openqa-worker-4.6-40.20200101git68ae00a.fc31$>FA  d'=ѡ>H7?7|d / A )/6!`     T  h  :    @ (8494:4=/>/?/@0G0H0`I0X0Y0\1 ]1\^2 b3d4e5f5 l5 t5$u5tv5w6(x6xy6 6677%7(70767xCopenqa-worker4.640.20200101git68ae00a.fc31The openQA workerThe openQA worker manages the os-autoinst test engine. A system with openqa-worker installed can run an arbitrary number of openQA workers (as many as its hardware can support), each of which will run a single openQA test job at a time, as long as appropriate jobs for the worker are available from the server it is configured to work for.^!Fedora ProjectFedora ProjectGPLv2+Fedora ProjectUnspecified group _openqa-worker >/dev/null || groupadd -r _openqa-worker || : getent passwd _openqa-worker >/dev/null || \ useradd -r -g _openqa-worker -G qemu -d /dev/null -s /sbin/nologin \ -c "openQA worker" _openqa-worker || : [ -x /usr/bin/systemd-tmpfiles ] && /usr/bin/systemd-tmpfiles --create /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/openqa.conf || : if [ $1 -eq 1 ] && [ -x /usr/bin/systemctl ] ; then # Initial installation /usr/bin/systemctl --no-reload preset openqa-slirpvde.service openqa-vde_switch.service openqa-worker-cacheservice.service openqa-worker-cacheservice-minion.service || : fi if [ $1 -eq 0 ] && [ -x /usr/bin/systemctl ] ; then # Package removal, not upgrade /usr/bin/systemctl --no-reload disable --now openqa-slirpvde.service openqa-vde_switch.service openqa-worker-cacheservice.service openqa-worker-cacheservice-minion.service || : fi if [ $1 -ge 1 ] && [ -x /usr/bin/systemctl ] ; then # Package upgrade, not uninstall /usr/bin/systemctl try-restart openqa-slirpvde.service openqa-vde_switch.service openqa-worker-cacheservice.service openqa-worker-cacheservice-minion.service || : fidQEhN k@A큤AAAAA^v^v^y^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^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@_openqa-workerrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootroot_openqa-workerroot_openqa-workerrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootopenqa-4.6-40.20200101git68ae00a.fc31.src.rpmconfig(openqa-worker)openqa-worker @@ @@@@@@    /bin/sh/bin/sh/bin/sh/bin/sh/usr/bin/bash/usr/bin/perlconfig(openqa-worker)coreutilsopenqa-clientopenqa-commonoptipngos-autoinstos-autoinstperl(FindBin)perl(Getopt::Long)perl(Minion::Backend::SQLite)perl(Mojo::Base)perl(Mojo::IOLoop::ReadWriteProcess)perl(Mojo::SQLite)perl(SQL::SplitStatement)perl(lib)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsZstd)systemdsystemdsystemd4.6-40.20200101git68ae00a.fc314.6-40.20200101git68ae00a.fc314.650.193.0.4-14.6.0-14.0-15.4.18-14.15.1^!@^ @]]|@]d@]@]]@][]R@]M`@]L]L]L]L]B@]B@]B@]B@]B@]B@]A]@1@]:@]9]9]-@\ \\@\}@\Z@\T4\ - 4.6-40.20200101git68ae00aAdam Williamson - 4.6-39.20200101git68ae00aAdam Williamson - 4.6-38.20191121git8fcf81fAdam Williamson - 4.6-37.20191121git8fcf81fAdam Williamson - 4.6-36.20191105git09e70daAdam Williamson - 4.6-35.20191031git127fcf3Adam Williamson - 4.6-34.20191031git127fcf3Adam Williamson - 4.6-33.20190806git1c53390Adam Williamson - 4.6-32.20190806git1c53390Adam Williamson - 4.6-31.20190806git1c53390Adam Williamson - 4.6-30.20190806git1c53390Adam Williamson - 4.6-29.20190806git1c53390Adam Williamson - 4.6-28.20190806git1c53390Adam Williamson - 4.6-27.20190806git1c53390Adam Williamson - 4.6-26.20190806git1c53390Adam Williamson - 4.6-25.20190806git1c53390Adam Williamson - 4.6-24.20190806git1c53390Adam Williamson - 4.6-23.20190726git92e8f3cAdam Williamson - 4.6-22.20190726git92e8f3cAdam Williamson - 4.6-21.20190726git92e8f3cAdam Williamson - 4.6-18.20190716git5bfa647.fc30.2Adam Williamson - 4.6-18.20190716git5bfa647.fc30.1Adam Williamson - 4.6-20.20190726git92e8f3cAdam Williamson - 4.6-19.20190726git92e8f3cAdam Williamson - 4.6-18.20190716git5bfa647Fedora Release Engineering - 4.6-17.20190716git5bfa647Adam Williamson - 4.6-16.20190716git5bfa647Adam Williamson - 4.6-15.20190603git8a35385Adam Williamson - 4.6-14.20190522gitab91f31Adam Williamson - 4.6-13.20190312gitb3e49dcAdam Williamson - 4.6-12.20190205git2b90641Adam Williamson - 4.6-11.20190205git2b90641Fedora Release Engineering - 4.6-10.20190114git5672fc3Adam Williamson - 4.6-9.20190114git5672fc3Adam Williamson - 4.6-8.20190108git798c6f1Adam Williamson - 4.6-7.20190108git798c6f1Adam Williamson - 4.6-6.20181218git66c0b50Adam Williamson - 4.6-5.20181121gitb543647Adam Williamson - 4.6-4.20181121gitb543647Adam Williamson - 4.6-3.20181113git3a06172Adam Williamson - 4.6-2.20181113git3a06172Adam Williamson - 4.6-1.20181113git3a06172Adam Williamson - 4.5-13.20180207git3977d2fAdam Williamson - 4.5-12.20180207git3977d2fAdam Williamson - 4.5-11.20180207git3977d2fAdam Williamson - 4.5-10.20180207git3977d2fAdam Williamson - 4.5-9.20180207git3977d2fAdam Williamson - 4.5-8.20180207git3977d2fFedora Release Engineering - 4.5-7.20180207git3977d2fAdam Williamson - 4.5-6.20180207git3977d2fAdam Williamson - 4.5-5.20180207git3977d2fFedora Release Engineering - 4.5-4.20171220gitbe13358- Backport #2636 to fix an asset download bug that breaks tests- Bump to latest git again - Resync with upstream spec - Update FedoraMessaging plugin for changes to constants- Drop a couple of unsatisfiable deps from the -devel package- Update to latest git again- Update to latest upstream git - Drop merged patches- Backport PR #2456 to fix a needle URL issue affecting needle diff- Update to latest upstream git - Resync spec with upstream - Drop fedmsg plugin (only carry fedora-messaging now)- FedoraMessaging: include NVRs in update messages, change id- Backport a patch to fix some annoying log warnings- FedoraMessaging: fix fedora_messaging_schema header value- Fix test invocation again- FedoraMessaging: only include (sub)variant if it's defined- Fix FedoraMessaging 'system' value to be an array of hashes- Tweak FedoraMessaging update message 'release' data- Tweak FedoraMessaging to publish 'image' in compose messages- Backport PR #2244 to fix some problems in load_templates- Bump to latest git again, drop all patches (all merged)- Prepend the topic_prefix to ci-messages messages also- Some fixes for the FedoraMessaging plugin- Allow AMQP messages with no prefix (backport PR #2236)- Backport PR #2232 (faster and safer markdown rendering) - Allow comments by users again (safe with PR #2232)- Only allow operators and admins to post comments (security issue)- Add plugin for publishing fedora-messaging messages - Backport PR #2232 (faster and safer markdown rendering)- Bump to latest git again - Re-sync spec with upstream (including new python script subpackage) - Drop merged patches- Backport PR #2213 (fixes vulnerability to maliciously-formed API requests) - Backport PR #2217 (allow passing headers to publish_amqp)- Rebuilt for Update to latest git again, re-sync spec with upstream - Enable AMQP plugin now the dependencies are packaged - Backport some PRs to fix some test failures- Update to latest git again - Fix update auto restart plugin for upstream changes- Update to latest git again - Drop merged patch- Update to latest git again - Revise the parallel cancel patch to match current PR state - Drop merged patches- Backport fixes for various issues: + Parent and other child jobs being cancelled when a single child fails + Issue with download_asset task retry causing jobs to start prematurely + Retried minion tasks failing due to argument passing error- Bump to latest git again - Drop merged patch - Backport PR #1989 to avoid a minion parallel task issue - Try dropping the 'restart on job died' patch to see current effects- Rebuilt for Bump to latest git again with various bug fixes - Drop merged patch- Fix update restarter plugin for an upstream change- Bump to latest git again, remove merged patch- Bump to latest git again, remove backported patches - Backport PR #1935 to fix another test failure due to IPC mocking- Backport PR #1901 to use Python 3 fedmsg-logger in fedmsg plugin- Bump to latest git again, now deps are available - Update a couple of PR patches to latest versions - Backport another PR to fix a test bug- Backport PR to fix UEFI var file handling with caching disabled- Backport a couple more useful changes - Buildrequire glibc-langpack-en: see Update to latest upstream git (Before PR#1783, we do not have the deps for that yet) - Port changes from SUSE spec (new deps, UTF-8 makeinstall...) - Make asset cache script more similar to SUSE's - Backport a few PRs to fix test issues- Adapt tests to logging changes in Mojolicious 8 (still works with 7)- Restart workers on failure- fedmsg plugin package requires daemonize- Update fedmsg 'standard' patch to fix a few issues- Emit individual openQA-internal job_create messages when posting an ISO - Emit fedmsgs in new 'standard' format (as well as old format): Backport a patch to handle a git error message case issue- Rebuilt for Don't auto-restart failed FreeIPA update tests They take forever and don't behave correctly on restart anyhow- Bump to latest git again - Fix tests to run with postgres- Rebuilt for 4.6-40.20200101git68ae00a.fc314.6-40.20200101git68ae00a.fc31 client.confworkers.iniopenqasystemsystemd-openqa-generatoropenqa-slirpvde.serviceopenqa-vde_switch.serviceopenqa-worker-cacheservice-minion.serviceopenqa-worker-cacheservice.serviceopenqa-worker-no-cleanup@.serviceopenqa-worker.targetopenqa-worker@.serviceopenqa.confopenqascriptopenqa-workercacheworkercachepool1/etc/openqa//run//usr/lib/systemd//usr/lib/systemd/system-generators//usr/lib/systemd/system//usr/lib/tmpfiles.d//usr/share//usr/share/openqa//usr/share/openqa/script//var/lib/openqa//var/lib/openqa/pool/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m32 -march=i686 -mtune=generic -msse2 -mfpmath=sse -mstackrealign -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protectiondrpmzstd19noarch-redhat-linux-gnuASCII textdirectoryBourne-Again shell script, ASCII text executablePerl script text executableRR RRR RRRRRچ(!KLK|W2 R>|8 6إe@H#P_ٗH2g !8"Fn(ṱ&A7$ZB"EQYW iK(+pPαt0r6eGCDgeYAo@8H ??#oIMvLTAZ@. 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