WYSIWYG
    editing in Book View;  * Complete control over directly editing EPUB syntax in Code View;  * Table of Contents generator
    with multi-level heading support;  * Metadata editor with full support for all possible metadata entries (more    than
    200) with full descriptions for each;  * User interface translated into many languages;  * Spell checking with default
    and user configurable dictionaries;  * Full Regular Expression (PCRE) support for Find &amp; Replace;  * Supports import
    of EPUB and HTML files, images, and style sheets;  * Files can be validated for EPUB compliance with the FlightCrew validator; 
    * HTML Tidy: all imported files have their formatting corrected, and your    editing can be optionally cleaned.</p>
  pt: >-
    <p>Sigil is a free, open source, multi-platform ebook editor. It is designed to edit books in ePub format.</p>


    <p> * Full UTF-16 support;  * Full EPUB 2 spec support;  * Multiple Views: Book View, Code View and Preview View;  * WYSIWYG
    editing in Book View;  * Complete control over directly editing EPUB syntax in Code View;  * Table of Contents generator
    with multi-level heading support;  * Metadata editor with full support for all possible metadata entries (more    than
    200) with full descriptions for each;  * User interface translated into many languages;  * Spell checking with default
    and user configurable dictionaries;  * Full Regular Expression (PCRE) support for Find &amp; Replace;  * Supports import
    of EPUB and HTML files, images, and style sheets;  * Files can be validated for EPUB compliance with the FlightCrew validator; 
    * HTML Tidy: all imported files have their formatting corrected, and your    editing can be optionally cleaned.</p>
  gl: >-
    <p>Sigil is a free, open source, multi-platform ebook editor. It is designed to edit books in ePub format.</p>


    <p> * Full UTF-16 support;  * Full EPUB 2 spec support;  * Multiple Views: Book View, Code View and Preview View;  * WYSIWYG
    editing in Book View;  * Complete control over directly editing EPUB syntax in Code View;  * Table of Contents generator
    with multi-level heading support;  * Metadata editor with full support for all possible metadata entries (more    than
    200) with full descriptions for each;  * User interface translated into many languages;  * Spell checking with default
    and user configurable dictionaries;  * Full Regular Expression (PCRE) support for Find &amp; Replace;  * Supports import
    of EPUB and HTML files, images, and style sheets;  * Files can be validated for EPUB compliance with the FlightCrew validator; 
    * HTML Tidy: all imported files have their formatting corrected, and your    editing can be optionally cleaned.</p>
  ko: >-
    <p>Sigil is a free, open source, multi-platform ebook editor. It is designed to edit books in ePub format.</p>


    <p> * Full UTF-16 support;  * Full EPUB 2 spec support;  * Multiple Views: Book View, Code View and Preview View;  * WYSIWYG
    editing in Book View;  * Complete control over directly editing EPUB syntax in Code View;  * Table of Contents generator
    with multi-level heading support;  * Metadata editor with full support for all possible metadata entries (more    than
    200) with full descriptions for each;  * User interface translated into many languages;  * Spell checking with default
    and user configurable dictionaries;  * Full Regular Expression (PCRE) support for Find &amp; Replace;  * Supports import
    of EPUB and HTML files, images, and style sheets;  * Files can be validated for EPUB compliance with the FlightCrew validator; 
    * HTML Tidy: all imported files have their formatting corrected, and your    editing can be optionally cleaned.</p>
  is: >-
    <p>Sigil is a free, open source, multi-platform ebook editor. It is designed to edit books in ePub format.</p>


    <p> * Full UTF-16 support;  * Full EPUB 2 spec support;  * Multiple Views: Book View, Code View and Preview View;  * WYSIWYG
    editing in Book View;  * Complete control over directly editing EPUB syntax in Code View;  * Table of Contents generator
    with multi-level heading support;  * Metadata editor with full support for all possible metadata entries (more    than
    200) with full descriptions for each;  * User interface translated into many languages;  * Spell checking with default
    and user configurable dictionaries;  * Full Regular Expression (PCRE) support for Find &amp; Replace;  * Supports import
    of EPUB and HTML files, images, and style sheets;  * Files can be validated for EPUB compliance with the FlightCrew validator; 
    * HTML Tidy: all imported files have their formatting corrected, and your    editing can be optionally cleaned.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Sigil is a free, open source, multi-platform ebook editor. It is designed to edit books in ePub format.</p>


    <p> * Full UTF-16 support;  * Full EPUB 2 spec support;  * Multiple Views: Book View, Code View and Preview View;  * WYSIWYG
    editing in Book View;  * Complete control over directly editing EPUB syntax in Code View;  * Table of Contents generator
    with multi-level heading support;  * Metadata editor with full support for all possible metadata entries (more    than
    200) with full descriptions for each;  * User interface translated into many languages;  * Spell checking with default
    and user configurable dictionaries;  * Full Regular Expression (PCRE) support for Find &amp; Replace;  * Supports import
    of EPUB and HTML files, images, and style sheets;  * Files can be validated for EPUB compliance with the FlightCrew validator; 
    * HTML Tidy: all imported files have their formatting corrected, and your    editing can be optionally cleaned.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Sigil is a free, open source, multi-platform ebook editor. It is designed to edit books in ePub format.</p>


    <p> * Full UTF-16 support;  * Full EPUB 2 spec support;  * Multiple Views: Book View, Code View and Preview View;  * WYSIWYG
    editing in Book View;  * Complete control over directly editing EPUB syntax in Code View;  * Table of Contents generator
    with multi-level heading support;  * Metadata editor with full support for all possible metadata entries (more    than
    200) with full descriptions for each;  * User interface translated into many languages;  * Spell checking with default
    and user configurable dictionaries;  * Full Regular Expression (PCRE) support for Find &amp; Replace;  * Supports import
    of EPUB and HTML files, images, and style sheets;  * Files can be validated for EPUB compliance with the FlightCrew validator; 
    * HTML Tidy: all imported files have their formatting corrected, and your    editing can be optionally cleaned.</p>
- Office
  - name: sigil_sigil.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: sigil_sigil.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: sigil
  - application/epub+zip
Type: desktop-application
ID: scilab-cli.desktop
Package: scilab-cli
  C: Scilab CLI
  de: Scilab CLI
  fr: Logiciel scientifique de calcul numérique
  C: Scientific software package for numerical computations
  ru: Научная программа для численных расчётов
  de: eine Wissenschaftssoftware für numerische Berechnungen
  C: >-
    <p>Scilab is a matrix-based scientific software package. Scilab contains hundreds of built-in mathematical functions,
    rich data structures (including polynomials, rationals, linear systems, lists, etc...) and comes with a number of specific
    toolboxes for control, signal processing, ...</p>

    <p>This package provides Scilab as Command Line Interpreter (CLI). This package provides Scilab as a computing engine
    or script interpreter. Please install the package &quot;scilab&quot; to have all features.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Scilab is a matrix-based scientific software package. Scilab contains hundreds of built-in mathematical functions,
    rich data structures (including polynomials, rationals, linear systems, lists, etc...) and comes with a number of specific
    toolboxes for control, signal processing, ...</p>

    <p>This package provides Scilab as Command Line Interpreter (CLI). This package provides Scilab as a computing engine
    or script interpreter. Please install the package &quot;scilab&quot; to have all features.</p>
- Science
- Math
  - Science
  - Math
  - Numerical
  - name: scilab-cli_scilab.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: scilab-cli_scilab.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - scilab-cli.desktop
Type: desktop-application
ID: freedink-dfarc.desktop
Package: freedink-dfarc
  de: DFArc – Dink-Frontend
  pl: DFArc - Dink frontend
  pt_BR: DFArc - interface do Dink
  fi: DFArc - Dink Smallwood -pelin hallintaohjelma
  C: DFArc - Dink frontend
  vi: DFArc — giao diện Dink
  eo: DFArc - fasado de Dink
  sr: ДФАрц — Динкв челник
  tr: DFArc - Dink sunumu
  es: DFArc - cliente Dink
  fr: DFArc - Interface de lancement pour Dink
  hr: DFArc - Dink sučelje
  hu: DFArc - Dink előtétprogram
  ca: DFArc - Frontal del Dink
  it: DFArc - Interfaccia di Dink
  da: DFArc - Dinks grænseflade
  nl: DFArc – Dink frontend
  mk: DFArc - Dink насловна
  de: D-Mods (Dink-Module) ausführen, bearbeiten, installieren und deinstallieren
  pl: Uruchom, zedytuj, instaluj, usuń i spakuj D-Mod'y(Dink Modules)
  pt_BR: Execute, edite, instale, remova e empacote D-Mods (Módulos Dink)
  fi: Pelaa, muokkaa, asenna, poista ja paketoi D-Modeja (Dink-pelimoduuleita)
  C: Run, edit, install, remove and package D-Mods (Dink Modules)
  vi: Khởi chạy, chỉnh sửa, cài đặt, gỡ bỏ và đóng gói các D-Mod (mô-đun Dink)
  eo: Lanĉi, redakti, installi, forigi kaj enpakigi D-Mod (Modulojn Dink)
  sr: Покрените, уредите, инсталирајте, уклоните и запакујте Д-модове (Динкове модуле)
  tr: D-Modları(Dink Modülleri) çalıştır, düzenle, kur, kaldır ve derle(paketle)
  es: Ejecuta, edita, instala, elimina y empaqueta D-Mods (Módulos Dink)
  fr: Lancer, éditer, installer, supprimer et mettre en paquets des D-Mods (Dink Modules)
  hr: Pokreni, uredi, instaliraj, ukloni i pakiraj module
  hu: D-Modok (Dink modulok) futtatása, szerkesztése, telepítése, eltávolítása és csomagolása
  ca: Executa, edita, instal·la, esborra i empaqueta D-Mods (mòduls del Dink)
  it: Esegui, modifica, installa, rimuoveri e pacchettizza file D-Mod (moduli di Dink)
  da: Kør, redigere, installer, fjern og pak D-Mods (Dink-moduler)
  nl: D-Mods (Dink Modules) starten, bewerken, installeren, verwijderen en verpakken
  mk: Вклучувај, уреди, инсталирај, отстрани и спакувај D-Mods-а (Dink Модули)
  de: >-
    <p>Dink Smallwood is an adventure/role-playing game, similar to Zelda, made by RTsoft. Besides twisted humor, it includes
    the actual game editor, allowing players to create hundreds of new adventures called Dink Modules or D-Mods for short.</p>

    <p>DFArc2 makes it easy to play and manage the Dink Smallwood game and its numerous D-Mods.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Dink Smallwood is an adventure/role-playing game, similar to Zelda, made by RTsoft. Besides twisted humor, it includes
    the actual game editor, allowing players to create hundreds of new adventures called Dink Modules or D-Mods for short.</p>

    <p>DFArc2 makes it easy to play and manage the Dink Smallwood game and its numerous D-Mods.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Dink Smallwood is an adventure/role-playing game, similar to Zelda, made by RTsoft. Besides twisted humor, it includes
    the actual game editor, allowing players to create hundreds of new adventures called Dink Modules or D-Mods for short.</p>

    <p>DFArc2 makes it easy to play and manage the Dink Smallwood game and its numerous D-Mods.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>Dink Smallwood is an adventure/role-playing game, similar to Zelda, made by RTsoft. Besides twisted humor, it includes
    the actual game editor, allowing players to create hundreds of new adventures called Dink Modules or D-Mods for short.</p>

    <p>DFArc2 makes it easy to play and manage the Dink Smallwood game and its numerous D-Mods.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Dink Smallwood is an adventure/role-playing game, similar to Zelda, made by RTsoft. Besides twisted humor, it includes
    the actual game editor, allowing players to create hundreds of new adventures called Dink Modules or D-Mods for short.</p>

    <p>DFArc2 makes it easy to play and manage the Dink Smallwood game and its numerous D-Mods.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>Dink Smallwood is an adventure/role-playing game, similar to Zelda, made by RTsoft. Besides twisted humor, it includes
    the actual game editor, allowing players to create hundreds of new adventures called Dink Modules or D-Mods for short.</p>

    <p>DFArc2 makes it easy to play and manage the Dink Smallwood game and its numerous D-Mods.</p>
  hu: >-
    <p>Dink Smallwood is an adventure/role-playing game, similar to Zelda, made by RTsoft. Besides twisted humor, it includes
    the actual game editor, allowing players to create hundreds of new adventures called Dink Modules or D-Mods for short.</p>

    <p>DFArc2 makes it easy to play and manage the Dink Smallwood game and its numerous D-Mods.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Dink Smallwood is an adventure/role-playing game, similar to Zelda, made by RTsoft. Besides twisted humor, it includes
    the actual game editor, allowing players to create hundreds of new adventures called Dink Modules or D-Mods for short.</p>

    <p>DFArc2 makes it easy to play and manage the Dink Smallwood game and its numerous D-Mods.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Dink Smallwood is an adventure/role-playing game, similar to Zelda, made by RTsoft. Besides twisted humor, it includes
    the actual game editor, allowing players to create hundreds of new adventures called Dink Modules or D-Mods for short.</p>

    <p>DFArc2 makes it easy to play and manage the Dink Smallwood game and its numerous D-Mods.</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>Dink Smallwood is an adventure/role-playing game, similar to Zelda, made by RTsoft. Besides twisted humor, it includes
    the actual game editor, allowing players to create hundreds of new adventures called Dink Modules or D-Mods for short.</p>

    <p>DFArc2 makes it easy to play and manage the Dink Smallwood game and its numerous D-Mods.</p>
- Game
- AdventureGame
  - name: freedink-dfarc_dfarc.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: freedink-dfarc_dfarc.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - application/x-dmod
Type: desktop-application
ID: jabref.desktop
Package: jabref
  C: JabRef
  C: Graphical editor for BibTex bibliographies
  de: Grafischer Editor für BibTex-Bibliographien
  de: >-
    <p>Die grafische Java-Anwendung JabRef kann BibTeX-Datenbanken (.bib) editieren. Mit JabRef können Sie Ihre Literaturquellen
    in überlappenden logischen Gruppen organisieren und mit einem einzigen Klick Ihre Ansicht auf eine einzige Gruppe bzw.
    eine Schnitt- oder Vereinigungsmenge von mehreren Gruppen eingrenzen. Sie können die im Hauptfenster angezeigten Informationen
    zu den Literaturquellen anpassen und nach einem beliebigen BibTeX-Standardfeld sortieren. JabRef kann automatisch BibTeX-Schlüssel
    für Ihre Literaturquellen erstellen. Außerdem können Sie mit JabRef auf einfache Weise aus Ihren Referenzeinträgen auf
    PDF- oder Webquellen verweisen.</p>

    <p>JabRef kann verschiedene Formate importieren und exportieren, wobei Sie die Exportfilter anpassen können. Sie können
    JabRef als Kommandozeilenanwendung starten, um ein beliebiges Importformat in ein beliebiges Exportformat zu konvertieren.</p>
  sk: >-
    <p>JabRef je grafická aplikácia v Jave na úpravu databáz BibTeX (.bib). JabRef vám umožňuje organizovať položky do prelínajúcich
    sa logických skupín a jediným kliknutím obmedziť zobrazenie na jednu skupinu alebo na prienik či zjednotenie niekoľkých
    skupín. Môžete si prispôsobiť informácie položky zobrazené v hlavnom okne si a zoradiť ich podľa ktoréhokoľvek zo štandardných
    polí BibTeXu. JabRef dokáže automaticky generovať BibTeX kľúče vašich položiek. JabRef vám tiež umožňuje jednoducho odkazovať
    na PDF alebo webové zdroje vašich referenčných záznamov.</p>

    <p>JabRef dokáže importovať a exportovať niekoľko formátov a môžete si prispôsobiť exportné filtre. JabRef môže bežať
    ako aplikácia pre príkazový riadok a previesť ktorýkoľvek importný formát na akýkoľvek exportný formát.</p>
  fi: >-
    <p>JabRef on graafinen Java-sovellus BibTeX (.bib) -tietokantojen muokkaukseen. JabRef antaa sinun järjestellä merkintäsi
    päällekkäisiin loogisiin ryhmiin ja yhdellä klikkauksella voit rajoittaa näkymäsi yhteen ryhmään, leikkauspisteeseen tai
    usean ryhmän liitoksiin. Voit räätälöidä merkintöjen tietoja jotka näytetään pääikkunassa ja järjestellä minkä tahansa
    BibTeX-kentän mukaan. JabRef voi generoida automaattisesti BibTeX- avaimet merkinnöillesi. JabRef myös antaa sinun linkittää
    helposti PDF- tai WWW-lähteisiin merkintöjesi lähdeviittauksille.</p>

    <p>JabRef voi tuoda ja viedä tiedostoja useissa formaateissa ja voit muokata tiedoston viennin suodattimia. JabRef voidaan
    ajaa komentorivisovelluksena minkä tahansa tuontiformaatin muuntamiseksi miksi tahansa vientiformaatiksi.</p>
  uk: >-
    <p>JabRef is a graphical Java application for editing BibTeX (.bib) databases. JabRef lets you organize your entries into
    overlapping logical groups, and with a single click limit your view to a single group or an intersection or union of several
    groups. You can customize the entry information shown in the main window, and sort by any of the standard BibTeX fields.
    JabRef can autogenerate BibTeX keys for your entries. JabRef also lets you easily link to PDF or web sources for your
    reference entries.</p>

    <p>JabRef може імпортувати та експортувати у різні формати і ви можете налаштовувати фільтри для експорту. JabRef  може
    запускатись в пакетному (консольному) режимі для конвертування з будь-якого вхідного формату у будь-який вихідний.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>JabRef is a graphical Java application for editing BibTeX (.bib) databases. JabRef lets you organize your entries into
    overlapping logical groups, and with a single click limit your view to a single group or an intersection or union of several
    groups. You can customize the entry information shown in the main window, and sort by any of the standard BibTeX fields.
    JabRef can autogenerate BibTeX keys for your entries. JabRef also lets you easily link to PDF or web sources for your
    reference entries.</p>

    <p>JabRef can import from and export to several formats, and you can customize export filters. JabRef can be run as a
    command line application to convert from any import format to any export format.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>JabRef is a graphical Java application for editing BibTeX (.bib) databases. JabRef lets you organize your entries into
    overlapping logical groups, and with a single click limit your view to a single group or an intersection or union of several
    groups. You can customize the entry information shown in the main window, and sort by any of the standard BibTeX fields.
    JabRef can autogenerate BibTeX keys for your entries. JabRef also lets you easily link to PDF or web sources for your
    reference entries.</p>

    <p>JabRef can import from and export to several formats, and you can customize export filters. JabRef can be run as a
    command line application to convert from any import format to any export format.</p>
  sr: >-
    <p>ЈабРеф је графички програм Јаве за уређивање база података БибТеКс-а (.bib). ЈабРеф вам допушта да организујете ваше
    уносе у преклапајућим логичким групама, и са једним кликом ограничава ваш поглед на једну групу или на пресек уније неколико
    група. Можете да прилагодите податке уноса приказане у главном прозору, и да поређате по било ком стандардном пољу БибТеКс-а.
    ЈабРеф вам такође допушта да лако направите везу до ПДФ-а или веб извора за ваше уносе указивача.</p>

    <p>ЈабРеф може да увезе и да извезе у неколико формата, иа ви можете да прилагодите пропуснике извоза. ЈабРеф може бити
    покренут као програм линије наредби за претварање из било ког извозног у било који увозни формат.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>JabRef is a graphical Java application for editing BibTeX (.bib) databases. JabRef lets you organize your entries into
    overlapping logical groups, and with a single click limit your view to a single group or an intersection or union of several
    groups. You can customize the entry information shown in the main window, and sort by any of the standard BibTeX fields.
    JabRef can autogenerate BibTeX keys for your entries. JabRef also lets you easily link to PDF or web sources for your
    reference entries.</p>

    <p>JabRef can import from and export to several formats, and you can customize export filters. JabRef can be run as a
    command line application to convert from any import format to any export format.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>JabRef is a graphical Java application for editing BibTeX (.bib) databases. JabRef lets you organize your entries into
    overlapping logical groups, and with a single click limit your view to a single group or an intersection or union of several
    groups. You can customize the entry information shown in the main window, and sort by any of the standard BibTeX fields.
    JabRef can autogenerate BibTeX keys for your entries. JabRef also lets you easily link to PDF or web sources for your
    reference entries.</p>

    <p>JabRef может импортировать и экспортировать в разные форматы, и вы можете настраивать фильтры для экспорта. JabRef
    может запускаться в пакетном (консольном) режиме для конвертирования из любого входного формата в любой выходной.</p>
  es: >-
    <p>JabRef is a graphical Java application for editing BibTeX (.bib) databases. JabRef lets you organize your entries into
    overlapping logical groups, and with a single click limit your view to a single group or an intersection or union of several
    groups. You can customize the entry information shown in the main window, and sort by any of the standard BibTeX fields.
    JabRef can autogenerate BibTeX keys for your entries. JabRef also lets you easily link to PDF or web sources for your
    reference entries.</p>

    <p>JabRef can import from and export to several formats, and you can customize export filters. JabRef can be run as a
    command line application to convert from any import format to any export format.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>JabRef est une application graphique en Java pour l&apos;édition des bases de données BibTeX (.bib). JabRef vous permet
    d&apos;organiser vos entrées dans des groupes logiques se chevauchant, et avec un simple clic de limiter votre point de
    vue à un seul groupe ou une intersection ou union de plusieurs groupes. Vous pouvez personnaliser les informations d&apos;entrée
    affichées dans la fenêtre principale, et trier par n&apos;importe quels champs BibTeX standards. JabRef peut générer automatiquement
    des clés BibTeX pour vos entrées. JabRef vous permet également de relier facilement vos entrées de référence à des PDF
    ou vers des sources Web.</p>

    <p>JabRef peut importer et exporter vers plusieurs formats, et vous pouvez personnaliser les filtres d&apos;exportation.
    JabRef peut être exécutée comme une application en ligne de commande pour convertir n&apos;importe quel format d&apos;importation
    vers tout format d&apos;exportation.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>JabRef is a graphical Java application for editing BibTeX (.bib) databases. JabRef lets you organize your entries into
    overlapping logical groups, and with a single click limit your view to a single group or an intersection or union of several
    groups. You can customize the entry information shown in the main window, and sort by any of the standard BibTeX fields.
    JabRef can autogenerate BibTeX keys for your entries. JabRef also lets you easily link to PDF or web sources for your
    reference entries.</p>

    <p>JabRef can import from and export to several formats, and you can customize export filters. JabRef can be run as a
    command line application to convert from any import format to any export format.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>JabRef è un&apos;applicazione Java grafica per modificare database BibTeX (.bib); permette di organizzare le proprie
    voci in gruppi logici anche sovrapposti e con un singolo clic limita la visualizzazione ad un solo gruppo o all&apos;intersezione
    o l&apos;unione di diversi gruppi. Le informazioni su una voce mostrate nella finestra principale possono essere personalizzate
    e ordinate in base a uno qualunque dei campi BibTeX standard. JabRef può generare automaticamente chiavi BibTeX per voci;
    permette anche di creare facilmente collegamenti a PDF o fonti web per le proprie voci bibliografiche.</p>

    <p>JabRef può importare ed esportare da e in diversi formati ed è possibile personalizzare i filtri d&apos;esportazione.
    JabRef può essere eseguito come un&apos;applicazione a riga di comando al fine di convertire da un qualsiasi formato di
    input in un qualsiasi formato di output.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>JabRef er et grafisk Javaprogram for redigering af BibTeX-databaser (.bib). JabRef giver dig mulighed for at organisere
    dine poster i overlappende logiske grupper og med et enkelt klik begrænse din visning til en enkel gruppe eller et kryds
    eller fællesmængde af flere grupper. Du kan tilpasse postinformationen vist i hovedvinduet, og sortere efter standardfelterne
    for BibTeX. JabRef kan automatisk oprette BibTeX-nøgler for dine poster. JabRef lader dig også nemt henvise til PDF- eller
    netkilder for dine referenceposter.</p>

    <p>JabRef kan importere fra og eksportere til adskillige formater, og du kan tilpasse eksportfiltre. JabRef kan køres
    som en kommandolinje-applikation til konvertering fra ethvert importformat til ethvert eksportformat.</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>JabRef is a graphical Java application for editing BibTeX (.bib) databases. JabRef lets you organize your entries into
    overlapping logical groups, and with a single click limit your view to a single group or an intersection or union of several
    groups. You can customize the entry information shown in the main window, and sort by any of the standard BibTeX fields.
    JabRef can autogenerate BibTeX keys for your entries. JabRef also lets you easily link to PDF or web sources for your
    reference entries.</p>

    <p>JabRef can import from and export to several formats, and you can customize export filters. JabRef can be run as a
    command line application to convert from any import format to any export format.</p>
- Office
- Database
  - BibTex
  - name: jabref_JabRef-icon-48.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: jabref_JabRef-icon-48.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - text/x-bibtex
Type: desktop-application
ID: avahi-discover.desktop
Package: avahi-discover
  he: סייר ה־Zeroconf של ‏Avahi
  ja: Avahi Zeroconf ブラウザ
  zh_CN: Avahi Zeroconf 浏览器
  sk: Avahi - prieskumník služieb Zeroconf
  sl: Brskalnik Avahi Zeroconf
  fo: Avahi Zeroconf kagi
  en_NZ: Avahi Zeroconf Browser
  C: Avahi Zeroconf Browser
  fr: Explorateur Zeroconf d'Avahi
  sr: Авахијев Зероконф прегледник
  uk: Переглядач Zeroconf Avahi
  ca: Eina d'exploració de Zeroconf de l'Avahi
  sv: Avahi Zeroconf-bläddrare
  hu: Avahi Zeroconf-böngésző
  nl: Avahi zeroconf browser
  zh_TW: Avahi Zeroconf 瀏覽器
  lv: Avahi Zeroconf pārlūks
  pl: Przeglądarka Zeroconf Avahi
  el: Περιηγητής Avahi Zeroconf
  cs: Avahi Zeroconf Prohlížeč
  id: Peramban Zeroconf Avahi
  ro: Navigator Avahi Zeroconf
  gl: Navegador Zeroconf de Avahi
  es: Navegador Zeroconf de Avahi
  et: Avahi Zeroconf brauser
  ru: Обозреватель Avahi Zeroconf
  tr: Avahi Zeroconf Tarayıcı
  oc: Explorador Zeroconf d'Avahi
  da: Avahi Zeroconf-browser
  it: Esploratore Zeroconf Avahi
  bg: Преглед на улеснените услуги с Avahi
  de: Avahi Zeroconf Browser
  fa: Avahi مرورگر Zeroconf
  pt_BR: Navegador Zeroconf do Avahi
  en_GB: Avahi Zeroconf Browser
  sr@latin: Avahijev Zerokonf preglednik
  fi: Avahin Zeroconf-selain
  he: סיור אחר שירותי Zeroconf הזמינים ברשת שלך
  ja: ネットワーク上の利用可能な Zeroconf サービスを検索
  zh_CN: 浏览网络内可用的 Zeroconf 服务
  sk: Preskúma služby typu Zeroconf dostupné vo vašej sieti
  sl: Brskanje med razpoložljivimi storitvami Zeroconf v omrežju
  fo: Kaga eftir Zeroconf-tænastum, tøkar á tínum neti
  en_NZ: Browse for Zeroconf services available on your network
  C: Browse for Zeroconf services available on your network
  fr: Explorer les services Zeroconf disponibles sur votre réseau
  sr: Прегледам доступне Зероконф услуге на вашој мрежи
  uk: Переглянути служби Zeroconf, доступ до яких можна отримати у вашій мережі
  ca: Exploreu si hi ha disponibles serveis Zeroconf a la vostra xarxa
  sv: Bläddra efter Zeroconf-tjänster tillgängliga på ditt nätverk
  hu: Zeroconf szolgáltatások keresése a hálózaton
  nl: Browse voor Zeroconf services beschikbaar op jouw netwerk
  zh_TW: 在您的網路上瀏覽可用的 Zeroconf 服務
  ar: خدمة التصفح Zeroconf متاحة على الشبكة
  lv: Pārlūkot Zeroconf pakalpojumus, kas pieejami šajā tīklā
  pl: Przeglądanie usług Zeroconf dostępnych w sieci
  el: Εξερεύνηση υπηρεσιών Zeroconf που είναι διαθέσιμες στο δίκτυό σας
  cs: Procházet Zeroconf služeby dostupné na síti
  id: Ramban layanan Zeroconf yang tersedia pada jaringan Anda
  gl: Navegar na busca de servizos Zeroconf dispoñíbeis na súa rede
  ro: Descoperă serviciile Zeroconf disponibile în rețeaua ta
  es: Navegar en busca de servicios Zeroconf disponibles en su red
  et: Sinu võrgus olevate Zeroconf teenuste sirvimine
  ru: Поиск служб Zeroconf в локальной сети
  tr: Ağınızda kullanılabilir Zeroconf hizmetlerine gözatın
  oc: Explorar los servicis Zeroconf disponibles sus vòstra ret
  da: Kig efter tilgængelige Zeroconftjenester på dit netværk
  it: Esplora i servizi Zeroconf disponibili sulla propria rete
  bg: Преглед на улеснените услуги (Zeroconf) в мрежата ви
  de: Durchsuchen nach Zeroconf-aktivierten Diensten in Ihrem Netzwerk
  fa: خدمات Zeroconf موجود در شبکه‌تان را مرور کنید
  pt_BR: Procurar por serviços Zeroconf disponíveis em sua rede
  en_GB: Browse for Zeroconf services available on your network
  sr@latin: Pregledam dostupne Zerokonf usluge na vašoj mreži
  fi: Selaa verkossa saatavilla olevia Zeroconf-palveluita
  de: >-
    <p>Avahi ist ein vollständiges, unter der LGPL stehendes, Rahmenwerk für die Multicast-DNS-Diensteerkennung. Es ermöglicht
    Programmen, Dienste und Rechner in einem lokalen Netzwerk bekanntzugeben bzw. zu entdecken, ohne dass eine besondere Konfiguration
    nötig wäre. Man kann sich zum Beispiel mit einem Netzwerk verbinden und augenblicklich Drucker, freigegebene Dateien und
    Menschen, mit denen man sich unterhalten kann, finden.</p>

    <p>Dieses Paket enthält eine Benutzerschnittstelle zur Diensteerkennung.</p>
  zh_CN: >-
    <p>Avahi 是一个完全基于 LGPL 框架下的多播 DNS 服务搜寻工具。它能让程序发布或者 发现在本地网络中的服务或者主机,而无需特殊配置。例如,您可以连入一个网络,然后 立刻发现可用于打印的打印机,可查看的文件或者可聊天的朋友。</p>

  pt_BR: >-
    <p>Avahi é uma infra-estrutura LGPL completa para Descoberta de serviços DNS Multicast. Permite que os programas publiquem
    e descubram os serviços e as máquinas que funcionam em uma rede local sem nenhuma configuração específica. Por exemplo,
    você pode se conectar em uma rede e instantaneamente encontrar impressoras para imprimir, arquivos para olhar e pessoas
    para conversar.</p>

    <p>Este pacote contém a interface de usuário para encontrar serviços.</p>
  sl: >-
    <p>Avahi je polno LGPL ogrodje za odkrivanje DNS storitev večsmernega oddajanja. Programom omogoča objavljanje in odkrivanje
    storitev in gostiteljev, ki tečejo na krajevnem omrežju brez določenih nastavitev. Lahko se na primer vklopite v omrežje
    in hipno najdete tiskalnike za tiskanje, datoteke za ogled in ljudi za pogovor.</p>

    <p>Ta paket vsebuje uporabniški vmesnik za odkrivanje storitev</p>
  pt: >-
    <p>Avahi é uma estrutura &quot;Multicast DNS Service Discovery&quot; totalmente LGPL. Permite a programas publicarem e
    descobrirem serviços e máquinas a correr numa rede local sem nenhuma configuração específica. Por exemplo, você pode ligar-se
    a uma rede e instantaneamente encontrar impressoras para imprimir, ficheiros para ver e pessoas com quem falar.</p>

    <p>Este pacote contém uma interface de utilizador para serviços de descoberta.</p>
  uk: >-
    <p>Avahi — це оболонка для виявлення сервісів за допомогою широкомовного DNS (Multicast DNS Service Discovery) ліцензована
    під LGPL. Вона дозволяє програмам оголошувати і виявляти сервіси та хости у локальній мережі, не маючи спеціальних налаштувань.
    Наприклад, Ви можете просто підключитися до мережі і миттєво знайти принтери для друку, потрібні файли та людей для спілкування.</p>

    <p>Цей пакунок містить інтерфейс користувача для виявлення сервісів.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Avahi is a fully LGPL framework for Multicast DNS Service Discovery. It allows programs to publish and discover services
    and hosts running on a local network with no specific configuration. For example you can plug into a network and instantly
    find printers to print to, files to look at and people to talk to.</p>

    <p>This package contains a user interface for discovering services.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Avahi is a fully LGPL framework for Multicast DNS Service Discovery. It allows programs to publish and discover services
    and hosts running on a local network with no specific configuration. For example you can plug into a network and instantly
    find printers to print to, files to look at and people to talk to.</p>

    <p>This package contains a user interface for discovering services.</p>
  gl: >-
    <p>Avahi é unha infraestrutura baixo a LGPL para a descuberta  de servizos de DNS de multidifusión. Permite que os programas
    publiquen e descubran servizos e servidores que se estean a executar nunha rede local sen ningunha configuración específica.
    É posíbel, por exemplo, conectarse a unha rede e atopar instantaneamente impresoras coas que imprimir, ficheiros que ver
    e persoas coas que falar.</p>

    <p>This package contains a user interface for discovering services.</p>
  tr: >-
    <p>Avahi is a fully LGPL framework for Multicast DNS Service Discovery. It allows programs to publish and discover services
    and hosts running on a local network with no specific configuration. For example you can plug into a network and instantly
    find printers to print to, files to look at and people to talk to.</p>

    <p>Bu paket, hizmet algılama için bir kullanıcı arayüzü içerir.</p>
  sk: >-
    <p>Avahi je LGPL platforma na Multicast DNS Service Discovery. Umožňuje programom publikovať a objavovať služby a počítače
    bežiace v lokálnej sieti bez špeciálnej konfigurácie. Napríklad sa môžete pripojiť k sieti a ihneď nájsť tlačiarne na
    ktorých sa dá tlačiť, prístupné súbory alebo ľudí, s ktorými môžete komunikovať.</p>

    <p>Tento balík obsahuje používateľské rozhranie na objavovanie služieb.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>Avahi is a fully LGPL framework for Multicast DNS Service Discovery. It allows programs to publish and discover services
    and hosts running on a local network with no specific configuration. For example you can plug into a network and instantly
    find printers to print to, files to look at and people to talk to.</p>

    <p>This package contains a user interface for discovering services.</p>
  es: >-
    <p>Avahi es un entorno totalmente LGPL para el descubrimiento de servicios de DNS multicast. Permite a los programas publicar
    y descubrir servicios y servidores que se están ejecutando en una red local sin una configuración específica. Por ejemplo,
    puede conectarse a una red y encontrar instantáneamente impresoras en las que imprimir, archivos que mirar y gente con
    la que hablar.</p>

    <p>Este paquete contiene una interfaz de usuario para descubrir servicios.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Avahi est un cadre applicatif sous licence LGPL pour le service de découverte Multicast DNS. Il permet aux programmes
    de publier et découvrir des services et des hôtes sur un réseau local, sans configuration spécifique. Il permet, par exemple,
    de se connecter à un réseau et de trouver immédiatement les imprimantes, fichiers et utilisateurs disponibles.</p>

    <p>Ce paquet contient l&apos;interface utilisateur pour la découverte de services.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>Avahi — инфраструктура для обнаружения сервисов посредством многоадресной рассылки (Multicast DNS Service Discovery).
    Она позволяет программам предоставлять и обнаруживать сервисы и хосты в локальной сети, не требуя ввода никаких специальных
    настроек. Например, можно сразу после подключения к сети найти принтеры, файлы и людей для общения.</p>

    <p>В пакете содержатся пользовательские программы для обнаружения служб.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>Avahi is a fully LGPL framework for Multicast DNS Service Discovery. It allows programs to publish and discover services
    and hosts running on a local network with no specific configuration. For example you can plug into a network and instantly
    find printers to print to, files to look at and people to talk to.</p>

    <p>This package contains a user interface for discovering services.</p>
  hu: >-
    <p>Avahi is a fully LGPL framework for Multicast DNS Service Discovery. It allows programs to publish and discover services
    and hosts running on a local network with no specific configuration. For example you can plug into a network and instantly
    find printers to print to, files to look at and people to talk to.</p>

    <p>This package contains a user interface for discovering services.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Avahi è un&apos;infrastruttura per il Multicast DNS Service Discovery completamente sotto licenza LGPL. Tale libreria
    permette ai programmi di mettere a disposizione e scoprire servizi e host in esecuzione sulla rete locale, senza la necessità
    di specifiche configurazioni. Per esempio è possibile collegarsi ad una rete e istantaneamente trovare le stampanti disponibili
    per la stampa, file condivisi e persone con cui parlare.</p>

    <p>Questo pacchetto contiene un&apos;interfaccia utente per rilevare servizi.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Avahi er et rammeværktøj fuldt under LGPL til at finde multicast DNS- tjenester. Det tillader programmer at publicere
    og finde tjenester og værter, som kører på et lokalt netværk uden specifik konfiguration. Som eksempel kan du tilslutte
    dig et netværk og øjeblikkeligt finde printere at udskrive til, filer til at kigge på og mennesker at tale med.</p>

    <p>Denne pakke indeholder en brugergrænseflade for opdagelse af tjenester.</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>Avahi is a fully LGPL framework for Multicast DNS Service Discovery. It allows programs to publish and discover services
    and hosts running on a local network with no specific configuration. For example you can plug into a network and instantly
    find printers to print to, files to look at and people to talk to.</p>

    <p>This package contains a user interface for discovering services.</p>
- System
  - name: avahi-discover_network-wired.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: avahi-discover_network-wired.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  stock: network-wired
  - avahi-discover.desktop
Type: desktop-application
ID: openjdk-8-policytool.desktop
Package: openjdk-8-jre
  fr: OpenJDK Java 8 - Outil de réglage
  C: OpenJDK Java 8 Policy Tool
  fi: OpenJDK Java 8 - käytäntötyökalu
  fr: OpenJDK Java 8 - Outil de réglage
  C: OpenJDK Java 8 Policy Tool
  fi: OpenJDK Java 8 - käytäntötyökalu
  C: >-
    <p>Full Java runtime environment - needed for executing Java GUI and Webstart programs, using Hotspot Zero.</p>

    <p>The packages are built using the IcedTea build support and patches from the IcedTea project.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Full Java runtime environment - needed for executing Java GUI and Webstart programs, using Hotspot Zero.</p>

    <p>The packages are built using the IcedTea build support and patches from the IcedTea project.</p>
- Settings
  - java
  - security
  - policytool
  - name: openjdk-8-jre_openjdk-8.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: openjdk-8-jre_openjdk-8.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - openjdk-8-policytool.desktop
Type: codec
ID: gstreamer1.0-qt5
Package: gstreamer1.0-qt5
  C: GStreamer Multimedia Codecs
  C: GStreamer plugin for Qt5
  en: GStreamer plugin for Qt5
Type: desktop-application
ID: wireshark.desktop
Package: wireshark-qt
  C: Wireshark
  vi: Wireshark
  ja: ネットワークトラフィックアナライザー
  sk: Analyzátor sieťovej premávky
  sl: Preučevalnik omrežnega prometa
  C: Network traffic analyzer
  sq: Analizues i trafikut të rrjetit
  fr: Analyseur de trafic réseau
  nb: Nettverkstrafikk-analysator
  sv: Nätverkstrafikanalysator
  af: Netwerkverkeer analiseerder
  hu: Hálózatiforgalom-elemző
  uk: Аналізатор мережевого трафіку
  nl: Netwerkverkeer analyseren
  lt: Tinklo duomenų srauto analizatorius
  pl: Analizator ruchu sieciowego
  el: Ανάλυση κίνησης δικτύου
  ast: Analizador de tráficu de rede
  cs: Analyzátor síťového přenosu
  pt: Analisador de tráfego da rede
  ro: Analizator trafic de rețea
  es: Analizador de tráfico de red
  gl: Analizador do tráfico de rede
  et: Võrguliikluse analüüsija
  vi: Trình phân tích giao thông mạng
  ru: Анализ сетевого трафика
  tr: Ağ trafiği çözümleyicisi
  oc: Analisador de tramas de ret
  da: Netværkstrafikanalyse
  it: Analizzatore del traffico di rete
  bg: Анализатор на мрежовия трафик
  de: Netzwerkverkehr-Analyseprogramm
  pt_BR: Analisador de tráfego de rede
  ko: 네트워크 트래픽 분석기
  bn: নেটওয়ার্ক ট্রাফিক বিশ্লেষক
  ms: Penganalisa trafik rangkaian
  ky: Тармактык трафикти анализдөө
  fi: Verkkoliikenne analysaattori
  bs: Analizator mrežnoga prometa
  pl: >-
    <p>Wireshark jest narzędziem typu sniffer, służącym do przechwytywania i analizowania pakietów sieciowych. Wireshark potrafi
    dekodować zbyt wiele protokołów, aby je tutaj wymieniać.</p>

    <p>This package provides the Qt version of Wireshark.</p>
  de: >-
    <p>Wireshark ist ein Netzwerk-»Sniffer« - ein Werkzeug, das Pakete auf der Leitung erfasst und analysiert. Wireshark kann
    so viele Protokolle dekodieren, dass sie hier nicht aufgelistet werden können.</p>

    <p>This package provides the Qt version of Wireshark.</p>
  zh_CN: >-
    <p>Wireshark 是一个网络嗅探器 - 一个用于抓取和分析网络数据包的工具。 Wireshark 可以解码的协议数量巨大,不胜枚举。</p>

    <p>This package provides the Qt version of Wireshark.</p>
  sk: >-
    <p>Wireshark je analyzátor premávky na sieti alebo „sniffer“ pre unixové systémy. Wireshark dokáže dekódovať množstvo
    protokolov (príliš mnoho aby sa dal uviesť zoznam).</p>

    <p>This package provides the Qt version of Wireshark.</p>
  sl: >-
    <p>Wireshark je program za &quot;vohunjenje&quot; na omrežju - orodje, ki ujame in preuči pakete, ki se prenašajo po žici.
    Wireshark lahko odkodira preveč kot jih je tu mogoče našteti.</p>

    <p>This package provides the Qt version of Wireshark.</p>
  pt_BR: >-
    <p>Wireshark é um &quot;sniffer&quot; de rede - uma ferramenta que captura e analisa pacotes nos fios. O Wireshark pode
    descodificar demasiados protocolos para listar aqui.</p>

    <p>This package provides the Qt version of Wireshark.</p>
  pt: >-
    <p>Wireshark é um &quot;sniffer&quot; de rede - uma ferramenta que captura e analisa pacotes nos fios. O Wireshark pode
    descodificar demasiados protocolos para listar aqui.</p>

    <p>This package provides the Qt version of Wireshark.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Wireshark is a network &quot;sniffer&quot; - a tool that captures and analyzes packets off the wire. Wireshark can
    decode too many protocols to list here.</p>

    <p>This package provides the Qt version of Wireshark.</p>
  uk: >-
    <p>Wireshark — аналізатор мережевого трафіку, т.зв. „сніфер“, — це утиліта для захоплення пакетів, які проходять мережевим
    каналом. Wireshark підтримує формати декількох протоколів (дуже великий перелік).</p>

    <p>This package provides the Qt version of Wireshark.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Wireshark is a network &quot;sniffer&quot; - a tool that captures and analyzes packets off the wire. Wireshark can
    decode too many protocols to list here.</p>

    <p>This package provides the Qt version of Wireshark.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>Wireshark — это анализатор сетевого трафика («снифер») для захвата пакетов, которые передаются по сетевому каналу.
    Wireshark поддерживает так много протоколов, что их невозможно перечислить в данном описании.</p>

    <p>This package provides the Qt version of Wireshark.</p>
  ja: >-
    <p>Wireshark は、回線上を流れるパケットをキャプチャし、解析するツールであ るネットワーク「スニファ」です。 Wireshark はここで一覧を示すことがで きない程多くのプロトコルを解析することができます。</p>

    <p>This package provides the Qt version of Wireshark.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>Wireshark is a network &quot;sniffer&quot; - a tool that captures and analyzes packets off the wire. Wireshark can
    decode too many protocols to list here.</p>

    <p>This package provides the Qt version of Wireshark.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Wireshark est un analyseur de trafic réseau ou «⋅sniffer⋅», utilisé pour capturer et examiner les paquets transitant
    sur un réseau. Wireshark décode de nombreux protocoles (trop nombreux pour être listés).</p>

    <p>This package provides the Qt version of Wireshark.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>Wireshark is a network &quot;sniffer&quot; - a tool that captures and analyzes packets off the wire. Wireshark can
    decode too many protocols to list here.</p>

    <p>This package provides the Qt version of Wireshark.</p>
  hu: >-
    <p>A Wireshark egy hálózatfigyelő eszköz, amely elkapja és elemzi a hálózati csomagokat. A Wireshark rengeteg protokollt

    <p>This package provides the Qt version of Wireshark.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Wireshark è uno &quot;sniffer&quot; della rete, uno strumento che cattura e analizza pacchetti dal cavo. Wireshark
    può decodificare troppi protocolli per elencarli qui.</p>

    <p>This package provides the Qt version of Wireshark.</p>
  nl: >-
    <p>Wireshark is een netwerk-&quot;sniffer&quot; - een hulpmiddel dat pakketten van de draad kan opvangen en analyseren.
    Wireshark kan te veel protocols decoderen om hier op te noemen.</p>

    <p>This package provides the Qt version of Wireshark.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Wireshark er en »netværkssniffer« - et værktøj som fanger og analyserer pakker fra nettet. Wireshark kan afkode en
    masse protokoller; for mange til at nævne her.</p>

    <p>This package provides the Qt version of Wireshark.</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>Wireshark is a network &quot;sniffer&quot; - a tool that captures and analyzes packets off the wire. Wireshark can
    decode too many protocols to list here.</p>

    <p>This package provides the Qt version of Wireshark.</p>
- Network
- Monitor
  - name: wireshark-qt_wireshark.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: wireshark-qt_wireshark.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: wireshark
  - application/x-tektronix-rf5
  - application/x-micropross-mplog
  - application/x-iptrace
  - application/x-ixia-vwr
  - application/x-etherpeek
  - application/x-lanalyzer
  - application/x-radcom
  - application/x-netinstobserver
  - application/x-5view
  - application/x-nettl
  - application/x-snoop
  - application/x-endace-erf
  - application/ipfix
  - application/vnd.tcpdump.pcap
  - application/x-pcapng
  - application/x-visualnetworks
  - application/x-apple-packetlogger
Type: desktop-application
ID: ggcov.desktop
Package: ggcov
  C: GGcov
  C: Source code test coverage browser
  ja: >-
    <p>This is a simple GUI for browsing C test coverage data gathered by programs instrumented with &quot;gcc --coverage&quot;. 
    Hence it&apos;s a graphical replacement for the &quot;gcov&quot; program that comes with gcc.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>This is a simple GUI for browsing C test coverage data gathered by programs instrumented with &quot;gcc --coverage&quot;. 
    Hence it&apos;s a graphical replacement for the &quot;gcov&quot; program that comes with gcc.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>This is a simple GUI for browsing C test coverage data gathered by programs instrumented with &quot;gcc --coverage&quot;. 
    Hence it&apos;s a graphical replacement for the &quot;gcov&quot; program that comes with gcc.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>This is a simple GUI for browsing C test coverage data gathered by programs instrumented with &quot;gcc --coverage&quot;. 
    Hence it&apos;s a graphical replacement for the &quot;gcov&quot; program that comes with gcc.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>This is a simple GUI for browsing C test coverage data gathered by programs instrumented with &quot;gcc --coverage&quot;. 
    Hence it&apos;s a graphical replacement for the &quot;gcov&quot; program that comes with gcc.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>This is a simple GUI for browsing C test coverage data gathered by programs instrumented with &quot;gcc --coverage&quot;. 
    Hence it&apos;s a graphical replacement for the &quot;gcov&quot; program that comes with gcc.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Questa è una semplice GUI per sfogliare i dati dei test di copertura C ottenuti da programmi preparati con &quot;gcc
    --coverage&quot;. È perciò un sostituto grafico per il programma &quot;gcov&quot;, che è fornito con gcc.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Dette er en simpel grafisk brugerflade for C-testdækningsdata indsamlet af programmer instrumenteret med »gcc --coverage«.
    Det er derfor en grafisk erstatning for programmet »gcov«, som følger med gcc.</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>This is a simple GUI for browsing C test coverage data gathered by programs instrumented with &quot;gcc --coverage&quot;. 
    Hence it&apos;s a graphical replacement for the &quot;gcov&quot; program that comes with gcc.</p>
- Development
  - name: ggcov_ggcov64.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - ggcov.desktop
Type: desktop-application
ID: org.videolan.vlc
Package: vlc
  kab: VLC
  lv: VLC
  af: VLC
  tr: VLC
  ast: VLC
  id: VLC
  an: VLC
  pt_BR: VLC
  el: VLC
  ks_IN: VLC
  ca@valencia: VLC
  ar: VLC
  es: VLC
  et: VLC
  eu: VLC
  ml: വിഎല്‍സി
  mn: VLC
  mai: VLC
  it: VLC
  ug: VLC
  mr: व्हीएलसी
  ms: VLC
  is: VLC
  uk: VLC
  be: VLC
  fa: VLC
  zh_CN: VLC
  ja: VLC
  fi: VLC
  bn: VLC
  nb: VLC
  uz: VLC
  bs: VLC
  ne: VLC
  br: VLC
  fr: VLC
  brx: VLC
  nl: VLC
  nn: VLC
  fy: VLC
  es_MX: VLC
  ca: VLC
  ro: VLC
  as_IN: VLC
  ga: VLC
  ru: VLC
  gd: VLC
  co: VLC
  gl: VLC
  oc: VLC
  cs: VLC
  bn_IN: VLC
  kk: VLC
  km: VLC
  kn: VLC
  ko: VLC
  wa: VLC
  gu: VLC
  cy: VLC
  si: VLC
  am_ET: ቪኤልሲ
  sk: VLC
  sl: VLC
  pt_PT: VLC
  C: VLC
  ky: VLC
  da: VLC
  sr: VLC
  zh_TW: VLC
  de: VLC
  sv: VLC
  he: VLC
  hi: VLC
  pa: VLC
  ta: VLC
  hr: VLC
  te: VLC
  hu: VLC
  pl: VLC
  th: VLC
  hy: VLC
  lt: VLC
  C: VLC media player, the open-source multimedia player
  C: >-
    <p>VLC is a free and open source cross-platform multimedia player and
                framework that plays most multimedia files as well as DVDs, Audio CDs,
                VCDs, and various streaming protocols.</p>
  C: VideoLAN et al.
ProjectGroup: VideoLAN
ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0+
- AudioVideo
- Player
- Recorder
  - Player
  - Capture
  - DVD
  - Audio
  - Video
  - Server
  - Broadcast
  homepage: https://www.videolan.org/vlc/
  bugtracker: https://trac.videolan.org/vlc/
  donation: https://www.videolan.org/contribute.html
  - name: vlc_vlc.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: vlc_vlc.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: vlc_vlc.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: vlc
  - url: org/videolan/vlc/BBE370EC1F87925E5BD58F5BFD0801AD/icons/128x128/vlc_vlc.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - vlc.desktop
  - libvlc.so.5
  - application/ogg
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  - audio/x-vorbis
  - audio/x-vorbis+ogg
  - video/ogg
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  - video/x-ogm+ogg
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  - audio/x-speex
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  - application/x-flac
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  - audio/x-ms-asf
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  - audio/x-ms-wax
  - audio/x-ms-wma
  - video/x-ms-asf
  - video/x-ms-asf-plugin
  - video/x-ms-asx
  - video/x-ms-wm
  - video/x-ms-wmv
  - video/x-ms-wmx
  - video/x-ms-wvx
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  - video/divx
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  - video/vnd.divx
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  - audio/x-pn-realaudio
  - audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin
  - audio/x-real-audio
  - audio/x-realaudio
  - video/vnd.rn-realvideo
  - audio/mpeg
  - audio/mpg
  - audio/mp1
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  - audio/mp3
  - audio/x-mp1
  - audio/x-mp2
  - audio/x-mp3
  - audio/x-mpeg
  - audio/x-mpg
  - video/mp2t
  - video/mpeg
  - video/mpeg-system
  - video/x-mpeg
  - video/x-mpeg2
  - video/x-mpeg-system
  - application/mpeg4-iod
  - application/mpeg4-muxcodetable
  - application/x-extension-m4a
  - application/x-extension-mp4
  - audio/aac
  - audio/m4a
  - audio/mp4
  - audio/x-m4a
  - audio/x-aac
  - video/mp4
  - video/mp4v-es
  - video/x-m4v
  - application/x-quicktime-media-link
  - application/x-quicktimeplayer
  - video/quicktime
  - application/x-matroska
  - audio/x-matroska
  - video/x-matroska
  - video/webm
  - audio/webm
  - audio/3gpp
  - audio/3gpp2
  - audio/AMR
  - audio/AMR-WB
  - video/3gp
  - video/3gpp
  - video/3gpp2
  - x-scheme-handler/mms
  - x-scheme-handler/mmsh
  - x-scheme-handler/rtsp
  - x-scheme-handler/rtp
  - x-scheme-handler/rtmp
  - x-scheme-handler/icy
  - x-scheme-handler/icyx
  - application/x-cd-image
  - x-content/video-vcd
  - x-content/video-svcd
  - x-content/video-dvd
  - x-content/audio-cdda
  - x-content/audio-player
  - application/ram
  - application/xspf+xml
  - audio/mpegurl
  - audio/x-mpegurl
  - audio/scpls
  - audio/x-scpls
  - text/google-video-pointer
  - text/x-google-video-pointer
  - video/vnd.mpegurl
  - application/vnd.apple.mpegurl
  - application/vnd.ms-asf
  - application/vnd.ms-wpl
  - application/sdp
  - audio/dv
  - video/dv
  - audio/x-aiff
  - audio/x-pn-aiff
  - video/x-anim
  - video/x-nsv
  - video/fli
  - video/flv
  - video/x-flc
  - video/x-fli
  - video/x-flv
  - audio/wav
  - audio/x-pn-au
  - audio/x-pn-wav
  - audio/x-wav
  - audio/x-adpcm
  - audio/ac3
  - audio/eac3
  - audio/vnd.dts
  - audio/vnd.dts.hd
  - audio/vnd.dolby.heaac.1
  - audio/vnd.dolby.heaac.2
  - audio/vnd.dolby.mlp
  - audio/basic
  - audio/midi
  - audio/x-ape
  - audio/x-gsm
  - audio/x-musepack
  - audio/x-tta
  - audio/x-wavpack
  - audio/x-shorten
  - application/x-shockwave-flash
  - application/x-flash-video
  - misc/ultravox
  - image/vnd.rn-realpix
  - audio/x-it
  - audio/x-mod
  - audio/x-s3m
  - audio/x-xm
  - application/mxf
- default: true
  - url: org/videolan/vlc/BBE370EC1F87925E5BD58F5BFD0801AD/screenshots/image-1_752x518.png
    width: 752
    height: 518
  - url: org/videolan/vlc/BBE370EC1F87925E5BD58F5BFD0801AD/screenshots/image-1_624x430.png
    width: 624
    height: 430
  - url: org/videolan/vlc/BBE370EC1F87925E5BD58F5BFD0801AD/screenshots/image-1_224x154.png
    width: 224
    height: 154
    url: org/videolan/vlc/BBE370EC1F87925E5BD58F5BFD0801AD/screenshots/image-1_orig.png
    width: 1000
    height: 690
- default: true
  - url: org/videolan/vlc/BBE370EC1F87925E5BD58F5BFD0801AD/screenshots/image-2_752x575.png
    width: 752
    height: 575
  - url: org/videolan/vlc/BBE370EC1F87925E5BD58F5BFD0801AD/screenshots/image-2_624x477.png
    width: 624
    height: 477
  - url: org/videolan/vlc/BBE370EC1F87925E5BD58F5BFD0801AD/screenshots/image-2_224x171.png
    width: 224
    height: 171
    url: org/videolan/vlc/BBE370EC1F87925E5BD58F5BFD0801AD/screenshots/image-2_orig.png
    width: 940
    height: 719
- default: true
  - url: org/videolan/vlc/BBE370EC1F87925E5BD58F5BFD0801AD/screenshots/image-3_752x515.png
    width: 752
    height: 515
  - url: org/videolan/vlc/BBE370EC1F87925E5BD58F5BFD0801AD/screenshots/image-3_624x428.png
    width: 624
    height: 428
  - url: org/videolan/vlc/BBE370EC1F87925E5BD58F5BFD0801AD/screenshots/image-3_224x153.png
    width: 224
    height: 153
    url: org/videolan/vlc/BBE370EC1F87925E5BD58F5BFD0801AD/screenshots/image-3_orig.png
    width: 1000
    height: 686
- version: 3.0.8
  type: stable
Type: desktop-application
ID: visualvm.desktop
Package: visualvm
  C: VisualVM
  C: All-in-One Java Troubleshooting Tool
  C: >-
    <p>VisualVM is a visual tool integrating several commandline JDK tools and lightweight profiling capabilities. Designed
    for both production and development time use, it further enhances the capability of monitoring and performance analysis
    for the Java SE platform.</p>

    <p>VisualVM is designed for  - Application Developers: Monitor, profile, take thread dumps,    browse heap dumps.  - System
    Administrators: Monitor and control Java applications    across the entire network.  - Java Application Users: Create
    bug reports containing all the    necessary information.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>VisualVM is a visual tool integrating several commandline JDK tools and lightweight profiling capabilities. Designed
    for both production and development time use, it further enhances the capability of monitoring and performance analysis
    for the Java SE platform.</p>

    <p>VisualVM is designed for  - Application Developers: Monitor, profile, take thread dumps,    browse heap dumps.  - System
    Administrators: Monitor and control Java applications    across the entire network.  - Java Application Users: Create
    bug reports containing all the    necessary information.</p>
- Development
- Java
  - java
  - jvm
  - profiler
  - monitoring
  - name: visualvm_visualvm.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: visualvm_visualvm.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: visualvm_visualvm.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: v/vi/visualvm.desktop/A5F34924E0573134BC59C1319F51FDC8/icons/128x128/visualvm_visualvm.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - visualvm.desktop
Type: addon
ID: org.libreoffice.kde
Package: libreoffice-kde4
- libreoffice-base.desktop
- libreoffice-calc.desktop
- libreoffice-draw.desktop
- libreoffice-impress.desktop
- libreoffice-writer.desktop
  C: LibreOffice KDE Integration
  C: Improves LibreOffice integration within the KDE Plasma desktop environment
  C: The Document Foundation
ProjectLicense: MPL-2.0
- Plasma
  homepage: http://www.libreoffice.org/discover/writer/
  bugtracker: https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/
  faq: https://hub.libreoffice.org/faq
  donation: https://donate.libreoffice.org/
  translate: https://hub.libreoffice.org/translate
  help: http://www.libreoffice.org/get-help/documentation/
Type: desktop-application
ID: bvnc.desktop
Package: avahi-ui-utils
  ja: Avahi VNC サーバの検索
  zh_CN: Avahi VNC 服务器的浏览器
  sk: Avahi - prieskumník VNC serverov
  sl: Avahi brskalnik strežnika VNC
  fo: Avahi VNC-tænastu kagi
  en_NZ: Avahi VNC Server Browser
  C: Avahi VNC Server Browser
  fr: Explorateur de serveurs VNC Avahi
  sr: Прегледник Авахијевог ВНЦ сервера
  uk: Переглядач серверів VNC Avahi
  sv: Avahi VNC-serverbläddrare
  ca: Eina d'exploració de servidors de VNC de l'Avahi
  hu: Avahi VNC-kiszolgálóböngésző
  nl: Avahi VNC server browser
  zh_TW: Avahi VNC 伺服器瀏覽器
  pl: Przeglądarka serwerów VNC Avahi
  lv: Avahi VNC serveru pārlūks
  el: Avahi περιηγητής εξυπηρετητών VNC
  id: Peramban Server VNC Avahi
  ro: Navigator Avahi de server VNC
  gl: Navegador de servidores VNC de Avahi
  es: Examinador de servidores VNC de Avahi
  et: Avahi VNC serverite brauser
  ru: Навигатор Avahi по серверам VNC
  tr: Avahi VNC Sunucu Tarayıcısı
  oc: Explorador de servidors VNC Avahi
  da: Avahibrowser for VNC-server
  it: Esploratore Avahi per server VNC
  bg: Преглед с Avahi на сървърите за VNC
  de: Avahi VNC-Server-Browser
  pt_BR: Navegador de servidores VNC do Avahi
  en_GB: Avahi VNC Server Browser
  sr@latin: Preglednik Avahijevog VNC servera
  fi: Avahin VNC-palvelinselain
  ja: Zeroconf を有効にした VNC サーバを検索
  zh_CN: 浏览启用了 Zeroconf 功能的 VNC 服务器
  sk: Preskúma VNC servery s povolenou službou Zeroconf
  sl: Brskanje med omogočenimi strežniki Zeroconf VNC
  fo: Kaga eftir Zeroconf-virkjaðum VNC-ambætarum
  en_NZ: Browse for Zeroconf-enabled VNC Servers
  C: Browse for Zeroconf-enabled VNC Servers
  fr: Explorer les serveurs VNC avec Zeroconf activé
  sr: Потражите ВНЦ сервере са укљученим Зероконфом
  uk: Перегляд серверів VNC з увімкненим Zeroconf
  sv: Bläddra efter Zeroconf-aktiverade VNC-servrar
  ca: Exploreu si hi ha servidors de VNC amb Zeroconf habilitat
  hu: Zeroconf-képes VNC kiszolgálók keresése
  nl: Browse voor Zeroconf-enabled VNC servers
  zh_TW: 瀏覽啟用 Zeroconf 的 VNC 伺服器
  pl: Przeglądanie serwerów VNC z włączonym Zeroconf
  lv: Pārlūkot Zeroconf aktivētus VNC serverus
  el: Εξερεύνηση για εξυπηρετητές VNC με ενεργοποιημένο Zeroconf
  id: Meramban Server VNC Teraktifkan-Zeroconf
  ro: Navighează serverele VNC având activat Zeroconf
  gl: Navegar por servidores VNC con Zeroconf activado
  es: Examinar servidores VNC con zeroconf activado
  et: Zeroconf toega VNC serverite sirvimine
  ru: Просмотр списка серверов VNC с включённой службой Zeroconf
  tr: Sıfır yapılandırma uyumlu VNC Sunucularını Tara
  oc: Explorar los servidors VNC amb Zeroconf activat
  da: Gennemse for Zeroconf-aktiverede VNC-servere
  it: Esplora i server VNC con Zeroconf abilitato
  bg: Преглед на сървърите за VNC с улеснение
  de: Durchsuchen nach Zeroconf-aktivierten VNC-Servern
  pt_BR: Procurar por Servidores VNC com Zeroconf Habilitado
  en_GB: Browse for Zeroconf-enabled VNC Servers
  sr@latin: Potražite VNC servere sa uključenim Zerokonfom
  fi: Selaa Zeroconf-varustettuja VNC-palvelimia
  de: >-
    <p>Avahi ist ein vollständiges, unter der LGPL stehendes, Rahmenwerk für die Multicast-DNS-Diensteerkennung. Es ermöglicht
    Programmen, Dienste und Rechner in einem lokalen Netzwerk bekanntzugeben bzw. zu entdecken, ohne dass eine besondere Konfiguration
    nötig wäre. Man kann sich zum Beispiel mit einem Netzwerk verbinden und augenblicklich Drucker, freigegebene Dateien und
    Menschen, mit denen man sich unterhalten kann, finden.</p>

    <p>This package contains some small GTK+ utilities to discover ssh and vnc servers.</p>
  zh_CN: >-
    <p>Avahi 是一个完全基于 LGPL 框架下的多播 DNS 服务搜寻工具。它能让程序发布或者 发现在本地网络中的服务或者主机,而无需特殊配置。例如,您可以连入一个网络,然后 立刻发现可用于打印的打印机,可查看的文件或者可聊天的朋友。</p>

    <p>This package contains some small GTK+ utilities to discover ssh and vnc servers.</p>
  pt_BR: >-
    <p>Avahi é uma infra-estrutura LGPL completa para Descoberta de serviços DNS Multicast. Permite que os programas publiquem
    e descubram os serviços e as máquinas que funcionam em uma rede local sem nenhuma configuração específica. Por exemplo,
    você pode se conectar em uma rede e instantaneamente encontrar impressoras para imprimir, arquivos para olhar e pessoas
    para conversar.</p>

    <p>This package contains some small GTK+ utilities to discover ssh and vnc servers.</p>
  sl: >-
    <p>Avahi je polno LGPL ogrodje za odkrivanje DNS storitev večsmernega oddajanja. Programom omogoča objavljanje in odkrivanje
    storitev in gostiteljev, ki tečejo na krajevnem omrežju brez določenih nastavitev. Lahko se na primer vklopite v omrežje
    in hipno najdete tiskalnike za tiskanje, datoteke za ogled in ljudi za pogovor.</p>

    <p>Ta paket vsebuje nekaj majhnih pripomočkov GTK+ za odkrivanje strežnikov ssh in vnc.</p>
  pt: >-
    <p>Avahi é uma estrutura &quot;Multicast DNS Service Discovery&quot; totalmente LGPL. Permite a programas publicarem e
    descobrirem serviços e máquinas a correr numa rede local sem nenhuma configuração específica. Por exemplo, você pode ligar-se
    a uma rede e instantaneamente encontrar impressoras para imprimir, ficheiros para ver e pessoas com quem falar.</p>

    <p>This package contains some small GTK+ utilities to discover ssh and vnc servers.</p>
  uk: >-
    <p>Avahi — це оболонка для виявлення сервісів за допомогою широкомовного DNS (Multicast DNS Service Discovery) ліцензована
    під LGPL. Вона дозволяє програмам оголошувати і виявляти сервіси та хости у локальній мережі, не маючи спеціальних налаштувань.
    Наприклад, Ви можете просто підключитися до мережі і миттєво знайти принтери для друку, потрібні файли та людей для спілкування.</p>

    <p>This package contains some small GTK+ utilities to discover ssh and vnc servers.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Avahi is a fully LGPL framework for Multicast DNS Service Discovery. It allows programs to publish and discover services
    and hosts running on a local network with no specific configuration. For example you can plug into a network and instantly
    find printers to print to, files to look at and people to talk to.</p>

    <p>This package contains some small GTK+ utilities to discover ssh and vnc servers.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Avahi is a fully LGPL framework for Multicast DNS Service Discovery. It allows programs to publish and discover services
    and hosts running on a local network with no specific configuration. For example you can plug into a network and instantly
    find printers to print to, files to look at and people to talk to.</p>

    <p>This package contains some small GTK+ utilities to discover ssh and vnc servers.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>Avahi — инфраструктура для обнаружения сервисов посредством многоадресной рассылки (Multicast DNS Service Discovery).
    Она позволяет программам предоставлять и обнаруживать сервисы и хосты в локальной сети, не требуя ввода никаких специальных
    настроек. Например, можно сразу после подключения к сети найти принтеры, файлы и людей для общения.</p>

    <p>Этот пакет содержит несколько небольших утилит с интерфейсом GTK+ для обнаружения серверов ssh и vnc.</p>
  tr: >-
    <p>Avahi is a fully LGPL framework for Multicast DNS Service Discovery. It allows programs to publish and discover services
    and hosts running on a local network with no specific configuration. For example you can plug into a network and instantly
    find printers to print to, files to look at and people to talk to.</p>

    <p>This package contains some small GTK+ utilities to discover ssh and vnc servers.</p>
  sk: >-
    <p>Avahi je LGPL platforma na Multicast DNS Service Discovery. Umožňuje programom publikovať a objavovať služby a počítače
    bežiace v lokálnej sieti bez špeciálnej konfigurácie. Napríklad sa môžete pripojiť k sieti a ihneď nájsť tlačiarne na
    ktorých sa dá tlačiť, prístupné súbory alebo ľudí, s ktorými môžete komunikovať.</p>

    <p>Tento balík obsahuje niekoľko malých nástrojov GTK+, ktoré slúžia na zisťovanie ssh a vnc serverov.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>Avahi is a fully LGPL framework for Multicast DNS Service Discovery. It allows programs to publish and discover services
    and hosts running on a local network with no specific configuration. For example you can plug into a network and instantly
    find printers to print to, files to look at and people to talk to.</p>

    <p>This package contains some small GTK+ utilities to discover ssh and vnc servers.</p>
  es: >-
    <p>Avahi es un entorno totalmente LGPL para el descubrimiento de servicios de DNS multicast. Permite a los programas publicar
    y descubrir servicios y servidores que se están ejecutando en una red local sin una configuración específica. Por ejemplo,
    puede conectarse a una red y encontrar instantáneamente impresoras en las que imprimir, archivos que mirar y gente con
    la que hablar.</p>

    <p>This package contains some small GTK+ utilities to discover ssh and vnc servers.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Avahi est un cadre applicatif sous licence LGPL pour le service de découverte Multicast DNS. Il permet aux programmes
    de publier et découvrir des services et des hôtes sur un réseau local, sans configuration spécifique. Il permet, par exemple,
    de se connecter à un réseau et de trouver immédiatement les imprimantes, fichiers et utilisateurs disponibles.</p>

    <p>Ce paquet fournit quelques petits utilitaires GTK+ pour la découverte de serveurs ssh et vnc.</p>
  gl: >-
    <p>Avahi é unha infraestrutura baixo a LGPL para a descuberta  de servizos de DNS de multidifusión. Permite que os programas
    publiquen e descubran servizos e servidores que se estean a executar nunha rede local sen ningunha configuración específica.
    É posíbel, por exemplo, conectarse a unha rede e atopar instantaneamente impresoras coas que imprimir, ficheiros que ver
    e persoas coas que falar.</p>

    <p>This package contains some small GTK+ utilities to discover ssh and vnc servers.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>Avahi is a fully LGPL framework for Multicast DNS Service Discovery. It allows programs to publish and discover services
    and hosts running on a local network with no specific configuration. For example you can plug into a network and instantly
    find printers to print to, files to look at and people to talk to.</p>

    <p>This package contains some small GTK+ utilities to discover ssh and vnc servers.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Avahi è un&apos;infrastruttura per il Multicast DNS Service Discovery completamente sotto licenza LGPL. Tale libreria
    permette ai programmi di mettere a disposizione e scoprire servizi e host in esecuzione sulla rete locale, senza la necessità
    di specifiche configurazioni. Per esempio è possibile collegarsi ad una rete e istantaneamente trovare le stampanti disponibili
    per la stampa, file condivisi e persone con cui parlare.</p>

    <p>Questo pacchetto contiene alcune piccole utilità GTK+ per scoprire i server ssh e vnc.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Avahi er et rammeværktøj fuldt under LGPL til at finde multicast DNS- tjenester. Det tillader programmer at publicere
    og finde tjenester og værter, som kører på et lokalt netværk uden specifik konfiguration. Som eksempel kan du tilslutte
    dig et netværk og øjeblikkeligt finde printere at udskrive til, filer til at kigge på og mennesker at tale med.</p>

    <p>Denne pakke indeholder nogle små GTK+-redskaber til at finde ssh- og vncservere.</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>Avahi is a fully LGPL framework for Multicast DNS Service Discovery. It allows programs to publish and discover services
    and hosts running on a local network with no specific configuration. For example you can plug into a network and instantly
    find printers to print to, files to look at and people to talk to.</p>

    <p>This package contains some small GTK+ utilities to discover ssh and vnc servers.</p>
- Network
  - name: avahi-ui-utils_network-wired.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: avahi-ui-utils_network-wired.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  stock: network-wired
  - bvnc.desktop
Type: desktop-application
ID: bssh.desktop
Package: avahi-ui-utils
  ja: Avahi SSH サーバの検索
  zh_CN: Avahi SSH 服务器的浏览器
  sk: Avahi - prieskumník SSH serverov
  sl: Avahi brskalnik strežnika SSH
  fo: Avahi SSH-tænastu kagi
  en_NZ: Avahi SSH Server Browser
  C: Avahi SSH Server Browser
  fr: Explorateur de serveur SSH Avahi
  sr: Прегледник Авахијевог сервера безбедне шкољке
  uk: Переглядач серверів SSH Avahi
  sv: Avahi SSH-serverbläddrare
  ca: Eina d'exploració de servidors de SSH de l'Avahi
  hu: Avahi SSH-kiszolgálóböngésző
  nl: Avahi SSH server browser
  zh_TW: Avahi SSH 伺服器瀏覽器
  pl: Przeglądarka serwerów SSH Avahi
  lv: Avahi SSH serveru pārlūks
  el: Avahi περιηγητής εξυπηρετητών SSH
  id: Peramban Server SSH Avahi
  ro: Navigator de servere SSH Avahi
  gl: Navegador de servidores SSH de Avahi
  es: Examinador de servidores SSH de Avahi
  et: Avahi SSH serverite brauser
  ru: Навигатор Avahi по серверам SSH
  tr: Avahi SSH Sunucu Tarayıcısı
  oc: Explorador de servidor SSH Avahi
  da: Avahibrowser for SSH-server
  it: Esploratore Avahi per server SSH
  bg: Преглед с Avahi на сървърите за SSH
  de: Avahi SSH-Server-Browser
  pt_BR: Navegador de servidores SSH do Avahi
  en_GB: Avahi SSH Server Browser
  sr@latin: Preglednik Avahijevog servera bezbedne školjke
  fi: Avahin SSH-palvelinselain
  ja: Zeroconf を有効にした SSH サーバを検索
  zh_CN: 浏览启用了 Zeroconf 的 SSH 服务器
  sk: Preskúma SSH servery s povolenou službou Zeroconf
  sl: Brskanje med omogočenimi strežniki Zeroconf SSH
  fo: Kaga eftir Zeroconf-virkjaðum SSH-ambætarum
  en_NZ: Browse for Zeroconf-enabled SSH Servers
  C: Browse for Zeroconf-enabled SSH Servers
  fr: Explorer les serveurs SSH avec Zeroconf activé
  sr: Потражите сервере безбедне шкољке са укљученим Зероконфом
  uk: Перегляд серверів SSH з увімкненим Zeroconf
  sv: Bläddra efter Zeroconf-aktiverade SSH-servrar
  ca: Exploreu si hi ha servidors de SSH amb Zeroconf habilitat
  hu: Zeroconf-képes SSH kiszolgálók keresése
  nl: Browse voor Zeroconf-enabled SSH servers
  zh_TW: 瀏覽啟用 Zeroconf 的 SSH 伺服器
  pl: Przeglądanie serwerów SSH z włączonym Zeroconf
  lv: Pārlūkot Zeroconf aktivētus SSH serverus
  el: Εξερεύνηση για εξυπηρετητές SSH με ενεργοποιημένο Zeroconf
  id: Meramban Server SSH Teraktifkan-Zeroconf
  ro: Navighează servere SSH având activat Zeroconf
  gl: Navegar por servidores SSH con Zeroconf activado
  es: Examinar servidores SSH con zeroconf activado
  et: Zeroconf toega SSH serverite sirvimine
  ru: Просмотр списка серверов SSH с включённой службой Zeroconf
  tr: Sıfır yapılandırma uyumlu SSH Sunucularını Tara
  oc: Explorar los servidors SSH amb Zeroconf activat
  da: Gennemse for Zeroconf-aktiverede SSH-servere
  it: Esplora i server SSH con Zeroconf abilitato
  bg: Преглед на сървърите за SSH с улеснение
  de: Durchsuchen nach Zeroconf-aktivierten SSH-Servern
  pt_BR: Procurar por Servidores SSH com o Zeroconf Habilitado
  en_GB: Browse for Zeroconf-enabled SSH Servers
  sr@latin: Potražite servere bezbedne školjke sa uključenim Zerokonfom
  fi: Selaa Zeroconf-varustettuja SSH-palvelimia
  de: >-
    <p>Avahi ist ein vollständiges, unter der LGPL stehendes, Rahmenwerk für die Multicast-DNS-Diensteerkennung. Es ermöglicht
    Programmen, Dienste und Rechner in einem lokalen Netzwerk bekanntzugeben bzw. zu entdecken, ohne dass eine besondere Konfiguration
    nötig wäre. Man kann sich zum Beispiel mit einem Netzwerk verbinden und augenblicklich Drucker, freigegebene Dateien und
    Menschen, mit denen man sich unterhalten kann, finden.</p>

    <p>This package contains some small GTK+ utilities to discover ssh and vnc servers.</p>
  zh_CN: >-
    <p>Avahi 是一个完全基于 LGPL 框架下的多播 DNS 服务搜寻工具。它能让程序发布或者 发现在本地网络中的服务或者主机,而无需特殊配置。例如,您可以连入一个网络,然后 立刻发现可用于打印的打印机,可查看的文件或者可聊天的朋友。</p>

    <p>This package contains some small GTK+ utilities to discover ssh and vnc servers.</p>
  pt_BR: >-
    <p>Avahi é uma infra-estrutura LGPL completa para Descoberta de serviços DNS Multicast. Permite que os programas publiquem
    e descubram os serviços e as máquinas que funcionam em uma rede local sem nenhuma configuração específica. Por exemplo,
    você pode se conectar em uma rede e instantaneamente encontrar impressoras para imprimir, arquivos para olhar e pessoas
    para conversar.</p>

    <p>This package contains some small GTK+ utilities to discover ssh and vnc servers.</p>
  sl: >-
    <p>Avahi je polno LGPL ogrodje za odkrivanje DNS storitev večsmernega oddajanja. Programom omogoča objavljanje in odkrivanje
    storitev in gostiteljev, ki tečejo na krajevnem omrežju brez določenih nastavitev. Lahko se na primer vklopite v omrežje
    in hipno najdete tiskalnike za tiskanje, datoteke za ogled in ljudi za pogovor.</p>

    <p>Ta paket vsebuje nekaj majhnih pripomočkov GTK+ za odkrivanje strežnikov ssh in vnc.</p>
  pt: >-
    <p>Avahi é uma estrutura &quot;Multicast DNS Service Discovery&quot; totalmente LGPL. Permite a programas publicarem e
    descobrirem serviços e máquinas a correr numa rede local sem nenhuma configuração específica. Por exemplo, você pode ligar-se
    a uma rede e instantaneamente encontrar impressoras para imprimir, ficheiros para ver e pessoas com quem falar.</p>

    <p>This package contains some small GTK+ utilities to discover ssh and vnc servers.</p>
  uk: >-
    <p>Avahi — це оболонка для виявлення сервісів за допомогою широкомовного DNS (Multicast DNS Service Discovery) ліцензована
    під LGPL. Вона дозволяє програмам оголошувати і виявляти сервіси та хости у локальній мережі, не маючи спеціальних налаштувань.
    Наприклад, Ви можете просто підключитися до мережі і миттєво знайти принтери для друку, потрібні файли та людей для спілкування.</p>

    <p>This package contains some small GTK+ utilities to discover ssh and vnc servers.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Avahi is a fully LGPL framework for Multicast DNS Service Discovery. It allows programs to publish and discover services
    and hosts running on a local network with no specific configuration. For example you can plug into a network and instantly
    find printers to print to, files to look at and people to talk to.</p>

    <p>This package contains some small GTK+ utilities to discover ssh and vnc servers.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Avahi is a fully LGPL framework for Multicast DNS Service Discovery. It allows programs to publish and discover services
    and hosts running on a local network with no specific configuration. For example you can plug into a network and instantly
    find printers to print to, files to look at and people to talk to.</p>

    <p>This package contains some small GTK+ utilities to discover ssh and vnc servers.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>Avahi — инфраструктура для обнаружения сервисов посредством многоадресной рассылки (Multicast DNS Service Discovery).
    Она позволяет программам предоставлять и обнаруживать сервисы и хосты в локальной сети, не требуя ввода никаких специальных
    настроек. Например, можно сразу после подключения к сети найти принтеры, файлы и людей для общения.</p>

    <p>Этот пакет содержит несколько небольших утилит с интерфейсом GTK+ для обнаружения серверов ssh и vnc.</p>
  tr: >-
    <p>Avahi is a fully LGPL framework for Multicast DNS Service Discovery. It allows programs to publish and discover services
    and hosts running on a local network with no specific configuration. For example you can plug into a network and instantly
    find printers to print to, files to look at and people to talk to.</p>

    <p>This package contains some small GTK+ utilities to discover ssh and vnc servers.</p>
  sk: >-
    <p>Avahi je LGPL platforma na Multicast DNS Service Discovery. Umožňuje programom publikovať a objavovať služby a počítače
    bežiace v lokálnej sieti bez špeciálnej konfigurácie. Napríklad sa môžete pripojiť k sieti a ihneď nájsť tlačiarne na
    ktorých sa dá tlačiť, prístupné súbory alebo ľudí, s ktorými môžete komunikovať.</p>

    <p>Tento balík obsahuje niekoľko malých nástrojov GTK+, ktoré slúžia na zisťovanie ssh a vnc serverov.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>Avahi is a fully LGPL framework for Multicast DNS Service Discovery. It allows programs to publish and discover services
    and hosts running on a local network with no specific configuration. For example you can plug into a network and instantly
    find printers to print to, files to look at and people to talk to.</p>

    <p>This package contains some small GTK+ utilities to discover ssh and vnc servers.</p>
  es: >-
    <p>Avahi es un entorno totalmente LGPL para el descubrimiento de servicios de DNS multicast. Permite a los programas publicar
    y descubrir servicios y servidores que se están ejecutando en una red local sin una configuración específica. Por ejemplo,
    puede conectarse a una red y encontrar instantáneamente impresoras en las que imprimir, archivos que mirar y gente con
    la que hablar.</p>

    <p>This package contains some small GTK+ utilities to discover ssh and vnc servers.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Avahi est un cadre applicatif sous licence LGPL pour le service de découverte Multicast DNS. Il permet aux programmes
    de publier et découvrir des services et des hôtes sur un réseau local, sans configuration spécifique. Il permet, par exemple,
    de se connecter à un réseau et de trouver immédiatement les imprimantes, fichiers et utilisateurs disponibles.</p>

    <p>Ce paquet fournit quelques petits utilitaires GTK+ pour la découverte de serveurs ssh et vnc.</p>
  gl: >-
    <p>Avahi é unha infraestrutura baixo a LGPL para a descuberta  de servizos de DNS de multidifusión. Permite que os programas
    publiquen e descubran servizos e servidores que se estean a executar nunha rede local sen ningunha configuración específica.
    É posíbel, por exemplo, conectarse a unha rede e atopar instantaneamente impresoras coas que imprimir, ficheiros que ver
    e persoas coas que falar.</p>

    <p>This package contains some small GTK+ utilities to discover ssh and vnc servers.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>Avahi is a fully LGPL framework for Multicast DNS Service Discovery. It allows programs to publish and discover services
    and hosts running on a local network with no specific configuration. For example you can plug into a network and instantly
    find printers to print to, files to look at and people to talk to.</p>

    <p>This package contains some small GTK+ utilities to discover ssh and vnc servers.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Avahi è un&apos;infrastruttura per il Multicast DNS Service Discovery completamente sotto licenza LGPL. Tale libreria
    permette ai programmi di mettere a disposizione e scoprire servizi e host in esecuzione sulla rete locale, senza la necessità
    di specifiche configurazioni. Per esempio è possibile collegarsi ad una rete e istantaneamente trovare le stampanti disponibili
    per la stampa, file condivisi e persone con cui parlare.</p>

    <p>Questo pacchetto contiene alcune piccole utilità GTK+ per scoprire i server ssh e vnc.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Avahi er et rammeværktøj fuldt under LGPL til at finde multicast DNS- tjenester. Det tillader programmer at publicere
    og finde tjenester og værter, som kører på et lokalt netværk uden specifik konfiguration. Som eksempel kan du tilslutte
    dig et netværk og øjeblikkeligt finde printere at udskrive til, filer til at kigge på og mennesker at tale med.</p>

    <p>Denne pakke indeholder nogle små GTK+-redskaber til at finde ssh- og vncservere.</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>Avahi is a fully LGPL framework for Multicast DNS Service Discovery. It allows programs to publish and discover services
    and hosts running on a local network with no specific configuration. For example you can plug into a network and instantly
    find printers to print to, files to look at and people to talk to.</p>

    <p>This package contains some small GTK+ utilities to discover ssh and vnc servers.</p>
- Network
  - name: avahi-ui-utils_network-wired.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: avahi-ui-utils_network-wired.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  stock: network-wired
  - bssh.desktop
Type: desktop-application
ID: scilab-adv-cli.desktop
Package: scilab
  ru: Scilab передовой CLI
  C: Scilab advanced CLI
  de: Scilab advanced CLI
  fr: Logiciel scientifique de calcul numérique
  C: Scientific software package for numerical computations
  ru: Научная программа для численных расчётов
  de: eine Wissenschaftssoftware für numerische Berechnungen
  C: >-
    <p>Scilab is a matrix-based scientific software package. Scilab contains hundreds of built-in mathematical functions,
    rich data structures (including polynomials, rationals, linear systems, lists, etc...) and comes with a number of specific
    toolboxes for control, signal processing, ...</p>

    <p>This package also provides Xcos, a graphical editor to design hybrid dynamical systems models. Models can be designed,
    loaded, saved, compiled and simulated. Stable and efficient solution for industrial and academics needs, Xcos provides
    functionalities for modeling of mechanical systems (automotive, aeronautics...), hydraulic circuits (dam, pipe modeling...),
    control systems, etc. Modelica capabilities are also provided.</p>

    <p>For a minimum version of scilab, install package &quot;scilab-cli&quot;.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Scilab is a matrix-based scientific software package. Scilab contains hundreds of built-in mathematical functions,
    rich data structures (including polynomials, rationals, linear systems, lists, etc...) and comes with a number of specific
    toolboxes for control, signal processing, ...</p>

    <p>This package also provides Xcos, a graphical editor to design hybrid dynamical systems models. Models can be designed,
    loaded, saved, compiled and simulated. Stable and efficient solution for industrial and academics needs, Xcos provides
    functionalities for modeling of mechanical systems (automotive, aeronautics...), hydraulic circuits (dam, pipe modeling...),
    control systems, etc. Modelica capabilities are also provided.</p>

    <p>For a minimum version of scilab, install package &quot;scilab-cli&quot;.</p>
- Science
- Math
  - Science
  - Math
  - Numerical
  - name: scilab_scilab.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: scilab_scilab.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: scilab
  - scilab-adv-cli.desktop
Type: desktop-application
ID: scilab.desktop
Package: scilab
  C: Scilab
  fr: Logiciel scientifique de calcul numérique
  C: Scientific software package for numerical computations
  ru: Научная программа для численных расчётов
  de: eine Wissenschaftssoftware für numerische Berechnungen
  C: >-
    <p>Scilab is a matrix-based scientific software package. Scilab contains hundreds of built-in mathematical functions,
    rich data structures (including polynomials, rationals, linear systems, lists, etc...) and comes with a number of specific
    toolboxes for control, signal processing, ...</p>

    <p>This package also provides Xcos, a graphical editor to design hybrid dynamical systems models. Models can be designed,
    loaded, saved, compiled and simulated. Stable and efficient solution for industrial and academics needs, Xcos provides
    functionalities for modeling of mechanical systems (automotive, aeronautics...), hydraulic circuits (dam, pipe modeling...),
    control systems, etc. Modelica capabilities are also provided.</p>

    <p>For a minimum version of scilab, install package &quot;scilab-cli&quot;.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Scilab is a matrix-based scientific software package. Scilab contains hundreds of built-in mathematical functions,
    rich data structures (including polynomials, rationals, linear systems, lists, etc...) and comes with a number of specific
    toolboxes for control, signal processing, ...</p>

    <p>This package also provides Xcos, a graphical editor to design hybrid dynamical systems models. Models can be designed,
    loaded, saved, compiled and simulated. Stable and efficient solution for industrial and academics needs, Xcos provides
    functionalities for modeling of mechanical systems (automotive, aeronautics...), hydraulic circuits (dam, pipe modeling...),
    control systems, etc. Modelica capabilities are also provided.</p>

    <p>For a minimum version of scilab, install package &quot;scilab-cli&quot;.</p>
- Science
- Math
  - Science
  - Math
  - Numerical
  - Simulation
  - name: scilab_scilab.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: scilab_scilab.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: scilab
  - scilab.desktop
  - application/x-scilab-sci
  - application/x-scilab-sce
  - application/x-scilab-tst
  - application/x-scilab-dem
  - application/x-scilab-sod
  - application/x-scilab-xcos
  - application/x-scilab-zcos
  - application/x-scilab-bin
  - application/x-scilab-cosf
  - application/x-scilab-cos
Type: desktop-application
ID: netbeans.desktop
Package: netbeans
  C: NetBeans
  C: Integrated Development Environment
  de: Integrierte Entwicklungsumgebung
  de: >-
    <p>Integrierte Entwicklungsumgebung (IDE) für Software-Entwickler. Sie unterstützt die Entwicklung von Arbeitsplatz-,
    Firmen- und Web-Anwendungen sowie von Anwendungen für mobile Geräte. Das Paket enthält die Basis-IDE, »Java Development
    Tools« und »Plug-in Development Tools«. Es ist möglich, die Unterstützung für PHP, Ruby, C/C++, Java EE und andere Programmiersprachen
    später hinzuzufügen.</p>
  sk: >-
    <p>Integrované vývojové prostredie pre vývojárov softvéru. Podporuje vývoj aplikácií pre pracovné prostredie, podnikovú
    sféru, web a mobilné zariadenia. Balík obsahuje Základ IDE, vývojové nástroje Javy a vývojové nástroje vo forme zásuvných
    modulov. Je možné pridať podporu PHP, Ruby, C/C+ +, Java EE a ďalších.</p>
  sl: >-
    <p>Enovito razvojno okolje za programske razvijalce. Podpira razvoj namiznih, podjetniških, spletnih in mobilnih programov.
    Ta paket vključuje osnovni IDE, razvojna orodja java in razvojna orodja vstavkov. Mogoče je dodati podporo za PHP, Ruby,
    C/C++, Java EE in druge.</p>
  ja: >-
    <p>ソフトウェア開発者向けの統合開発環境です。デスクトップ、エンタープライズ、 ウェブ、モバイルアプリケーションの開発をサポートしています。パッケージは基 本 IDE、Java 開発ツール、プラグイン開発ツールを同梱しています。PHP,
    Ruby, C/C++, Java EE などのサポートも追加できます。</p>
  uk: >-
    <p>Інтегроване середовище розробки (IDE) для розробників програмного забезпечення. Воно підтримує розробку стільничних,
    корпоративних, веб- та мобільних застосунків. Пакунок містить Основне IDE, Інструменти розробки на Java та засоби розробки
    втулків. Підтримується PHP, Ruby, Сі/Сі++, Java EE, а інші можуть бути додані.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Integrated Development Environment for software developers. It supports development of desktop, enterprise, web, and
    mobile applications. Package includes the Base IDE, Java Development Tools and Plug-in Development Tools. Support for
    PHP, Ruby, C/C++, Java EE and others can be added.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Integrated Development Environment for software developers. It supports development of desktop, enterprise, web, and
    mobile applications. Package includes the Base IDE, Java Development Tools and Plug-in Development Tools. Support for
    PHP, Ruby, C/C++, Java EE and others can be added.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>Integrated Development Environment for software developers. It supports development of desktop, enterprise, web, and
    mobile applications. Package includes the Base IDE, Java Development Tools and Plug-in Development Tools. Support for
    PHP, Ruby, C/C++, Java EE and others can be added.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>Integrated Development Environment for software developers. It supports development of desktop, enterprise, web, and
    mobile applications. Package includes the Base IDE, Java Development Tools and Plug-in Development Tools. Support for
    PHP, Ruby, C/C++, Java EE and others can be added.</p>
  es: >-
    <p>Integrated Development Environment for software developers. It supports development of desktop, enterprise, web, and
    mobile applications. Package includes the Base IDE, Java Development Tools and Plug-in Development Tools. Support for
    PHP, Ruby, C/C++, Java EE and others can be added.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Environnement de développement intégré (IDE) pour les développeurs de logiciels. Il permet le développement d’applications
    pour le bureau, l’entreprise, le web et les équipements mobiles. Le paquet inclut l’IDE de base, les outils de développement
    de Java et des greffons. La prise en charge de PHP, Ruby, C/C++, Java Entreprise Edition et autres peut être ajoutée.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>Integrated Development Environment for software developers. It supports development of desktop, enterprise, web, and
    mobile applications. Package includes the Base IDE, Java Development Tools and Plug-in Development Tools. Support for
    PHP, Ruby, C/C++, Java EE and others can be added.</p>
  hu: >-
    <p>Integrált fejlesztői környezet szoftverfejlesztőknek. Támogatja az asztali, a vállalati, a webes, és a mobil alkalmazások
    fejlesztését. A csomag tartalmazza az alap IDE-t, Java fejlesztő eszközöket és a bővítményfejlesztő eszközöket. A PHP,
    Ruby, C/C++, Java EE és egyéb nyelvek támogatásával is kiegészíthető.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>IDE (Integrated Development Environment, ambiente di sviluppo integrato) per sviluppatori software. Gestisce lo sviluppo
    di applicazioni per il desktop, professionali, per il web e per dispositivi mobili. Il pacchetto include l&apos;IDE di
    base, gli strumenti per sviluppo Java e gli strumenti per sviluppo di plugin. Può essere aggiunta la gestione di PHP,
    Ruby, C/C++, Java EE e altri.</p>
  nl: >-
    <p>Integrated Development Environment for software developers. It supports development of desktop, enterprise, web, and
    mobile applications. Package includes the Base IDE, Java Development Tools and Plug-in Development Tools. Support for
    PHP, Ruby, C/C++, Java EE and others can be added.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Integrated Development Environment for programudviklere. Pakken understøtter udvikling af skrivebords-, firma-, net-
    og mobile programmer. Pakken inkluderer Base IDE, Java Development Tools og Plug-in Development Tools. Understøttelse
    for PHP, Ruby, C/C++, Java EE og andre kan tilføjes.</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>Integrated Development Environment for software developers. It supports development of desktop, enterprise, web, and
    mobile applications. Package includes the Base IDE, Java Development Tools and Plug-in Development Tools. Support for
    PHP, Ruby, C/C++, Java EE and others can be added.</p>
- Development
- Java
  - development
  - Java
  - IDE
  - platform
  - javafx
  - javase
  - name: netbeans_netbeans.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: netbeans_netbeans.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - url: n/ne/netbeans.desktop/3B71AF6B1DC2F8189862B763D2D90B5B/icons/128x128/netbeans_netbeans.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - netbeans.desktop
Type: desktop-application
ID: pdfsam.desktop
Package: pdfsam
  C: PDFsam Basic
  C: A tool to split, merge, rotate and mix PDF files
  de: Ein Werkzeug zum Trennen, Zusammenführen, Rotieren und Mischen von PDF-Dokumenten
  de: >-
    <p>PDF Split and Merge ist ein sehr einfaches, leicht bedienbares, freies, quelloffenes Hilfsprogramm, um pdf-Dateien
    aufzuteilen und aneinander zu hängen. Seine einfache grafische Oberfläche ermöglicht es dem Benutzer, pdf-Dateien auszuwählen,
    aufzuteilen und aneinander zu hängen.</p>
  sk: >-
    <p>PDF Split and Merge je veľmi jednoduchý, ľahko použiteľný, slobodný, open source nástroj na rozdeľovanie a zlučovanie
    súborov PDF. Má jednoduché grafické rozhranie, kde používateľ môže vybrať PDF súbory a rozdeliť či zlúčiť ich.</p>
  sl: >-
    <p>PDF Split and Merge je zelo enostaven, enostaven, prost, odprtokoden pripomoček za razdelitev in združevanje datotek
    pdf. Ima enostaven grafični vmesnik v katerem lahko uporabniki izberejo, razdelijo ali združijo datoteke pdf.</p>
  pt: >-
    <p>PDF Split and Merge é um utilitário open source, livre, simples e fácil de usar para dividir e juntar ficheiros pdf.
    Tem uma interface gráfica simples para permitir-lhe escolher os ficheiros pdf, dividi-los ou juntá- los.</p>
  uk: >-
    <p>PDF Split and Merge — дуже простий, легкий у використанні, вільний, з відкритими сирцями інструмент для розділення
    та об’єднання файлів pdf. Простий графічний інтерфейс дозволяє користувачу обирати pdf-файли для їх розділення або об’єднання.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>PDF Split and Merge is a very simple, easy to use, free, open source utility to split and merge pdf files. It has a
    simple graphical interface to let the user choose pdf files, split or merge them.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>PDF Split and Merge is a very simple, easy to use, free, open source utility to split and merge pdf files. It has a
    simple graphical interface to let the user choose pdf files, split or merge them.</p>
  cs: >-
    <p>PDF Split and Merge se používá velmi snadno, navíc je svobodný a opensource. Program umí rozdělovat a spojovat soubory
    pdf. Má jednoduché grafické rozhraní, které uživateli umožní vybrat soubory pdf a rozdělit/spojit je.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>PDF Split and Merge -- очень простая, удобная в использовании, свободная утилита с открытым кодом для разделения и
    объединения pdf-файлов. Она имеет простой графический интерфейс, позволяющий пользователю выбирать pdf-файлы для обработки.</p>
  es: >-
    <p>PDF Split and Merge is a very simple, easy to use, free, open source utility to split and merge pdf files. It has a
    simple graphical interface to let the user choose pdf files, split or merge them.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>PDF Split and Merge est un utilitaire très simple, facile à utiliser, libre pour fractionner et fusionner des fichiers
    pdf. Il possède une interface graphique simple pour permettre à l&apos;utilisateur de choisir des fichiers pdf, les diviser
    ou les fusionner.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>«PDF Split and Merge» è un&apos;utilità estremamente semplice, facile da usare, libera e open source per suddividere
    e unire file pdf. Ha un&apos;interfaccia grafica semplice per permettere all&apos;utente di scegliere file pdf, per spezzarli
    o unirli.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>PDF Split and Merge er et meget simpelt, nemt at bruge, frit, open source- redskab til at opdele og sammenføje pdf-filer.
    Det har en simpel grafisk grænseflade så brugeren kan vælge pdf-filer, opdele eller sammenføje dem.</p>
- Office
  - PDF
  - split
  - merge
  - rotate
  - mix
  - name: pdfsam_pdfsam.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: pdfsam_pdfsam.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - pdfsam.desktop
  - application/pdf
Type: desktop-application
ID: itweb-settings.desktop
Package: icedtea-netx
  cs: Ovládací panel IcedTea Web
  C: IcedTea Web Control Panel
  pl: Panel sterowania IcedTea Web
  de: IcedTea Web Systemsteuerung
  cs: Konfigurace aplikace IcedTea Web (javaws a zásuvný modul)
  C: Configure IcedTea Web (javaws)
  pl: Konfiguruj IcedTea Web (javaws i wtyczkę)
  de: Konfiguriert IcedTea Web (javaws und Plug-in)
  de: >-
    <p>NetX ist ein vollwertiger Ersatz für javaws (Java Web Start). Da die NetX- Entwicklung ruht, hält IcedTea die Quelldateien
    im Archiv von IcedTea-Web vor und ändert sie auch dort.</p>

    <p>NetX von IcedTea unterstützt zur Zeit die Überprüfung von signierten jar- Dateien, das Speichern von vertrauenswürdigen
    Zertifikaten, das Überprüfen des System-Zertifikatsspeichers und bietet alle Dienste, die in der jnlp- API spezifiziert
  pt_BR: >-
    <p>NetX do IcedTea fornece uma alternativa de substituição do javaws (Java Web Start). Como o autor original está ausente
    do projeto, Icedtea está suportando e modificando os fontes do diretório IcedTea-Web.</p>

    <p>IcedTea atualmente suporta verificação de jars assinados, armazena certificados confiáveis, verifica certificados armazenados
    no sistema e fornece serviços especificados pela API jnlp.</p>
  sk: >-
    <p>NetX poskytuje okamžitú náhradu za javaws (Java Web Start). Keďže upstream projekt NetX nie je momentálne aktívny,
    IcedTea hostuje a modifikuje zdrojový kód v adresári IcedTea-Web.</p>

    <p>NetX od IcedTea momentálne podporuje overovanie podpísaných súborov jar, ukladanie dôveryhodných certifikátov, kontrolu
    systémového úložiska certifikátov a poskytuje služby, ktoré špecifikuje API jnlp.</p>
  uk: >-
    <p>NetX надає заміну для „javaws“ (Java Web Start). Оскільки авторська версія NetX не розвивається, IcedTea має хостинг
    та розвиває джерельні коди у теці IcedTea-Web.</p>

    <p>NetX IcedTea на даний час підтримує перевірку підписаних jar-файлів, зберігання підписаних сертифікатів, перевірку
    сховища системних сертифікатів, а також надає служби, зазначені в API JNLP.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>NetX provides a drop-in replacement for javaws (Java Web Start). Since upstream NetX is dormant, IcedTea is hosting
    and modifying the sources in the IcedTea-Web directory.</p>

    <p>IcedTea&apos;s NetX currently supports verification of signed jars, trusted certificate storing, system certificate
    store checking, and provides the services specified by the jnlp API.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>NetX provides a drop-in replacement for javaws (Java Web Start). Since upstream NetX is dormant, IcedTea is hosting
    and modifying the sources in the IcedTea-Web directory.</p>

    <p>IcedTea&apos;s NetX currently supports verification of signed jars, trusted certificate storing, system certificate
    store checking, and provides the services specified by the jnlp API.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>NetX provides a drop-in replacement for javaws (Java Web Start). Since upstream NetX is dormant, IcedTea is hosting
    and modifying the sources in the IcedTea-Web directory.</p>

    <p>IcedTea&apos;s NetX currently supports verification of signed jars, trusted certificate storing, system certificate
    store checking, and provides the services specified by the jnlp API.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>NetX provides a drop-in replacement for javaws (Java Web Start). Since upstream NetX is dormant, IcedTea is hosting
    and modifying the sources in the IcedTea-Web directory.</p>

    <p>IcedTea&apos;s NetX currently supports verification of signed jars, trusted certificate storing, system certificate
    store checking, and provides the services specified by the jnlp API.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>NetX fornisce un rimpiazzo perfetto per javaws (Java Web Start). Dato che il progetto NetX originale è dormiente, IcedTea
    fa da host e modifica i sorgenti nella directory IcedTea-Web.</p>

    <p>NetX di IcedTea attualmente gestisce la verifica di jar firmati, archiviazione di certificati fidati, verifica l&apos;archiviazione
    dei certificati di sistema e fornisce i servizi specificati nell&apos;API JNLP.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>NetX tilbyder en direkte erstatning for javaws (Java Web Start). Da NetX ikke vedligeholdes opstrøms, så er IcedTea
    vært for og ændrer kilderne i mappen IcedTea-Web.</p>

    <p>IcedTea&apos;s NetX understøtter aktuelt verificering af underskrevne jar&apos;er, troværdig certifikatlagring, lagerkontrol
    for systemcertifikat og tilbyder tjenesterne angivet af jnlp API&apos;en.</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>NetX provides a drop-in replacement for javaws (Java Web Start). Since upstream NetX is dormant, IcedTea is hosting
    and modifying the sources in the IcedTea-Web directory.</p>

    <p>IcedTea&apos;s NetX currently supports verification of signed jars, trusted certificate storing, system certificate
    store checking, and provides the services specified by the jnlp API.</p>
- Settings
  - IcedTea
  - IcedTea-Web
  - java
  - javaws
  - web
  - start
  - webstart
  - jnlp
  - name: icedtea-netx_javaws.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: icedtea-netx_javaws.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - itweb-settings.desktop