--- File: DEP-11 Version: '0.12' Origin: ubuntu-eoan-proposed-universe MediaBaseUrl: http://appstream.ubuntu.com/media/eoan-proposed Priority: 30 Time: 20190921T104107 --- Type: desktop-application ID: miral-shell.desktop Package: mir-demos Name: C: Miral Shell Summary: C: A Mir Shell Description: fr: >-
Mir est un serveur d'affichage fonctionnant sur les systèmes Linux, avec un accent mis sur l'efficacité, un fonctionnement robuste et un modèle de pilotes bien défini.
Contains demo applications that use the Mir display server
C: >-Mir is a display server running on linux systems, with a focus on efficiency, robust operation and a well-defined driver model.
Contains demo applications that use the Mir display server
en: >-Mir is a display server running on linux systems, with a focus on efficiency, robust operation and a well-defined driver model.
Contains demo applications that use the Mir display server
gl: >-Mir é un servidor de pantallas para executar en sistemas linux centrado na eficiencia, o funcionamento robusto e un modelo de controladores ben definido.
Contains demo applications that use the Mir display server
Categories: - Utility Keywords: C: - Mir - Server - Shell Icon: cached: - name: mir-demos_ubuntu-logo.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: mir-demos_ubuntu-logo.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: mir-demos_ubuntu-logo.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: m/mi/miral-shell.desktop/1B66F874CC5F7DDE7240EFFE0911152B/icons/128x128/mir-demos_ubuntu-logo.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - miral-shell.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: atril.desktop Package: atril Name: he: מציג המסמכים Atril ca@valencia: Visualitzador de documents Atril ja: Atril ドキュメントビューアー sk: Prehliadač dokumentov Atril sl: Pregledovalnik dokumentov Atril tr: Atril Belge Görüntüleyicisi C: Atril Document Viewer fr: Visionneur de documents Atril sr: Прегледач докумената Атрил uk: Переглядач документів Atril nb: Dokumentfremviseren Atril hr: Atril preglednik dokumenata ca: Visualitzador de documents Atril ne: आएट्रिल कागजात दृश्यक hu: Atril dokumentum-megjelenítő sv: Atril Dokumentvisare hy: Atril Փաստաթղթի Դիտող am: Atril ሰነድ መመልከቻ nl: Atril Documentweergave uz: Atril Hujjat Ko'ruvchisi zh_TW: Atril 文件檢視器 lt: Atril dokumentų žiūryklė ar: عارض الوثائق منضدة pl: Przeglądarka dokumentów Atril zh_CN: Atril 文档查看器 ia: Visualisator de Documentos Atril el: Εφαρμογή προβολής εγγράφων Atril ast: Visor de documentos Atril id: Atril Document Viewer cs: Prohlížeč dokumentů Atril es_AR: Visor de Documentos Atril gl: Visor de documentos Atril ie: Visor de documentes Atril es: Visor de documentos Atril et: Dokumendinäitaja Atril eu: Atril dokumentu ikustailea pt: Visualizador de Documentos Atril ru: Просмотрщик документов Atril th: โปรแกรมดูเอกสาร Atril kk: Atril құжаттарды көрсетушісі ro: Vizualizatorul de documente Atril be: Прагляднік дакументаў Atril da: Atril - dokumentfremviser it: Visualizzatore Documenti Atril bg: Atril преглед на документи kn: Atril ದಸ್ತಾವೇಜು ವೀಕ್ಷಕ de: Atril-Dokumentenbetrachter pt_BR: Visualizador de Documentos Atril cmn: Atril 文件檢視器 en_GB: Atril Document Viewer mr: Atril दस्तऐवज दर्शक ms: Pelihat Dokumen Atril en_AU: Atril Document Viewer sc: Atril - Bisore de Documentos fi: Atril-asiakirjakatselin bs: Atril Pregledač Dokumenata ko: 아트릴 문서 보기 Summary: lv: Skatīt lasāmus dokumentus pt: Visualizar documentos com várias páginas tr: Çok sayfalı belgeleri göster ast: Ver documentos multipáxina am: የበርካታ-ገጽ ሰነዶች መመልከቻ id: Melihat dokumen multihalaman ie: Vider documentes con mult págines pt_BR: Visualize documentos de múltiplas páginas el: Προβολή εγγράφων πολλαπλών σελίδων ca@valencia: Visualitzeu documents de múltiples pàgines ar: اعرض المُستندات متعددة الصفحات es: Vea documentos de varias páginas et: Mitmeleheküljeliste dokumentide vaatamine eu: Ikusi orrialde anitzeko dokumentuak mn: Олон хуудаст баримт бичиг үзэх it: Visualizza documenti multi-pagina mr: अनेक पानाचे दस्तऐवज बघा ms: Paparkan uk: Перегляд багатосторінкових документів sr@latin: Pregledajte višestranične dokumente be: Праглядаць шматстаронкавыя дакументы bg: Преглед на документи с много страници zh_CN: 查看多页文档 ja: 複数ページのドキュメントを表示します bn: বহুপৃষ্ঠা সম্বলিত নথি প্রদর্শন fi: Katsele monisivuisia asiakirjoja nb: Vis dokumenter med mange sider ne: बहु पृष्ठ कागजात हेर्नुहोस् fr: Afficher des documents multipages nl: Documenten met meerdere pagina's weergeven nn: Vis dokument med mange sider en_AU: View multi-page documents ca: Visualitzeu documents de diverses pàgines ro: Vizualizați documente cu mai multe pagini ru: Просмотр многостраничных документов zh_HK: 顯示多頁文件 cmn: 顯示多頁文件 gl: Ver documentos de varias páxinas cs: Zobrazovat dokumenty po více stránkách kk: Көппарақты құжаттарды қарау sc: Pòmpia documentos multipàgina kn: ಬಹು-ಪುಟದ ದಸ್ತಾವೇಜನ್ನು ವೀಕ್ಷಿಸು ko: 다중 페이지 문서를 봅니다 gu: ઘણા-પાનાનાં દસ્તાવેજો જુઓ sk: Zobraziť viac-stranové dokumenty sl: Poglejte večstranske dokumente C: View multi-page documents da: Vis dokumenter med flere sider ky: Көп барактуу иш кагаздарды көрүү sr: Прегледајте вишестраничне документе de: Mehrseitige Dokumente anzeigen zh_TW: 顯示多頁文件 sv: Visa dokument med flera sidor he: הצגת מסמכים מרובי עמודים pa: ਮਲਟੀ-ਪੇਜ਼ ਡੌਕੂਮੈਂਟ ਵੇਖੋ en_GB: View multi-page documents ta: பல பக்க ஆவணங்களை பார்வையிடு hr: Pogledaj višestranične dokumente hu: Többoldalas dokumentumok megjelenítése pl: Wyświetlanie wielostronicowych dokumentów th: ดูเอกสารแบบหลายหน้า hy: Դիտել բազմաէջ փաստաթղթեր lt: Peržiūrėti kelių puslapių dokumentams Description: C: >-Atril is a simple multi-page document viewer. It can display and print PostScript (PS), Encapsulated PostScript (EPS), DJVU, DVI and Portable Document Format (PDF) files.
When supported by the document, it also allows searching for text, copying text to the clipboard, hypertext navigation, and table-of-contents bookmarks.
en: >-Atril is a simple multi-page document viewer. It can display and print PostScript (PS), Encapsulated PostScript (EPS), DJVU, DVI and Portable Document Format (PDF) files.
When supported by the document, it also allows searching for text, copying text to the clipboard, hypertext navigation, and table-of-contents bookmarks.
Categories: - Office - Viewer Keywords: C: - MATE - document - viewer - pdf - dvi - ps - xps - tiff - pixbuf - djvu - comics Icon: cached: - name: atril_atril.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: atril_atril.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: atril_atril.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: atril remote: - url: a/at/atril.desktop/39EA7484965DF6665C4F7B9BE6639264/icons/128x128/atril_atril.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - atril.desktop Provides: mimetypes: - application/pdf - application/x-bzpdf - application/x-gzpdf - application/x-xzpdf - application/postscript - application/x-bzpostscript - application/x-gzpostscript - image/x-eps - image/x-bzeps - image/x-gzeps - application/x-dvi - application/x-bzdvi - application/x-gzdvi - image/vnd.djvu - image/vnd.djvu+multipage - image/tiff - application/x-cbr - application/x-cbz - application/x-cb7 - application/x-cbt - application/vnd.comicbook+zip - application/vnd-comicbook.rar - image/* - application/oxps - application/vnd.ms-xpsdocument - application/epub+zip --- Type: desktop-application ID: openjdk-8-policytool.desktop Package: openjdk-8-jre Name: fr: OpenJDK Java 8 - Outil de réglage C: OpenJDK Java 8 Policy Tool fi: OpenJDK Java 8 - käytäntötyökalu Summary: fr: OpenJDK Java 8 - Outil de réglage C: OpenJDK Java 8 Policy Tool fi: OpenJDK Java 8 - käytäntötyökalu Description: C: >-Full Java runtime environment - needed for executing Java GUI and Webstart programs, using Hotspot Zero.
The packages are built using the IcedTea build support and patches from the IcedTea project.
en: >-Full Java runtime environment - needed for executing Java GUI and Webstart programs, using Hotspot Zero.
The packages are built using the IcedTea build support and patches from the IcedTea project.
Categories: - Settings Keywords: C: - java - security - policytool Icon: cached: - name: openjdk-8-jre_openjdk-8.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: openjdk-8-jre_openjdk-8.png width: 48 height: 48 Launchable: desktop-id: - openjdk-8-policytool.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: ase-gui.desktop Package: ase Name: C: ASE GUI en_US: ASE GUI Summary: C: Atomic Simulation Environment GUI en_US: Atomic Simulation Environment GUI Description: fr: >-ASE is an Atomic Simulation Environment written in the Python programming language with the aim of setting up, stearing, and analyzing atomic simulations. ASE is part of CAMPOS, the CAMP Open Source project.
ASE contient des interfaces Python à plusieurs codes de structures électroniques différents, dont Abinit, Asap, Dacapo, Elk, GPAW et SIESTA.
This package provides the executable scripts.
da: >-ASE er Atomic Simulation Environment skrevet i programmeringssproget Python, med sigte på at opsætte, styre og analysere atomistiske simuleringer. ASE er en del af CAMPOS, projektet CAMP Open Source.
ASE indeholder Python-grænseflader til flere forskellige elektroniske strukturkoder, inklusive Abinit, Asap, Dacapo, Elk, GPAW og SIESTA.
This package provides the executable scripts.
C: >-ASE is an Atomic Simulation Environment written in the Python programming language with the aim of setting up, stearing, and analyzing atomic simulations. ASE is part of CAMPOS, the CAMP Open Source project.
ASE contains Python interfaces to several different electronic structure codes including Abinit, Asap, Dacapo, Elk, GPAW and SIESTA.
This package provides the executable scripts.
it: >-ASE è un Atomic Simulation Environment scritto nel linguaggio di programmazione Python con lo scopo di impostare, pilotare e analizzare simulazioni atomiche. ASE fa parte di CAMPOS, il progetto CAMP Open Source.
ASE contiene interfacce Python per svariati codici di strutture elettroniche differenti, inclusi Abinit, Asap, Dacapo, Elk, GPAW e SIESTA.
This package provides the executable scripts.
en: >-ASE is an Atomic Simulation Environment written in the Python programming language with the aim of setting up, stearing, and analyzing atomic simulations. ASE is part of CAMPOS, the CAMP Open Source project.
ASE contains Python interfaces to several different electronic structure codes including Abinit, Asap, Dacapo, Elk, GPAW and SIESTA.
This package provides the executable scripts.
Categories: - Science - Chemistry - Physics - Education Keywords: C: - Atom - Molecule - Cluster - Surface - Nanotube - Bulk - Crystal Icon: cached: - name: ase_ase.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: ase_ase.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - ase-gui.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: caja-file-management-properties.desktop Package: caja Name: tk: Faýl Müdirlemegi lv: Failu pārvalde xh: Ukuphathwa Kweefayili af: Lêerbestuur pt: Gestão de Ficheiros tr: Dosya Yönetimi te: దస్ర్తాలు నిర్వహణ ast: Alministración de Ficheros ku_IQ: بەڕێوەبردنی پەڕگە am: የ ፋይል አስተዳዳሪ ie: Gerentie de files pt_BR: Gerenciamento de arquivos el: Διαχείριση αρχείων ca@valencia: Gestió de fitxers ar: إدارة الملفات as: নথিপত্ৰ ব্যবস্থাপনা eo: Administrado de dosieroj mg: Fandrindrana rakitra ig: Nlekọta faịlụ es: Gestión de archivos et: Failihaldus az: Fayl İdarəsi eu: Fitxategi-kudeaketa ml: രചനാ നടത്തിപ്പ് id: Manajemen Berkas it: Gestione file is: Skráarstjórnun mr: फाइल व्यवस्थापन ms: Pengurusan Fail mai: फाइल प्रबंधन mk: Подредување на датотеки uk: Керування файлами be: Кіраванне файламі fa: مدیریت پروندهها bg: Управление на файлове sr@latin: Upravljanje datotekama es_AR: Gestión de Archivos ur: فائل ادارت ja: ファイル管理 yo: Àbójútó Fáìlì zh_CN: 文件管理 bn: ফাইল ব্যবস্থাপনা fi: Tiedostonhallinta mn: Файлуудыг зохицуулах br: Merañ ar restroù bs: Upravljanje datotekama nb: Filhåndtering ne: फाइल ब्यवस्थापन zh_TW: 檔案管理 fr: Gestion des fichiers uz: Fayl boshqaruvi fur: Gjestion dai files nl: Bestandsbeheer nn: Filhandsaming en_AU: File Management ca: Gestió de fitxers nso: Taolo ya Faele ro: Administrare fișiere vi: Quản lý tập tin ga: Bainistíocht Comhad ru: Управление файлами gd: Stiùireadh fhaidhlichean zu: Ukuphathwa kuhele ka: ფაილების მართვა zh_HK: 檔案管理 cmn: 檔案管理 bn_IN: ফাইল ব্যবস্থাপনা gl: Xestión de ficheiros cs: Správa souborů kk: Файлдарды басқару kn: ಕಡತ ವ್ಯವಸ್ಥಾಪನೆ cy: Rheoli ffeiliau gu: ફાઈલ વ્યવસ્થાપક wa: Manaedjmint des fitchîs ko: 파일 관리 si: ගොනු කළමණාකරනය C: File Management ku: Rêvebirina Pelan nds: Dateioppassen da: Filhåndtering ky: Файлдарды башкаруу or: ଫାଇଲ ପରିଚାଳନା sk: Správa súborov de: Dateiverwaltung es_CO: Gestión de archivos ha: Hukumar Sarrafa Fayil sr: Управљање датотекама sl: Upravljanje datotek he: ניהול קבצים ug: ھۈججەت باشقۇرۇش en_CA: File Management oc: Gestion de fichièrs hi: फ़ाइल प्रबंधन crh: Dosye İdaresi pa: ਫਾਇਲ ਪਰਬੰਧ en_GB: File Management li: Besjtandjwirtsjaf ta: கோப்பு மேலாண்மை hr: Upravljanje datotekama sv: Filhantering sq: Administrimi i file dz: ཡིག་སྣོད་འཛིན་སྐྱོང་། hu: Fájlkezelés pl: Zarządzanie plikami th: การจัดการแฟ้ม hy: Ֆայլերի կառավարում lt: Failų tvarkymas Summary: lv: Izmainīt failu pārvaldnieka logu izskatu un izturēšanos pt: Alterar o comportamento e aparência das janelas do gestor de ficheiros tr: Dosya yönetici pencerelerinin işleyişini ve görünümünü değiştirin ast: Camuda'l comportamientu y aspeutu de les ventanes del xestor de ficheros am: የ ፋይል አስተዳዳሪ መስኮት ባህሪ እና አቀራረብ መቀየሪ id: Mengubah perilaku dan tampilan jendela manajer berkas ie: Controlar li conduida e aspecte de fenestres del gerente de files pt_BR: Altere o comportamento e aparência das janelas do gerenciador de arquivos el: Αλλαγή της εμφάνισης και της συμπεριφοράς των παραθύρων του διαχειριστή αρχείων ca@valencia: Canvieu l'aparença i el comportament de les finestres del gestor de fitxers ar: غيّر سلوك ومظهر نافذة مدير الملفات as: সৰ্বমোট নথিপত্ৰ eo: Ŝanĝi la konduton kaj aperon de dosieradministrilaj fenestroj es: Cambie el comportamiento y apariencia de las ventanas del gestor de archivos et: Failihalduri akende käitumise ja välimuse muutmine mk: Смени го однесувањето и изгледот на прозорците на менаџерот за датотеки ml: ഫയല് മാനേജര് ജാലകങ്ങളുടെ കാഴ്ചയും പെരുമാറ്റവും മാറ്റുക eu: Fitxategi-kudeatzaileen leihoen portaera eta itxura aldatu it: Cambia il comportamento e l'aspetto delle finestre del file manager mai: फाइल मैनेजर विंडो क' आचरण आ प्रकटन बदलू mr: फाइल व्यवस्थापक चौकटींचे वागणुक व दृश्य बदलवा ms: Ubah kelakuan dan penampilan tetingkap pengurus fail is: Breyta hegðan og útliti skráastjóraglugga uk: Змінити зовнішній вигляд та поведінку вікон керівника файлами be: Змяніць паводзіны і выгляд вокнаў кіраўніка файлаў fa: تغییر رفتار و ظاهر پنجرههای نرمافزار مدیریت فایل bg: Промяна на поведението и изгледа на прозорците на файловия мениджър sr@latin: Izmeni ponašanje i izgled prozora upravljača datoteka ug: ھۆججەت باشقۇرغۇچ كۆزنەكنىڭ ھەرىكەت ۋە كۆرۈنۈشىنى ئۆزگەرت ur: فائل منیجر کے دریچوں کا سلوک اور شکل وصورت تبدیل کریں ja: ファイルマネージャの動きとウィンドウの外観を変更します zh_CN: 更改文件管理器窗口的行为和外观 bn: ফাইল পরিচালনব্যবস্থার উইন্ডোর আচরণ ও চেহারা পরিবর্তন করুন fi: Muuta tiedostonhallinnan ikkunoiden toimintaa ja ulkoasua nb: Endre oppførsel og utseende for filhåndterervinduer br: Kemmañ emzalc'h ha neuz presnestroù an ardoer restroù uz: Qoʻyish buyrugʻini tanlasangiz, "%s"'dan nusxa olinadi ne: फाइल प्रबन्धक सञ्झ्यालहरूको ब्यबहार र देखावट परिवर्तन गर्नुहोस् fr: Changer le comportement et l'apparence des fenêtres du gestionnaire de fichiers nl: Wijzig het gedrag en uiterlijk van de bestandsbeheervensters fur: Cambie l'aspiet e il compuartament dai barcons dal gjestôr dai files nn: Endra oppførsel og utsjåande for filhandterervindauge en_AU: Change the behaviour and appearance of file manager windows ca: Canvieu l'aparença i el comportament de les finestres del gestor de fitxers ro: Modifică comportamentul și aspectul ferestrelor administratorului de fișiere vi: Thay đổi hành vi và diện mạo của cửa sổ trình quản lý tập tin ga: Athraigh oibriú agus cuma fuinneoga bhainisteoir comhad ru: Изменить внешний вид и поведение окон файлового менеджера gd: Atharraich giùlan is coltas nan uinneagan aig a’ mhanaidsear fhaidhlichean ka: ფაილ მენჯერის ფანჯრის ქცევის და გაფორმების შეცვლა zh_HK: 改變檔案管理員視窗的行為與外觀 cmn: 改變檔案管理員視窗的行為與外觀 bn_IN: ফাইল পরিচালনব্যবস্থার উইন্ডোর আচরণ ও চেহারা পরিবর্তন করুন nds: Änner de Maneren un dat Utsehn vun Datei-Uppasser-Fensters cs: Změnit chování a vzhled oken správce souborů gl: Cambiar o comportamente e aparencia das xanelas do xestor de ficheiros oc: Modifica lo compòrtament kn: ಕಡತ ವ್ಯವಸ್ಥಾಪಕ ವಿಂಡೋದ ವರ್ತನೆ ಹಾಗು ಗೋಚರಿಕೆಯನ್ನು ಬದಲಾಯಿಸು ko: 파일 관리자 창의 특성과 모양새를 바꿉니다 gu: ફાઈલ વ્યવસ્થાપક વિન્ડોની વર્તણૂક અને દેખાવ બદલો C: Change the behaviour and appearance of file manager windows sk: Zmeniť správanie a vzhľad okien správcu súborov or: ଫାଇଲ ପରିଚାଳକ ୱିଣ୍ଡୋର ଆଚରଣ ଏବଂ ଦୃଶ୍ୟକୁ ପରିବର୍ତ୍ତନ କରନ୍ତୁ da: Ændr opførslen og udseendet af filhåndteringsvinduer sl: Spremeni obnašanje in videz oken urejevalnika datotek. sq: Ndryshon sjelljen dhe paraqitjen e dritareve të administruesit të file de: Legt das Verhalten und das Aussehen des Dateiverwalters fest es_CO: Cambie el comportamiento y apariencia de las ventanas del administrador de archivos zh_TW: 改變檔案管理員視窗的行為與外觀 sr: Измените понашање и изглед прозора управника датотека sv: Ändra beteendet och utseendet för filhanterarens fönster he: שינוי ההתנהגות והמראה של חלונות מנהל הקבצים en_CA: Change the behaviour and appearance of file manager windows hi: फाइल मैनेजर विंडो का आचरण व प्रकटन बदलें crh: Dosya yönetici pencerelerinin işleyişini ve görünümünü değiştirin pa: ਫਾਇਲ ਮੈਨੇਜਰ ਵਿੰਡੋ ਦਾ ਰਵੱਈਆ ਅਤੇ ਦਿੱਖ ਬਦਲੋ en_GB: Change the behaviour and appearance of file manager windows ta: கோப்பு மேலாளர் சாளரங்களின் நடத்தை மற்றும் காட்சியை மாற்றுக. hr: Promijeni ponašanje i izgled prozora upravitelja datoteka te: దస్త్ర నిర్వాహకి విండోల ప్రవర్తనను మరియు కనిపించువిదానాన్ని మార్చుము dz: ཡིག་སྣོད་འཛིན་སྐྱོང་པའི་སྒོ་སྒྲིག་ཚུ་གི་ སྤྱོད་ལམ་དང་འབྱུང་སྣང་འདི་བསྒྱུར་བཅོས་འབད་ hu: A fájlkezelő ablakok viselkedésének és megjelenésének módosítása pl: Zmiana zachowania i wyglądu okien menedżera plików th: เปลี่ยนพฤติกรรมและรูปโฉมของหน้าต่างโปรแกรมจัดการแฟ้ม hy: Փոխել ֆայլի ղեկավարման սարքի պատուհանների վարքը և տեսքը lt: Keisti failų tvarkytuvės langų išvaizdą ir veikimą Description: C: >-Caja is the official file manager for the MATE desktop. It allows one to browse directories, preview files and launch applications associated with them. It is also responsible for handling the icons on the MATE desktop. It works on local and remote filesystems.
en: >-Caja is the official file manager for the MATE desktop. It allows one to browse directories, preview files and launch applications associated with them. It is also responsible for handling the icons on the MATE desktop. It works on local and remote filesystems.
Categories: - Settings Keywords: C: - file - manager - change - properties - behaviour - appearance - windows - MATE Icon: cached: - name: caja_system-file-manager.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: caja_system-file-manager.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: caja_system-file-manager.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: system-file-manager remote: - url: c/ca/caja-file-management-properties.desktop/DA4A55BAC0C9B3C810879DEE42DB244F/icons/128x128/caja_system-file-manager.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - caja-file-management-properties.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: caja-browser.desktop Package: caja Name: tk: Caja lv: Caja xh: i-Caja af: Caja ps: ناوټېلس pt: Caja tr: Caja te: నాటిలస్ ast: Caja ku_IQ: کاخا am: ካጃ ie: Caja pt_BR: Caja el: Caja ca@valencia: Caja ar: كاجا as: Caja eo: Naŭtilo mg: Caja ig: Caja es: Caja et: Caja az: Caja eu: Caja ml: നോട്ടിലസ് id: Caja it: Caja is: Caja mr: नॉटीलस mi: Paua mai: नाटिलस mk: Caja ms: Caja be: Caja fa: ناتیلوس bg: Файлов мениджър (Caja) sr@latin: Caja es_AR: Caja ur: Caja ja: Caja yo: Caja uk: Caja bn: Caja fi: Caja zh_CN: Caja mn: Наутилус br: Caja bs: Caja nb: Caja ne: नटलस zh_TW: Caja fr: Caja uz: Caja fur: Caja nl: Caja nn: Caja fy: Caja en_AU: Caja ca: Caja nso: Caja ro: Caja vi: Caja ga: Caja ru: Caja gd: Caja zu: Caja ka: ნაუტილუსი zh_HK: Caja cmn: Caja bn_IN: Caja gl: Caja cs: Caja kk: Caja km: Caja kn: Caja cy: Caja gu: નોટિલસ wa: Caja. ko: 카하 si: Caja C: Caja ku: Caja nds: Caja da: Caja ky: Caja or: ନଟିଲସ sk: Caja de: Caja es_CO: Caja ha: Caja sr: Цаја sl: Caja he: Caja ug: Caja en_CA: Caja oc: Caja hi: नॉटिलस crh: Caja pa: ਨਟੀਲਸ en_GB: Caja li: Caja ta: Caja hr: Caja sv: Caja sq: Caja dz: ནའུ་ཊི་ལཱསི། hu: Caja pl: Caja th: Caja hy: Նաուտիլիուս lt: Caja Summary: lv: Pārlūkot failu sistēmu ar failu pārvaldnieku zh_TW: 使用檔案總管瀏覽檔案系統 af: Blaai met die lêerbestuurder deur die lêerstelsel pt: Navegar no sistema de ficheiros com o gestor de ficheiros tr: Dosya yöneticisi ile dosya sistemine gözat ast: Restola pel sistema de ficheros col alministrador de ficheros am: መቃኛ የ ፋይል ስርአት በ ፋይል አስተዳዳሪ id: Menelusuri isi sistem berkas dengan manajer berkas ie: Navigar li sistema de files per li gerente de files pt_BR: Navegue no sistema de arquivos com o gerenciador de arquivos el: Περιήγηση στο σύστημα αρχείων με το διαχειριστή αρχείων ca@valencia: Navegueu pel sistema de fitxers amb el gestor de fitxers ar: تصفح نظام الملفات بمدير الملفات as: নথিপত্ৰ ব্যবস্থাপকেৰ সাহায্যে নথিপত্ৰ-সিস্টেম ব্ৰাউজ কৰক eo: Foliumi dosiersistemon per dosiera mastrumilo mg: Zahavo amin'ny alalan'ny mpandrindra rakitra ny rafitry ny rakitra es: Navegue por el sistema de archivos con el gestor de archivos et: Failisüsteemi sirvimine failihalduriga mk: Разгледајте го датотечниот систем со менаџерот за датотеки ml: ഫയല് മാനേജര് ഉപയോഗിച്ചു് ഫയല് സിസ്റ്റം പരതുക eu: Arakatu fitxategi-sistema fitxategi-kudeatzailearekin it: Esplora il file system con il file manager mai: फाइल प्रबंधक क' सँग फ़ाइलसिस्टम ब्राउज़ करू mr: फाइल व्यवस्थापकाच्या मदतीने फाइल प्रणाली संचार करा ms: Layar sistem fail dengan pengurus fail is: Vafra um skráarkerfið með skráarstjóranum uk: Перегляд файлової системи керівником файлами be: Аглядаць файлавую сістэму кіраўніком файлаў fa: مرور سیستم پروندهها با مدیر پروندهها bg: Разглеждане на файловата система с файловия мениджър sr@latin: Razgledajte sistem datoteka pomoću upravljača datotekama es_AR: Navegue en su sistema con el visor de archivos ur: فائل نظام فائل منیجر سے دیکھیں ja: ファイルマネージャを使ってファイルシステムを閲覧します zh_CN: 用文件管理器浏览文件系统 bn: ফাইল ব্যবস্থাপকের সাহায্যে ফাইল-সিস্টেম ব্রাউজ করুন fi: Selaa tiedostojärjestelmää tiedostonhallinnasta nb: Bla gjennom filsystemet med filhåndtereren br: Furchal er reizhiad restroù gant an ardoer restroù uz: Fayl tizimini fayl boshqaruvchisi bilan koʻrish ne: फाइल प्रबन्धकसँग फाइल प्रणाली ब्राउज गर्नुहोस् fr: Parcourir le système de fichiers avec le gestionnaire de fichiers fur: Sgarfe tal sisteme di files cul gjestôr di files nl: Bestandssysteem doorbladeren met het bestandsbeheer nn: Bla gjennom filsystemet med filhandsamaren en_AU: Browse the file system with the file manager ca: Navegueu pel sistema de fitxers amb el gestor de fitxers ro: Navigați prin sistemul de fișiere folosind administratorul de fișiere vi: Duyệt hệ thống tập tin với trình quản lý tập tin ga: Brabhsáil an córas comhad leis an mbainisteoir comhad ru: Просмотр файловой системы в менеджере файлов gd: Brabhsaich an siostam-fhaidhlichean leis a’ mhanaidsear fhaidhlichean ka: ფაილ სისტემის ფაილ მენეჯერით დათვალიერება zh_HK: 使用檔案總管瀏覽檔案系統 cmn: 使用檔案總管瀏覽檔案系統 bn_IN: ফাইল ব্যবস্থাপকের সাহায্যে ফাইল-সিস্টেম ব্রাউজ করুন gl: Navegar no sistema de ficheiros co xestor de ficheiros cs: Procházet systém souborů správcem souborů kk: Файлдық жүйені файлдар басқарушысымен шолу kn: ಕಡತ ವ್ಯವಸ್ಥಾಪಕದೊಂದಿಗೆ ಕಡತ ವ್ಯವಸ್ಥೆಯನ್ನು ಶೋಧಿಸು ko: 파일 관리자로 파일 시스템을 찾아봅니다 gu: ફાઈલ વ્યવસ્થાપક સાથે ફાઈલ સિસ્ટમમાં બ્રાઉઝ કરો nds: Dat Datei-Systeem mit de Datei-Uppasser dörsöken si: ගොනු ගවේශකය සමඟින් ගොනු පද්ධතිය ගවේශනය කරන්න ku: Bi rêveberê pelan re çav li pergala pelan bigerîne C: Browse the file system with the file manager oc: Explorar lo sistèma de fichièrs amb lo gestionari de fichièrs da: Naviger filsystemet med filhåndteringen ky: Файл менеджери менен файл системасын көрүү or: ଫାଇଲ ପରିଚଳକଙ୍କ ଦ୍ୱାରା ଫାଇଲତନ୍ତ୍ରକୁ ବ୍ରାଉଜ କରନ୍ତୁ sk: Prehliadať súborový systém správcom súborov de: Das Dateisystem mit Hilfe der Dateiverwaltung anzeigen es_CO: Navegue por el sistema de archivos con el administrador de archivos sq: Shfleton file e sistemit me administruesin e file sr: Разгледајте систем датотека помоћу управника датотека sl: Prebrskaj datotečni sistem z upravljalnikom datotek he: דפדוף במערכת הקבצים עם מנהל הקבצים ug: ھۆججەت باشقۇرغۇچتا ھۆججەت سىستېمىسىغا كۆز يۈگۈرت en_CA: Browse the file system with the file manager hi: फ़ाइल प्रबंधक के साथ फ़ाइलसिस्टम ब्राउज़ करें crh: Dosya yöneticisi ile dosya sistemine gözat pa: ਫਾਇਲ ਮੈਨੇਜਰ ਵਿੱਚ ਫਾਇਲ ਸਿਸਟਮ ਦੀ ਝਲਕ en_GB: Browse the file system with the file manager sv: Bläddra i filsystemet med filhanteraren ta: கோப்பு அமைப்பை கோப்பு மேலாளரை பயன்படுத்தி பார் hr: Pregledaj datotečni sustav upraviteljem datoteka te: దస్త్ర నిర్వాహకి తో దస్త్ర సిస్టమ్ ను అన్వేషించు dz: ཡིག་སྣོད་རིམ་ལུགས་དེ་ལུ་ ཡིག་སྣོད་འཛིན་སྐྱོང་པ་གིས་ བརྡ་འཚོལ་འབད། hu: A fájlrendszer böngészése a fájlkezelővel pl: Przeglądanie systemu plików za pomocą menedżera plików th: ท่องดูระบบแฟ้มด้วยโปรแกรมจัดการแฟ้ม hy: Ֆայլերի համակարգում բրաուզ կատարել ֆայլերի մենեջերի միջոցով։ lt: Naršyti failų sistemą per failų tvarkytuvę Description: C: >-Caja is the official file manager for the MATE desktop. It allows one to browse directories, preview files and launch applications associated with them. It is also responsible for handling the icons on the MATE desktop. It works on local and remote filesystems.
en: >-Caja is the official file manager for the MATE desktop. It allows one to browse directories, preview files and launch applications associated with them. It is also responsible for handling the icons on the MATE desktop. It works on local and remote filesystems.
Categories: - System - Utility - Core Keywords: C: - files - browser - manager - MATE Icon: cached: - name: caja_system-file-manager.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: caja_system-file-manager.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: caja_system-file-manager.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: system-file-manager remote: - url: c/ca/caja-browser.desktop/241587073D70DBDCA3B27C22080E8972/icons/128x128/caja_system-file-manager.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - caja-browser.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: kylin-video.desktop Package: kylin-video Name: C: Kylin Video zh_CN: 麒麟影音 Summary: C: A great MPlayer front-end zh_CN: 麒麟影音 Description: C: >-Qt5 Mplayer and MPV front-end, with basic features like playing videos and audios to more advanced features. It supports both x86 and ARM platform, and supports most of the audio and video formats.
en: >-Qt5 Mplayer and MPV front-end, with basic features like playing videos and audios to more advanced features. It supports both x86 and ARM platform, and supports most of the audio and video formats.
Categories: - AudioVideo - Player - Video Keywords: C: - movie - player - media - kde - qt Icon: cached: - name: kylin-video_kylin-video.png width: 64 height: 64 Launchable: desktop-id: - kylin-video.desktop Provides: mimetypes: - audio/ac3 - audio/mp4 - audio/mpeg - audio/vnd.rn-realaudio - audio/vorbis - audio/x-adpcm - audio/x-matroska - audio/x-mp2 - audio/x-mp3 - audio/x-ms-wma - audio/x-vorbis - audio/x-wav - audio/mpegurl - audio/x-mpegurl - audio/x-pn-realaudio - audio/x-scpls - audio/aac - audio/flac - audio/ogg - video/avi - video/mp4 - video/flv - video/mpeg - video/quicktime - video/vnd.rn-realvideo - video/x-matroska - video/x-ms-asf - video/x-msvideo - video/x-ms-wmv - video/x-ogm - video/x-theora - video/webm --- Type: desktop-application ID: display-im6.q16hdri.desktop Package: imagemagick-6.q16hdri Name: C: ImageMagick (color depth=q16hdri) Summary: fr: Affiche et édite des fichiers images C: Display and edit image files pt: Exiba e edite arquivos de imagem Description: C: >-ImageMagick is a software suite to create, edit, and compose bitmap images. It can read, convert and write images in a variety of formats (over 100) including DPX, EXR, GIF, JPEG, JPEG-2000, PDF, PhotoCD, PNG, Postscript, SVG, and TIFF. Use ImageMagick to translate, flip, mirror, rotate, scale, shear and transform images, adjust image colors, apply various special effects, or draw text, lines, polygons, ellipses and Bézier curves. All manipulations can be achieved through shell commands as well as through an X11 graphical interface (display).
For working with the SVG, WMF, OpenEXR, DjVu and Graphviz formats, you need to install the libmagickcore-6.q16hdri-6-extra package.
This version of imagemagick is compiled for a channel depth of 16 bits with high dynamic range (Q16HDRI).
en: >-ImageMagick is a software suite to create, edit, and compose bitmap images. It can read, convert and write images in a variety of formats (over 100) including DPX, EXR, GIF, JPEG, JPEG-2000, PDF, PhotoCD, PNG, Postscript, SVG, and TIFF. Use ImageMagick to translate, flip, mirror, rotate, scale, shear and transform images, adjust image colors, apply various special effects, or draw text, lines, polygons, ellipses and Bézier curves. All manipulations can be achieved through shell commands as well as through an X11 graphical interface (display).
For working with the SVG, WMF, OpenEXR, DjVu and Graphviz formats, you need to install the libmagickcore-6.q16hdri-6-extra package.
This version of imagemagick is compiled for a channel depth of 16 bits with high dynamic range (Q16HDRI).
Categories: - Graphics Keywords: fr: - Image - Diaporama - Visualiser - Transformer - Améliorer - Effets spéciaux C: - Image - Slideshow - View - Transform - Enhance - F/X - Special Effects Icon: cached: - name: imagemagick-6.q16hdri_display-im6.q16hdri.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: imagemagick-6.q16hdri_display-im6.q16hdri.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: imagemagick-6.q16hdri_display-im6.q16hdri.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: d/di/display-im6.q16hdri.desktop/26FC33C97A41BE9A83CF8FFD2AF76EF2/icons/128x128/imagemagick-6.q16hdri_display-im6.q16hdri.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - display-im6.q16hdri.desktop Provides: mimetypes: - image/avs - image/bie - image/x-ms-bmp - image/cmyk - image/dcx - image/eps - image/fax - image/fits - image/gif - image/gray - image/jpeg - image/pjpeg - image/miff - image/mono - image/mtv - image/x-portable-bitmap - image/pcd - image/pcx - image/pdf - image/x-portable-graymap - image/pict - image/png - image/x-portable-anymap - image/x-portable-pixmap - image/ps - image/rad - image/x-rgb - image/rgba - image/rla - image/rle - image/sgi - image/sun-raster - image/targa - image/tiff - image/uyvy - image/vid - image/viff - image/x-xbitmap - image/x-xpixmap - image/x-xwindowdump - image/x-icon - image/yuv --- Type: desktop-application ID: topcat.desktop Package: topcat Name: C: TOPCAT Summary: C: Tool for OPerations on Catalogues And Tables Description: C: >-TOPCAT is an interactive graphical viewer and editor for tabular data. Its aim is to provide most of the facilities that astronomers need for analysis and manipulation of source catalogues and other tables, though it can be used for non-astronomical data as well. It understands a number of different astronomically important formats (including FITS and VOTable) and more formats can be added.
This package contains the executable.
en: >-TOPCAT is an interactive graphical viewer and editor for tabular data. Its aim is to provide most of the facilities that astronomers need for analysis and manipulation of source catalogues and other tables, though it can be used for non-astronomical data as well. It understands a number of different astronomically important formats (including FITS and VOTable) and more formats can be added.
This package contains the executable.
Categories: - Science - Astronomy - DataVisualization - Java - Education - Viewer Keywords: C: - FITS - Astronomy - Viewer - VO - VOTable - SAMP Icon: cached: - name: topcat_topcat.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: topcat_topcat.png width: 128 height: 128 Provides: mimetypes: - application/x-votable+xml - application/fits - image/fits --- Type: desktop-application ID: gnuradio-grc.desktop Package: gnuradio Name: C: GNU Radio Companion Summary: C: Graphical tool for creating signal flow graphs and generating flow-graph source code with the GNU Radio framework Description: C: >-GNU Radio provides signal processing blocks to implement software radios. It can be used with readily-available low-cost external RF hardware to create software-defined radios, or without hardware in a simulation-like environment. It is widely used in hobbyist, academic and commercial environments to support both wireless communications research and real-world radio systems.
GNU Radio applications are primarily written using the Python programming language, while the supplied performance-critical signal processing path is implemented in C++ using processor floating-point extensions, where available. Thus, the developer is able to implement real-time, high-throughput radio systems in a simple-to-use, rapid-application-development environment.
While not primarily a simulation tool, GNU Radio does support development of signal processing algorithms using pre-recorded or generated data, avoiding the need for actual RF hardware.
This package contains the gnuradio-companion, a graphical tool for creating signal flow graphs and generating flow-graph source code. Also included are a variety of tools and utility programs.
en: >-GNU Radio provides signal processing blocks to implement software radios. It can be used with readily-available low-cost external RF hardware to create software-defined radios, or without hardware in a simulation-like environment. It is widely used in hobbyist, academic and commercial environments to support both wireless communications research and real-world radio systems.
GNU Radio applications are primarily written using the Python programming language, while the supplied performance-critical signal processing path is implemented in C++ using processor floating-point extensions, where available. Thus, the developer is able to implement real-time, high-throughput radio systems in a simple-to-use, rapid-application-development environment.
While not primarily a simulation tool, GNU Radio does support development of signal processing algorithms using pre-recorded or generated data, avoiding the need for actual RF hardware.
This package contains the gnuradio-companion, a graphical tool for creating signal flow graphs and generating flow-graph source code. Also included are a variety of tools and utility programs.
Categories: - Development - HamRadio - Science Keywords: C: - SDR - Radio - HAM - RF Icon: cached: - name: gnuradio_gnuradio-grc.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: gnuradio_gnuradio-grc.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: gnuradio_gnuradio-grc.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: g/gn/gnuradio-grc.desktop/E5E1085F7D6405958CE43D3B3DFB0BB1/icons/128x128/gnuradio_gnuradio-grc.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - gnuradio-grc.desktop Provides: mimetypes: - application/gnuradio-grc --- Type: desktop-application ID: display-im6.q16.desktop Package: imagemagick-6.q16 Name: C: ImageMagick (color depth=q16) Summary: fr: Affiche et édite des fichiers images C: Display and edit image files pt: Exiba e edite arquivos de imagem Description: C: >-ImageMagick is a software suite to create, edit, and compose bitmap images. It can read, convert and write images in a variety of formats (over 100) including DPX, EXR, GIF, JPEG, JPEG-2000, PDF, PhotoCD, PNG, Postscript, SVG, and TIFF. Use ImageMagick to translate, flip, mirror, rotate, scale, shear and transform images, adjust image colors, apply various special effects, or draw text, lines, polygons, ellipses and Bézier curves. All manipulations can be achieved through shell commands as well as through an X11 graphical interface (display).
For working with the SVG, WMF, OpenEXR, DjVu and Graphviz formats, you need to install the libmagickcore-6.q16-6-extra package.
This version of imagemagick is compiled for a channel depth of 16 bits (Q16).
en: >-ImageMagick is a software suite to create, edit, and compose bitmap images. It can read, convert and write images in a variety of formats (over 100) including DPX, EXR, GIF, JPEG, JPEG-2000, PDF, PhotoCD, PNG, Postscript, SVG, and TIFF. Use ImageMagick to translate, flip, mirror, rotate, scale, shear and transform images, adjust image colors, apply various special effects, or draw text, lines, polygons, ellipses and Bézier curves. All manipulations can be achieved through shell commands as well as through an X11 graphical interface (display).
For working with the SVG, WMF, OpenEXR, DjVu and Graphviz formats, you need to install the libmagickcore-6.q16-6-extra package.
This version of imagemagick is compiled for a channel depth of 16 bits (Q16).
Categories: - Graphics Keywords: fr: - Image - Diaporama - Visualiser - Transformer - Améliorer - Effets spéciaux C: - Image - Slideshow - View - Transform - Enhance - F/X - Special Effects Icon: cached: - name: imagemagick-6.q16_display-im6.q16.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: imagemagick-6.q16_display-im6.q16.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: imagemagick-6.q16_display-im6.q16.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: d/di/display-im6.q16.desktop/300C874776BCF6EB883CC1BA01286DC6/icons/128x128/imagemagick-6.q16_display-im6.q16.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - display-im6.q16.desktop Provides: mimetypes: - image/avs - image/bie - image/x-ms-bmp - image/cmyk - image/dcx - image/eps - image/fax - image/fits - image/gif - image/gray - image/jpeg - image/pjpeg - image/miff - image/mono - image/mtv - image/x-portable-bitmap - image/pcd - image/pcx - image/pdf - image/x-portable-graymap - image/pict - image/png - image/x-portable-anymap - image/x-portable-pixmap - image/ps - image/rad - image/x-rgb - image/rgba - image/rla - image/rle - image/sgi - image/sun-raster - image/targa - image/tiff - image/uyvy - image/vid - image/viff - image/x-xbitmap - image/x-xpixmap - image/x-xwindowdump - image/x-icon - image/yuv --- Type: desktop-application ID: metview.desktop Package: metview Name: C: Metview Summary: C: Process and visualise meteorological data Description: C: >-Metview has been designed as a flexible, modular and extendible system able to accommodate the evolving needs of the user. The system is based on the ECMWF standards for graphics (Magics) and data access (MARS) but can also access locally stored data. The user interface is based on Motif and Qt. Metview is a fully distributed system where modules can run on different workstations and servers.
Metview is a cooperative project between ECMWF and INPE/CPTEC, Brazil. ECMWF has also been assisted by a staff member of Météo-France.
en: >-Metview has been designed as a flexible, modular and extendible system able to accommodate the evolving needs of the user. The system is based on the ECMWF standards for graphics (Magics) and data access (MARS) but can also access locally stored data. The user interface is based on Motif and Qt. Metview is a fully distributed system where modules can run on different workstations and servers.
Metview is a cooperative project between ECMWF and INPE/CPTEC, Brazil. ECMWF has also been assisted by a staff member of Météo-France.
Categories: - Education - Science - DataVisualization - Geoscience Icon: cached: - name: metview_metview.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: metview_metview.png width: 128 height: 128 --- Type: generic ID: com.nuand.bladerf Package: libbladerf2 Name: C: bladerf Summary: C: Nuand bladeRF radio interface Description: C: >-The nuand bladeRF is an open-source software-defined radio (SDR) system, comprised of an RF transceiver, a field-programmable gate array (FPGA), a microcontroller driving a USB 3.0 interface, and a suite of host libraries and drivers to facilitate interaction with the device.
Provides: modaliases: - usb:v1D50p6066d* - usb:v2CF0p5246d* - usb:v2CF0p5250d* - usb:v04B4p00F3d* --- Type: desktop-application ID: naev.desktop Package: naev Name: C: Naev Summary: C: 2D action/rpg space trading combat game Description: C: >-Naev is a 2D space trading and combat game, taking inspiration from the Escape Velocity series, among others.
You pilot a space ship from a top-down perspective, and are more or less free to do what you want. As the genre name implies, you’re able to trade and engage in combat at will. Beyond that, there’s an ever-growing number of storyline missions, equipment, and ships; Even the galaxy itself grows larger with each release. For the literarily-inclined, there are large amounts of lore accompanying everything from planets to equipment.
ProjectLicense: GPL-3.0 (some media is also under other DFSG-compatible licenses) Categories: - Game - AdventureGame Keywords: C: - 2D - action - rpg - space - trading - combat - game de: - 2D - Action - Rollenspiel - Weltraum - Handel - Kampf - Spiel Url: homepage: http://naev.org bugtracker: https://github.com/naev/naev/issues Icon: cached: - name: naev_naev.png width: 64 height: 64 Launchable: desktop-id: - naev.desktop